O _38.u~§91.§:ï¬_2 6m Ea . 905-640-2612 Fu: 905-640-8778 Class: l-800-743-3353 DISTRIBUTION 1-855-853-5613 “Mamba “MMMIII mad-m Matthew WWII..IM andde mwmm 3mm“; bratty-liq“. Yuklkgionm jannnggom [ETTERS POLICY Mummy Got ï¬ve minutes? No. I won't be phoning you just as you stick a fork in your ï¬rst mouthful of mom's famous rlgatoni recipe or as Pat Sajak strolls into your living room for a little Wheel of Fortune. Tell us how you feel aboUt The Sun-Tribune, Stouffville This isn't aluminium siding or duct cleaning And it’s not another anony- mous mbocall using fake and incomplete information. (Just in case you wondered, two- time provincial Conservative candidate Farid Wassef still isn't running for mayor.) It's done online, at your lei- We’d like you to take time to answer our online readership survey by following this link: www.yorkregion.comlwhat- son-story!4756982-tell-us- what-you-think-for-chance- to-wlnl it will take about ï¬ve min- Complete it and you will be eligible to win a 50-inch LED HD TV. from Liptons Audio Video Unlimited. Deadline to complete the survey is Sept. 7. Readers already tell us what they think. albeit in less scien- tiflé my; _ if we've written -â€" or to write â€" something about their friends or family. We're no longer Mayberry. Cabot Cave or Stars Hallow. but it's 'still the reality of working 1MB! poked in my chest at the Straw- berry Festival. My phone has rung in the middle of the nidlt with anger on the other end. with onthe other end. Peop e have sto pod me in church. the p uee aisle and barber shop to share their thoudtts on what we do on poï¬uam have chimed in ow do you like us The Sun-Tri- bune is surveying you, Whitchunch- Stouffville. Thousands clicked on ou'r ...storles Monday alone on miss- ingWhitdmrch-Stouï¬vflle resi- dent Curtis same. who thank- Mywnsfounddmnlght. The water. luau- tant vio dons and car cruhu an big with leaders on their martphonesmdhptops. Butwealsoleelhethedtgl crmud is only put ofour lud- with late-night emails Readers haveyelledoutthelr feelings across parking lots. especially at establishments where alcohol is served. Popular subjects include our coverage of the courts. trag- edies and elections. (To be fair. it isn‘t all threats. accusations and public chas- tising Many a quality news tip and compliment are also passed on while adoring a morning coffee or waiting for a light to turn .) A180. we know what you like to read onllne. No computer? You could always get onllne at the Wtchurch-Stoufl’ville Public M us what you like and whatyoudon‘t.Fivamhmtu. Andlpmmloenotmplmne youduflng'lhemgnana'me- mmuwammu ammunmmm OffTheTop withlim Mason LINER or m WEEK Town may need ï¬ll money Llst week's town council meeting deal- ing with the new ï¬ll bylaw for a Ninth Line site was very interesting and concem- ing. Stoufl‘viiie had drafted a new bylaw. as within the industry of ï¬ll sites across Ontuio mmy. many problems have aris- Council would like to protect its citizens from these problems with this new b aw. The summed cost for dumping per truck was 3! .75. Only donate to Terry Fox Run through people you know To my surprlae. Councillor Phil Bannon put forward a motion to drop the cost to $1 because he felt that it was unfair to the company dumplng In our communl and It Wt make them go elsewhere. e 75 cent: would have been used to improve the surrounding area. “ Sunday. Sept. H. 2014 will see the "Harry FoxRunfotcanceueseuchmmmtotown. Out committee md volunteers have been worldnghudlnptepnndonfortheblgday Mbmmhummndomdonbutevery yeumemldentsofsmuflvlllecomeupblg lnnlslmï¬mdaltthe'lbnyFoxmm. In 2013. our community was ï¬fth out of 220 oommunltynltesauossthepmvinmnlslng momtlunflSZMforcancetmeudm Ybuunnisefundsomme atwww.terry- mmucdlectvhmshea. available throuï¬nout town or onllne. Ybu may also mabldomdononmndny. The Stouflvllle harry Rm Run welcomes pu‘ticlpntion and donations. but only domtehndstopeopleyoulmow.Wedonot cncomqe tstogodoortodooror ukhuflvldmhtooofldtmndsondtemcet. lfyoucannotatmndmnevmtbutwoulduke tomkelduutiotuyoucandososecmely athmllwwutuwfoxom/ orbycontncting mums-6404705. NWMMMEMW and lunch-china. It ls our community at its best lb: mom Information. contact me at WMmsdtellkmnedmegerscom Ybu can ï¬nd us on facebook-Stouflville hotectsenlorsftom scams mmmugdaweflspokenmm ormminhondiull. Mbdnofllceoflmemeuecuâ€" dtyVVehnwnodoodsomeveryauspIdous Gm um: lohn wmems 1’0an“ Ian Pmudfoot Mr. Banned; ward has this dump in it. SANDY SCHELLKBNNEDY STOUFFVILLE TERRY POX RUN activity from your computer and_are con- activity from your computer and are con- cerned that someone has put software on your computer to steal things from your computer.‘ ltdoesnotsoundpmbabletoayoung adult. but to a senior person it pushes many of the right buttons to make them con- .Asatedmlcaladvlsonlseeitseveral times a year including recently. Sometimes I get involved before too much happens; sometimes when too late and bank accounts axe being accessed. frlghtenlng “I am watch- lnf messages appear on the screen; or the computer is locked and all the photos and documents are being held for ransom_. I cannot understand why he would nm want to give back to our 99mmug_i_ty. The company is making millions of dollars every year and to ask for a few cents per truckload for the community does not seem out of line. Scugog charg- es $2 per truck and Uxbridge will not allow commercial dump sites. so i do not understand why Mr. Bannon thinks we could lose their business. It would cost the trucks much more in gas costs to go further aï¬eld. “Doyouhiwagenlorwhoemnilsfmm theiroomputertostaylntouchwith their friends and family or plays simple video EAIA _ 1. if anyone calls you about the com- puter and you do not know them. they are a very bad person - hang up immediately. tell someone this happened. 2.1fanywebsiteyougoto says you need an update to your computer; stop. call a friend immediater to ask about what is on the screen. - And: install full/pro versions of a brand name antivirus and something like Maiware- Bytes (a free version is not good enough). Anoteon the monitorand $100ayearis a We need to protect our community from contaminated soil. road safety and maintenance. water pollution and over- tilling. The community around these sites will be left with the problems if they arise â€" and no money to ï¬x them if Mr. Bannon has his way. SEW-Tribune lot ofsafety. And frankly. family and churches in town. protect the seniors and ifnecessary pay the $100 a year. David Liayd~George once said. “The true test of a civilization is the way it treats its old 'Miï¬Ã©anoteandsucnmmesideofme Itisabadpersononthe KAYT BARCLAY WHITCHURCH- STOUFFVILLE RON BOYD STOUFFVILLE