For the Stouï¬vile Spirit. it's a case of so far. so good when they commenced their main training camp Sun- day, Player personnel director Frank Robinson said he was elated with the approach the players took when they reported for the ï¬rst two days of camp that was comprised of ï¬tness testing Sunday and the ï¬rst day of on-ice sessions at the Stouffviiie Arena Monday. “We were pleased with players reporting in good shape. shown both at our ï¬tness workout on Sunday and on our ï¬rst on-ice workout." he said. HOST HOKERINO SATURMY That being said. all positions are up for grabs “At our on-ioe session (Monday). you could see the anxietyfmmboth memokieswhoarecxcitcdtobeata InAmaincampandwebelievethevetemnswhomener- vous about their roster security with all the new faces “As coach ()eff) Perrin ptjt it. 'We will not miss the playoffs again and that may mean the veterans will be ï¬ghting for their jobs'.†After yesterday's ï¬rst preseason tilt against the Pick- ering Panthers. the Spirit will make their home exhibi- tion debut when they play the Panthers at the Stoufl‘ville Arena Saturday 9t 7:30 pm. The Spirit Will then travel to Newmarket for a friendly against the Newmarket Hurricanes at the Ray Mnney Complex Sunday at 7:30 pm. SPORTS No jobs safe as Spirit opens preseason [‘61 MC Ml:an am 33? Call Karin: 905-737-6427 rn m; .I HOME IMPROVEMENT DIRECTORY ‘llluï¬â€˜rl IV! I! u I‘vllw’ 5 m me Ray Whey One of the newest members of the Stouffville Spirit, Alex Gilmour. plays in the team's golf tourney at the - Michael Hayaloawu Maples of Bulkntne last Thursday. aouuo MASONRY LTD. annex. uocx. smwom. I. ummocxme. mm mus. mmmms a smcco Smnl Jobs Wobomo WWW-6404321 GARDENARIS Plumbing I am Ltd. mm W Sonic. mmmmomeom Mg. m. and Dowd' Fm sum STOUFFVILLE. ONT. STA" PNOTOISUSIE KOCKERSCHEIDT Pridham jgins Leafs For 15 years. Brandon Pridham worked in the National Hogkey league’s qfï¬ce in 'Ibmmo. Eu! when the 2014-15,NHL campaign begins. the 40-year-old Stouffville resident will be won:- ing with another organization. 7 UXBBIDGE TREE SERVICE 'He won't have t6 travel too far from where he used to work Only nw.!hefonner8touï¬vllle Clipper minor hockey star will be working with the 'lbmnto Maple leafs. who announced Tuesday His new ofï¬ce remain at 50 Bay St. he will join the club as their new assistant to the general manager. Pridham will assist the club with salary cap analysis. contract negotiations and collective bar- gaining agreement interpretation for the team. - Starting his career in the NHL front ofï¬ce in 1999. Pridham served in a variety of capaci- ties including co-ordinator in NHL central scouting. central scouting and central registry departments with duties that included serving as the contact person for NHL general man- agers. assistant general man- “mm Est. 1981 agers and NHL executives on issues involving the Collective Bargaining Agreement. salary cap and NHL central scouting department. “i am very grateful for the opportunities and experiences I've gained at the National Hock- ey League.†Prldham said in a Leafs media release. "1 always looked forward to the opportu- nity to bring that experience to anNHLclub and l'm thrilled with the chance to join Dave Nonis and his team with the Tbmnto Maple Leafs" Nonis. Maple Leafs’ senior vice- president and general man- ager. feels Pridham’s time in work- ing with the NHL’s from ofï¬ce will help the club. "For 15 years. Brandon has played an integral role in the cen- tral scouting and central registry departments for the NHL." Nonis “His intimate knowledge of the complexities of the salary cap system and str't'mg relationships around the league will serve our team well." m.mmmmm. ' (‘cniï¬cd Trcc Athnnsl - Tn‘c. Branch and Stump Removal . Storm Clem Up Call 1-800-7an to pluco your ad Serving Slouflfllk and surrounding area 6472908383 ' mnesch’MLcom number of the bully? than the lam! news ~ â€" Michael Hayakawa Allmdahlc. Rel Iahlc. Pml'csmmul Sen Icc Gunman-ed 31