Amber Crump of Stouflvifle qualiï¬ed during last weekend’s Hoedown Showdown at the Aurora Ribfest for tomorrow’s ï¬nals at the annual Wild Wild West Hoedown at the Magna Corral in Aurora. The 10 ï¬nalists will compete for $1 ,000. a Yamaha guitar, Metalworks Studio recording session and a performance spot. STBUMMING ALONG STAFF mom/sum KOCKERSCHEIDT The Vutcan Meat Club hosts a fundrauser my Speaal Olymptcs and may New from 3 to 11 pm. Memonal Park. Stomle CommOn . Admussion by donauon. Must be 19 mus o! n at the Aurora RIM?“ for age to attend. Go to meauosLstoufMNecom \urora. The 10 ï¬nalists will nan sum or 10: :rformance spot. The StoufMIle Spim hosts the Aumra hams m its home opener m the Ontano )umov Hockey OFFER E XPIRE 5 11/28/30 '. 4 wow mm us "M onlv mm the Mouse 0! mame {emu pvomu ls 'w to: new: Lenno- deam: mclude undemflontly mm and Mom: huwm mm mum-hon on the hoohcalm proco“ and is! M ouamvmc‘mml m1 RECEIVE $ UP TO A I R; UP TO 5650 IN HEATING AND COOLING INCENTIVES; plus up w a $100 iHarmony‘ add-on' wuth the purchase 0! a qualufymg Lennox' svstem PERFECTA GET THE PERFECT DEAL ON 3 “hulyunugtothhmmnalh July wists. MW an M M0306 0H am new The 3rd annual Wand MM Fasttval mns trom 5 to 9:30 pm. baMan Markat Suaat and Pant Drive in downtown Stouflvtlla. Inna staaas with mmictans and dancers. WHEELS Stouflville Motomst 2014 ts on Rom 9:30 am to 4 pm on them grounds. 5619 Mam St More than 1.000 vomcios expected Fme admassmn‘ Fundraiser fov Teen Challengaflo to motodestu The Sun-Tnbune's Community Links Panel's Bug 5-0 kICKS off the ï¬nal pusn x0 election day with a launch event at Memonal Park noon to 4 pm. Meet your candsdates tor mayor. councu and DUDIIC school board. Learn about the Iuesday night debates In your wands The new Stouflvile BMX Irack at Bruce‘s Mm Conservauon Area holds :5 000mm day m 10:30 «[12:30. No enema. mm dependent THURSDAY, SEPT. 11 SATURDAY, SEPT. 1 3 MEET YOUR CANDIDATES EAT MEAT FOR CMRITY MWWEEtERS for your home. mm: common! 0 70M [mun M! M V! MW an" mm» 8500 S1 Ml†“mommy ra'l‘nnsum! mmtoummnmmomtonsom Your Mom Comm Em COMMUNITY CALENDAR MOE UP '0 FIND A CANCER CURE the noun! terry Fox Run stem at the Ieusure centre. 2 Park Dr. at 1 pm, Register at noon. Rally Fox will be m attendance. More at www. League at 7:30 pm. at me StoufMIte Arena ROWE! POWER Stouflvslle Garden Club meets at Latcnam Hall. 8 Park Dr 7:30 PM Flower Show Compe- tmon waging begins at 7. Paul Oliver WIII speak on attractmg bcrds to your garden PEACEFUI. WALK. TAU Walk vow Peace km from 1 30 to 4 p n: at the Legacv Center. 9 Lobrauco Lane. (nea McGowan and Vandon roads) "HS IS an out 000! evem. so please weal appropriate cloth mg and shoes ano bnng a foldmg Cha†0 stool Regustev on wwwwsvouln‘org m cal 905-640‘89N SATURDAY, SEPT. 27' GET CUIJURED A tamflv tall tau. an actwmes and Dlem an challenge take place throughout the day Events scattered around town More at wwv. townotwsca 905-642-3000 = STUUFFVILLE SATURDAY, SEPT. 20 MONDAY, SEPT. 15 SUNDAY, SEPT. 14 thHIt-hm'h'bm 100 me000 D: . Unn 5‘ Stouflvmg. 0N HA 1A9 "OH! H ( (“HON "mum mum/NVM‘ "ohm