You won't ï¬nd any “please don't touch the artwork" signs at the lat- est }atchaxn_Gaflery exhibit. Rules and Reguliitions by'lbron- to-based artist Natalie Quagliotto is a collection of playful sculptures and public signage that encourage visiger participation. The show investigates the division between childhood and adulthood and what it means to play. according to a gallery media The show opens today with a reception that runs from 7 to 9 pm. in the gallery. Quagljotto will be in attendance. ARE YOU ON THE LIST? SKIP THE LINE Please, play with the art in Latcham Gallery’s new ShOW The exhibition includes bright yellow repurposed and modiï¬ed vintagggglaygmund equipment. “Collaboration and ultimately co-operation is required to avoid chaos and possible collision when two willing visitors decide to use either the conjoined swing sets or the merry-go-rounds.†stated the media release. The show is pan of the public gallery's NEXT series. which show- cases the work of some of Ontario’s emerging anists. Each year. (lhai Duncan. the gallery’s curator. will release. select an artist, who is on the cusp of breaking through to a wider audience. for a solo show. Rules and Reghlatidns runs until Oct. 25. For more information, go to Among the pérfofmers is the 2013 and 2014 grand prize winner, There will be an artist talk Sept. 25, 7 pm. at the gallery. ' Prize winners play winery Canadian Music Competition prize winners will perform at Wil- low Springs Wmery Sept. 21 Contact Brian Allen a the Club: («msw'zzâ€"mz x27 - hrianaihnarsgnlf cum 127 Hedgc Road. R.R.#2 Sutton West. ON LOE IRO- wwwbriarsgolf mm Also performing is 13-year-old pianist Coco Ma. who made her ,Camegie Hall debut at the age of nine. In 2013. she was selected out of more than 350 applicants to par- ticipate in the Lang Lang Inter- national Foundation Music Camp in Munich. Germany. for a week. where she studied and performed Among Nediak's accomplish- ments is an invitation to play at Carnegie Hall in NewYork City. He has performed with the Toronto Sinfonietta Orchestra and across Canada with orchestras. pianist Leonid Nediak Experience “The Brlars Difference" Violinist Emma Meimenken, 14, has four ï¬ prizes from the Canadian Music Competition. She was also the 2012 national ï¬nals grand prize winner. Also performing is Alyssa (Juno. who made her Toronto profession- al stage debut this past year and violinists Rachelle. Chantal and Nicole Li. Admission is $20. For reserva- tions. call 416-519-8520. www.wil- with Lang Lang. She was one of only 12 students selected and the only Canadian.