10 Improvements are being made to the rail crossing on Leslie Street, south of Stoquille Road, to accommodate a second track at the crossing and improve travel for road users. To complete this work, the rail crossing will be closed from Monday, August 11, 2014 to mid-September 2014. Access to local trafï¬c will be maintained. A signed detour route will be implemented during construction. Please direct general inquiries to: Lindsey Adlam Communications and Community Engagement Specialist The Regional Municipality onork Phone: 905-830-4444, ext. 75923 Email: lindsey.adlam@yorl§.ca * Please note: As with all road construction projects, some work may be rescheduled due to weather. York Region will provide advance notice whenever possible. GREHTi Building Roads that Build Community Bill Fisch York Region Chairman and CEO NOTICE OF TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURE The Regional Municipality of York Soth of Stouffville Road in the Town of Richmond Hill Rail Crossing at leslie Street STREETS Daniel KOStOPOUIOS. REng. Commissioner Transportation and Community Planning Department Yï¬k‘Region MUNICIPAL ELECTION Ward 4's election is going to be a hotly contested one as there are now ï¬ve candi- dates vying for the seat being vacated by Susanne Hilton. Rick Upton. owner of RWorld. according to Linkedln. is the latest resident to toss his name into the pool. One of [He organizers of this year's Stouffville home show. he registered Tues- day. 'The other Ward 4 candidates. so far. are Rene de Vries. Holly Fullager, James Liams and lim Priebe. Other candidates ofï¬cially running for ofï¬ce are: Justin Altmann. Phil Bannon Rich- ard Banloy. Arnold Neufeldt-Fast and Willie Reodica (mayor); Ken Ferdinands (Ward 1); New planner moves from Ybrk Regan Steven Kemp has been hired as the Town of Whitchurch-Stouï¬ville's new director of planning and development services. He starts Sept. 2. Andrew McNeer previously occupied the post before being named CAO in April. Kemp has more than 20 years of experi- ence with the City of Toronto and most recently with York Region. He is the second berson in two months the municipality has hired away from the region. Fifth candidate joins Ward 4 race NOTICE OF STUDY COMMENCEMENT K w 0 2015 WATER AND WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE York Raglan The Regional Municipality of York Why Update the Mater Plan? York Region is reoponsuble for supplying drinking water and conveying and treating wastewater. Working With the nuns local mumcupelmee, the Master Plan Update wull help York Region develop a sustamablo longvtorm servrcmg strategy using the pruncrploa of Integration, untegrrty and Innovation to support York Regron's growth to 2041 and beyond. Share Your Ideas About What Water Means to You! The Master Plan Update wnll follow the Mumcnpal Class Environmental Assessment master planmng process. which provndes many opportunities for you to pamcupate. Jom the conversation at upcoming meetings to help shape the Master Plan. Information about the prolect and events Will be posted on York Regnon's webpage ~ www.york.ca â€" as well as m local newspapers. Whore You Can Get More Information If you wish to rocowo information about the Master Plan. want to be notified about how to get Involved, or If you have quomons or comments. please contact: Adrian Cooniba, REng. Senior Project Manager The Regional Municipality of York Environmental Servicea Department 17250 Yonge Street. Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 621 Fax: 906-830-6927 Email: wnhrmutorplnnOyorkca >‘830““4, oxt. 75098 Maurice Smith (Ward 2); HugoT. Kroon (Ward 3); Michael Humphreys, lain Lovatt and Tom Winters (Ward 5); Rob Hargrave, Joanne Ian- nuzzi, Susie Nadarajah and Senthuran Para- masamy (Ward 6). The municipal election takes place On. 27. Deadline to register is Sept. 12. For more information. gd to www.mwnof- ws.ca/elections The other person is Ken Turriff. the town’s newest corporate communications special- ist. Kemp is a professional engineer with a B.A.Sc. from the University of Waterloo. He has been responsible for design. implemen- tation and operation of several transporta- tion projects. according to the municipal- ity's media release. He is past-president of the Toronto secâ€" tion of the Institute of Transportation Engi- neers and currently holds an elected posi- tion on the Intelligent Transportation Sys- tems Society of Canada's board of directors. One of the organizers of this year’s Slouffville home show, he registered Tuesday. I Common" and vnhwmnhon murmng "m pm“: bomg colhcton m accmdnnce mlh the rm‘lmrrmonh Emmmmnl Aswsvmm Art Personal unlovmnlum ym: -V mll become part 0' a [whim vocmd mu! m avmlahlp .0th puble vulva! you mums! that vmu ppvso-ml mhw- "mam (nnhn