36 2001 AUDIO BEST BUY BLUE DRAGON PAVING CANADIAN TIRE FABRICLAND FIRSI CHOICE SUPERMARKET FOOD BASICS FOOOLAND MT ALBER‘! FDODYMARY FRESHCO FUTURE SHOP GIANY TIGER GRAND FORTUNE HOME DEPOT HYDRO ONE IDA LASTMAN'S 8A0 BOY LISTEN UP CANADA LDBLAWS LORNA VANDERHAEGHE LDWES MM MEAT SHOP MARK'S WORK WEARHDUSE ME TRO MICHAEL S NATIONAL SPORTS NEW OCEAN sunnmm WiLZiih'scnooL N0 FRILLS ZENRS ORIENTAL rooo MARI No on. him mm: In I. do! Toltndmnmamhowiommrnm marketanagamoummatmm yournyevd‘ttmsuMcustmrs, anustoday'SdoaoonmsoNy SUH‘é'li'ibune visit save.ca PET VALU PHARMASAVE REAL CANADIAN SUPERSTORE REITMAN'S RE XALL RONA SEARS SHOPPERS DRUG MART SMART SOURCE SOBE VS SPORT CHER STAPLES SUMMERS AND SMITH SUNFOOD SUPERMARKE T SUNNY FOODMART SURE LDC TT SUPERMARKET TARGET THE BAY THE BRICK THE PRINTING SPOT TIGER DIRECT TOOAYZ BRANDING TOYS R US TSC STORES UNITED FURNITURE VANAIK FURNITURE WALMART WILLIAM SCHOOL ZEHRS Karen (Iockbum took to the trampoline for her ï¬rst World Cup meet in over two years and ï¬nished eighth in Louie. Portugal Saturday. Tan In hunt for molds duvet mm The 33-yéar-old Stoilï¬ville resident and three-time Olympic qugnist recorded a score of I 1.265 poims. ()ockbum qualiï¬ed for the ï¬nal after ï¬nishing sev- enth in prelflminarips. held Friday. U Dan of China won the event with a scoré of 55.610 pOims. Samantha Tan drove to a ï¬fth-place ï¬nish in the Touring Class division at the mceni 2014 Canadian Touring (lax Championship at the Canadian Tire Motor- spon mad course near Bowmanville. SPORTS Cockburn 8th in return During the preliminaries. (kickbum scored 98.190 points for her compulsory and optional routines. The 17â€"year-old Gomtley resident ï¬nished ninth in the overall series standings and had the top placement by a rookie for the 14~race season. With the season riow bver. Tan has an opportunity to win the rookie of the year. which will be handed out at a sea§onfending banquet later this year. Tan is contémplaiing entry inté the Pirelli World Cup Challenge in a near wheel dn've car of similar power to the Mini Oogper she drove this season. ‘ ' Highlighting her season was a founhâ€"place eï¬on at lCARrMirrabel in eafly My. The Pirelii Wodd Cup Challenge is comprised of 14 races over seven weekends. held at six tracks in the United States and one in Canada from April to mid September. I'U‘OI“! 1!! litigant u!-£-£,li5¢ll¢tl§£ 0". 33375:... ti? 5'; 1:5! It]. Iat‘ltzuvl'Oats-tllnnl -(ziil'lll‘! .0 ..5 .SE ’z‘, I... III-3“!!- !‘izi. gt} 9.1..‘lrol'il‘liiqi r..: 5.5% 3; .856 E 9.5.. a x: ~Michael Hawkaun M Pay 511 Towards )(H $1000 )llI Play The Rest No Start Up hw STA“ PHOTO/MIKE BARRETY LA ()rtho Kids Dental forward Emma Smith challenges Re/Max‘s leneya Stanford during the Whitchurch~ Stoufl‘ville Soccer Club‘» Tom Morton Cup Day for under-ll house league boys and girls at Bethesda Park. The match ended in a 1-1 draw. ON THE BALL