12 Stouffville l Pnflmwï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ ~ï¬~~ "mammnocu “I..- Ohflnhfl~u 20 AMI“ Boulevard (Millard Hwy. 48) 0 stouflvillochlyslor 0 ans-mm Stouffville {wfaoaee Jeep 3 WE ARE NEW WE NEED YOU WE HAVE THE PERFECT TRADE-IN FOR YOU! 2010 DODGE GRAND CARAVAN SE STOW N GO 2007 MAZDA 3 8 DODGE Badmuamwmmgaya P '1 K Bladxmmdothnt.,58t)d.noecokiair. m-a-wm-MW- mmmgmmw- m srocx .p cm once. wm, 7â€"“- -â€". w-w‘ m uâ€" ww- w p \cIâ€"uu! WulumMG-ï¬ï¬mmumw mamaâ€"m u 0‘ ‘ER EXPIRES 8722-1014 CHRY.L-R 2011 FORD ESCAPE 6 CYI. 6w.HAD.gaymbbokdomn..ano. air.omd..pM. wwwhwmï¬od‘MOMGA ‘110‘ mnmnm ‘ 14,3691... ZOOSTOYOTA COROLLA LE W.gassaver.§4ermqayn..am. a‘roon..pur “transcends Inmmolgsus‘éammsm ’88' mnmm e «(mam mvnmm u ’ 9,985" hula-WE†DODGE lition permit to move the grain elevator. accordmgtodnerepon. “Theycouldcomeanddemolish it tomor- mw.’ MlyorWayne Emmelson said during timooundlmeeting 'ltisnoteoonomicallyfeasiblevddflnthe umualopetndonsbudgenorgoodvnluefor umbrMeuolinxtocurymstsofongohg nuintmanceofthesu'uctunwimnovhble cunentormtume use."wmteMk:tnelWolc- lykactingvioe-plesidenLGOupital infra- stnmminaMayZ.ml4|ettertoMcNeely. GO Thndt purchased the gain elevato ï¬unCNRaflwayinlSQSthuleasedoutto the Stouï¬ville Cooperative Association for minhumpurpoeeslthasbeenvacant mans mummyw.councflhï¬thteddnepm- oess ofhnvingit declared historically and atdï¬tectmnllysigmflcantunde‘rtheomaflo Heri Adm. At m21.2w500uncilmeetim.me Atdaelum21.200500uncflmeedng.me modonwasdefeated. v Duringthepastnineyeamchangesaï¬ect- ingdtegnmelmtotundumeOmafloHeri- tageActhaveoocuned.’ Wquflmdoesnptmquheqdemo- GO wants elevator moved TheStoufl'ville Oo-OpGnmElevatorwns oonsmnedamundlggmennodmeleva- torwasdesuoyedby aocondingtoCalan- dnhmmdmtothustoodonthesite since1895.heuid. The federal government gave more than $622.01!) to the SUI-million restmation of Unionvflle'sdeerMflLwhichCalandmcafled “spectacularâ€. It ofï¬cially re-opened last In particular. the town had a role. How- ever. with the publication of the Standards and Guidelines for Conservation of Provincial Heritage Properties (2010) and the declaration ofMetmlinxasamenagency.Muchisobli- gated to follow this ptocess. the municipal- ity is no longer eligible to designate the grain elevator under the authority of the Ontario Heritage Act. 2005. according to the council 2011 RAM 1500 CREW CAB SPORT One owner hwy (men tmok. Bad on Back. NAVI. Tonneau. Side steps. m mm is sweet! Stock #40107A . ’ 169' mm 72 mums £3.99». 2007 HONDA FIT SPORT m.5mm.Mmmmm omWStodMOHSA ‘88' mar unmasms ’ 9,987' .... 2007 MAZDA 3 Wmmwmht.,ï¬spd, ioeooldak. doorcxasherpnoeStodddOO-wA mfbdemlgowmmentgave more than $622,†to the $1.8â€"million restoration ofUm'onvilk's StiverMilL which Calandm allied “spadaadar'? -Withï¬laï¬om Michael Ikzyalcawa Go" Course ‘ 4,999 3" ‘ 21,869'.