mammqu {Mudmedna M 0' mum STAFF PHOTOSISTEV! SOMEMlLE It’s a good thing Dave Somasundaram took his daughter to play soccer at the Bethesda Park ï¬elds one day in early May. While there. he noticed the facility was vacant of any recreational activity during a spe- ciï¬c timeframe on Wednesday evenings To ï¬ll that void. Somasundaram. who also serves on the Stouffville Multicultural Associa- tion, took the initiative to launch the Stouffville Cricket Club. As a means of attempting to inform people of the new club, which takes to the pitch from 7 to 8:30 pm. he sent out emails and spread the news by word of mouth. At the present time. the club has anywhere from eight to 10 players taking part every week Some have prior playing experience like Somasundaram while others are completely new to the game. Among them is one female and some young- sters who accompanied their parents who par- ticipate. ;'Right now we've gotten some people together to Stan playing cricket and we're hav- ing some fun." he said of the club's beginnings Swing time: Try cricket with new town club IV MICHAEL HAYAKAWA With the club in its embryonic stages. Somasundaram hopes to build on it where they can attract more members Somasundaram feels with the continued growth inMiitchurch-Stouffvllle. there's people who currently reside within those boundaries who are familiar with the game but are unfamil- iar with the Stouï¬ville Cricket Club. For those wishing to join the Stouï¬ville club. Somasundaram said equipment is not required as they currently have the necessary tools of If the club can attract some additional play- ers. he noted they could then start playing actual games. Taking an optimistic approach that the club will continue to grow. Somasundaram feels there will be a time when the Town of Wtchurch-StoufMlle might consider con- structing a cricket pitch. He Hopes to this at an upcoming town council mqeting. “Right now. though, this (cricket) is a good way to make use of the Bethesda ï¬elds when it ’s not being used: he said. For time information on the club. contact Somasundaram at 416-708-6250 or e-mail him at: daveOgalaxytaxcom