12 141 Lube shop OK on Main St. A Jiffy Lube is be coming to Main Street. The site plan control application was appmved by council week. ' "l‘he singlestorey drive-(hm oil change company will set up shop at 5832 Main St. just west of the Shell gas station. LUTHERAN CHURCH SUNDAY, September H 11:15 AM Services at Goodwood United Church Sunday Service at 10:00 am (# 21 Highway, just east of #47 3999 Concession #3) Contact: Arthur Schickedanz (416) 540-7060 EVERYONE WELCOME 345 Glad Park Ave. Stouffville ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Goodwood Uxbridge www.in20ne.ca 416-898-4774 19 on the Park 19 Civic Avenue. Stouffville Pastor: Fr. Michael Hughes Lud Pastor. Graham Clinton smumue Elm IIGHQSJWQ.l£Qm@ You. W M mam-r» "Manhuntâ€"1 W- A Chutch Of The Chnstmn And Hissbonary Alliance In Canada ST. MARK‘S 905-640-6954 Stouffvillc Rd. at Kennedy Rd. 905-887-5651 Sunday, September 14th Sunday September l4th 30th Anniversary Celebration 8:00am 10:00am Eucharist Nursery Church School (Quest Bishop Philip Poole at 10:00am Saturday September 27th Concert featuring Vince Parry others wwwslma rkstouffvillcxa Anglican Church of Canada 254 Sunset Blvd.. 9()5-64()~146| www.sluuï¬'Villeanglican.ca Saturday 5:00 pm Sundav 9:00 am. I I am Weekend Masses High School Youth ' o :‘sprlngvale Second mid l-‘uhrlh Fridavs ofcach month 10:00am Celebration Service Speaker Ed Fontaine ‘ 11:30am Ministry Fair All welcome! www.5pringvalenrg Ministry Nights ' Mayoral candidate Arnold Neufeldt-Fast expressed his concern regarding its design and location. claiming it ï¬ts an industri- al mall. not Main Street. during 'mesday’s meeting. All Welcome COME SEE warm“. mun-4 uninv um LCM-noon BLOOMINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH Rev. loan Mastertnn, minister Afrimdlyï¬mily (burr/1 S'l‘. IAMES PRESBY’I‘ERIAN CHURCH M32 Main St. Slouffvillc 905.640.}! 5| Sunday. September I4 Service of Worship 10:00 a.m. Friday. Sepiember l2 Presbyterian Women‘s games night 7:00 pm. Saturday. October 25 Annual fall bazaar and men's pie auction in Morris Hall 9:00 am. to 12 noon An Ultramar convenience store. gas bar and car wash will be constructed on Hwy. 48 just north of Millard Street at Norman Jones Place. Tuesdays 6:45-8:15pm Kids Club + h High : Kindergarten - Gr. 8 Fridays @ 7pm Sr. Youth: Gr. 9 ~12 Sundays @ 7pm Young Adults: 18+ Life Groups Stouffville Pentecostal Church 6853 Main St.. Stuuffx'illc 905.640.5696 Sunday Service @ IO zun Sunday School for Kids? Everyone Welcome! ('hildrr'n ‘3‘ Push†www.3pcfamily.ca Y4th PuxMr: Iun Hurley Lem! Pas IUI'.‘ 141711an STUDENTS! Lari Amu‘k N6 information was' aVailable during 'Ibesday's meeting regarding constructiun timelines and opening date. The variety store and car wash will be separate buildings and the application's ran- derings show two sets of gas pumps. UAIIMM Rev. Elizabeth Cunningham 34 Church St. N. - 905-640-1163 SYOUHVIlll A ( .‘hun‘h in a Baum/id ( .‘Bunnfvxillv Pastor Walter Robbins Stouffville Christian Fellowship Sunday Service 10:30am 860 Conc. 8, Claremont 905-649â€"2812 ofï¬ce@stouffvilleuc.ca Lunch to follow new“! "II-l†(IA (URIMON "HIRING