'lhat is what 'Ibwn of Whitchumh-Stouï¬vme CAO Andrew McNeely wants council to request of Metrolinx. GO 'Ihmit. which is owned by Metrollnx. "wants the unoccupied grain elevator relocated to a nearby siteownedbymemmucipafltyoramhdpmywidun Stouffville’s core. Preserve. rehabilitate and rte-purpose the downtown Stogffville graln elevator at its current location. In a memorandum to the July 22 council report. McNeelynoted ‘GO'D‘ansit nuintainstheposition the! keepingtheStouflvmeminelevmormitscummlou- ï¬onismtanopflonthattheyarenmmgcommt viewsduegnhquevatorasamiflcamufegyrbkfor Town, GO, MP at DOWN EAS “mummhuw,manuu odds on elevator magma: mmmm: Paul Calandra. MP for Oak RidgesMarkham and a Stouffville resident. suggests the municipality use its nearly $1.1 million in federal gas tax money to protect it. There's only one problem. The municipality doesn't own the grain elevator. Metrolinx does. “ï¬chnically. (Calandra) is conect. such a project does qualify. if the municipality owmd the property.†Man: Pourvahldi. director of ï¬nance for the Town of Whitchurch-Stouï¬ville told The Sun-Tribune. pusengem. unployees. the midlbouflng rail corrido: andadjacmtpmpemaaf GOWnppliedtomemunidpahtyforadeM donpermhmmtomnovemmmelevator.mflle mmmmmmmmmewmbe “We are not going to spend money on a third-party property.†he said. suggesting the federal government pay to preserve it if it wants. Ihétieasixxeralsonotedmegasmxnnoneyhas my??? MW in the was 2014 budget- IheMPhasdecidedtoworkMth Metrolinxonalast resort proposal - afler being contacted by residents â€" to have the provincial agency rehabilitate the grain eleva- tor. disassemble it move it into storage until another An update for council’s cohsideradon will be present. ed fp_th_em at theAgg. 1!? cpgmcil meeting While town staff and the local heritage committee have worked with CO mnsit to ï¬nd a solution. local residents have been left out of the decision-making process.whichdoesnotsitwellwithresidentandnew mayoral candidate Arnold Neufeldt-Fast. “Brainstorm: get the best ideas out there." he told councillors Thesday altemoon, suggesting it be turned into a climbing facility The grain elevator has“confounded us†the past 11 yum. according to Councillor Ken Ferdinands. opting no soltitions have been brought forward. Hispmposalâ€"heissuedamedia mleasemesday night touting it â€" has given the grain elevator a 112me as tqwn 091mm: §tafl plan to meet to discuss it. usemdlooationcanbefoundforit. Ferdinands is wary of the federal government's involvement. saying. “nothing comes with no strings attachedâ€. lfthemunicipalityorthixdpanywantstomovethe grain elevator. the transit company is oï¬ering a one time relocation cost-coverage of 3500.000 to $1 million that must be utilized within its 2014-15 budget. lfthe grain elevatorcannot be moved. de'r'nolkhingit is another option. _ "(60) could come and demolish it BY SANDRA IOLAN sbolanOyrmg.com Scrumâ€; Bâ€"FRESH LOCAL â€"â€"â€" L UEBERRIES MMMM‘W-Q‘M W‘muummahdw WWW-“wlvflhhhhm mm,mï¬uloï¬wd.m-imuyh Muck, which w. [non even then! What I found was whoa-town! food, beautiful “mud u lot «(hm peoplc, “with. MIME-c. Masai-noun Malia-c mum-luau. mounts“. chi-watchman. IMAM; that which“ CWFRESHM OD FILLETS withâ€!!! faig'fguaallâ€"ngggsâ€"n iiitifgggï¬. {grillsâ€"33.3185 its, a} In! (I v» cl. 3% E more? ([9 1a.! {I If .2. urn! um «al.- 81. 1". it:Â¥.i~8.§£r33} r a I r 58-. ‘1- ‘o [I 8. III..." iU‘EFgg’ {flï¬â€˜cl OI. In! I. (I .3 SI {Irma-Run a; in EEEE’SFBSâ€"v’ng igllriirgfufla‘ final-r»; iï¬ug’ Erin.- co}8In Inclâ€"8.. Far-non .7».- 19 - ggirliigxsflg gagis‘atzlllnllg mimu-uk-ua-ummm mhmï¬hhmmMflkfl. mpdmmbntfldumwd‘ukdhmu i a E i a“ 51E.EI§IL .tiI-I;9I§irltatlaofl BEEErFipli-II’? E’Elii'gttiï¬rr’n gagiiiUâ€"x’ng Iaglnrl-n’irofglgal waftâ€"railan {Satirist avail-lazily 03. 3:530:08 E i E AVONLEA I-IEESE mmh.wmau(m Mflmwmmhdk'I-uhh “wuflp‘vchuhnaof “Mlmhhhughdm CH? m. ummm_m. $3.99.:th nth.“ Mdmgllmm . Mudm'cmofluhgan Inf-Ill; 5-591 Houn: Mon. ~ Fri. 8:00-8:00 Sut. 8tw-Gdl) ~ Sun. 9mm 4476 16th Ave. (1m w. ofKennedy) 905â€"940-0655 S *MOOSEEiEAD AUSAGES‘; IZZA P PERFECT MJHhthbun-ba dwinb-lqdoufum pou-hupuhflafl’uhhhoncof “mnmulcmdny “muphqwflchbm WMMR'Ik-h. ummdMâ€"ad Mammal:- "Mum-11W I... an.†Thacmtdhwdmmflwflï¬â€˜m manhunt-thunk“ % ‘ “hummus! \ ;- quanta-chum» 95'; ' WWW- Mmdmmmm mmmmmmh mandftahblocbetï¬a. 81..†mmsum.mnnm mmmmmumm flmmeiï¬bmym “Unknowns-IMAM“- abkMIudytobtkzhomfnua msn.†CAPE IIBTON SOONBS - Ddiciom mwmmwm MMMWMth oflu-onmflfl mumscowmcm-Soum wammammm Wmmdhmmm “mm:thth umbntoutofthe MMMdeu-ngm “Mmmmofoodm pop .flc. Mï¬c ma 7:30, mat Ihh'eadalthchutndmmopen diet... ad laden, loot Get on on the mkmdflwï¬ummdw THIS WEE K a CULTIVATED é