Retumlng to Nineteen on the Park. by popular demand. is the Prisoner of Tehran. The show ls collaborative pmductlon between political pnsoner/ author Manna Nemat and Stouflvllle's Motus Dance Theatre. The shows take place Oct 8 and 10. ï¬ckets go on sale Aug. 29. The snow ls not intended for audlences under 13 years 0! age. Fov tickets. go to htu)://nineteenontnepant.oom ’LIKE’ US Workshops with Autism Ontario and York-Durham Aphasia and Acquired Brain Injury Centre will culminate into a full-length show that will be launched at the bebo- vic Centre for Arts and Entertainment - Nineteen on the Park in Stouffville Motus 0 is an international touring company that creates works of pathos and comedy. fusing dance. the- atre. ï¬lm and music. Since its inception in 1990. it has been delighting audiences across Canada. the USA and overseas MotusO isone of the leadingdance companies in Canada performing for 25.000 people every year. â€"lim Mason Stouffville’s Mains 0 dance theatre will be taking its act to regional fairs and people with autism. brain injury andaphasimthankstonewï¬mdingfmmthepmvlncial goverrunent. The popular dance troupe will receive 889.4(1) over tlueeyearstodevelopMavingStories.amixofnew dance works and movement workshops according to the Ontario 'li'illium Foundation. Moms 0 will work with the Markham Fair to create andperfonnï¬veshowswidmaflaflturaldaemand with Autism Ontario and the Stouflville-based York- Durham Aphasla and Acquired Brain Injury Centre on movement workshops and the formation of a dance troupe of clients and caregivers “(This will allow us) to create and perform annu- alshowsrelau'ngtoagdculturalfairsaspartofthe Markham Fair. eventually bringing our circle tent to other nal fairs as well.†said lack langenhuizen. oo- _ or/geperal manager of Motus O. MOTUS 0 RETURNS WITH ‘PBISONER‘ Dancers head to fairs thanksto Trillium grant * LESS in, dash: WW “1de "unload; backwashâ€"hut may "and audit-ow umJ‘mmi-ï¬uam Motus 0 will work with the Markham Fair to create and perform ï¬ve shows with agricultural themes, and with Autism Ontario and the Stoujflille-based York-Durham Aphasia and Acquired Brain Injury Centre Wb‘re at ‘Smuï¬ilille Sun- SAPPIE-ALLSPICE AUSAGES CWW E 18*. 10.: 8-3 19 9:. 9.52 Eggï¬rtgnagg; [Elï¬n-9558...; EEK-31:8; sags. Eflsouicl ugsggflrEABg-er 3.853359% 0!. 93 an! (E «a 5933.. E 5.8rgrfliiï¬dvg3 (In! 10E agave-.3â€... signings. 3:538- milâ€"acacia»! ZaldlaEEIIOâ€"Eagi aggiooognanug Eï¬iB-igflï¬i git-ggiggca ?§.§ 5;:- EIR’Oâ€"iti 95 I81 in... gal. .838 .85. 33» 1a Burn IL in I 9:. uï¬uWuuwp-‘u Mmmï¬moumm mmmnmdmm WTuiyakLlBQflymora Wilma lei-Mueme «mammothme m a . mumugmgcm unnVQI a #1.! «8a.. .3 .8:- 8 .8 :giagnigafla giaiuz~gi~ {avian-33?}: 4911 1.3331381... a 181...: me â€"A'rTHnâ€"â€" @ELI m 000m IIOI'INNII ODOCII MAN GOES PASS HEESE 88234239313533 gigaggm .§%§.§§133% £~£§ifltx§8.s§= oflao.§ill8.=dl-SnÂ¥.vk “worms-Id! B ~ AT TI-IE ANDSTAND BROCCOLI TIIURSDAY EVENING “86.99... SAVE $1.00 til-wont. MM.Mtdlimedutthacm PLEASE e',andlknowï¬nthmdthtth¢y Hours: Mon. ~ Fri. 8:00-8:00 Sat. 8:00-6:00 ~ Sun. 9:00-6:00 4476 16th Ave. (just w. ochnncdy) 905-940-0655 “(2H lflshtdnedtheywmh-Mngmuï¬opadm! Web-«thumped:th PEACH CUSTAID 880m Lays:deth MMWWMMWMM www.mmmmmsnu PMCHMIBIB-thmhkdsmpmdm apuï¬â€™myshdl.8pdnfldwidnhhofyngu,num mummux PMCHPm-Outpuchpiumnnflabkwidxdthaa Mummï¬uflymuï¬mmdndy urn-mun.†PMCBSOONBs-Mydiadpaduwithwmekmon wwwflflu ' PEACH COSTA†CAKBS - This is my favourite of mdfluutmdmApple-mdpadiahkedha MMMWWWhM-‘ny WWl!hmhmdkncn % day. nus-um†on. “Molt... % THIS WEEK? From our I'm-en “£60377 {in begin with Rmuillrdl’qpuSmgxmhdnylaï¬w mummmmymmmm WHI¢RMV¢MMM¢ In: In“. 6‘ and me Ibo. avocado, Mduho-d'm',dlon'udcnt plin’hfldhtfl-Q’adï¬hnnhubkofm Whammwatmm MMbdmpambinduï¬idggmfon foodmbem “mahofeuudngwrmï¬ngmmdor mealccdhttc.hicchaeviflbe$2.99md ammnuyg'andlpuhm'flnwa m‘wn‘k‘k‘sfln popuht 'Houl W'mhowinuutumdnedudc hits of The Ends. This perform-no: m;t7:30mdmmundl9:00withdn mopeadeZMawlm...mioy