mmm.m5.2o14|a i v 1 mm \ (LNA > MU! l _! V\J .- Sun- K‘m‘mbum Editorial MIMI-mutt» mmmmm W'W Katherine Fbrcheron 905-640-2612 Pu: 905-640-8778 (ï¬lm: 1-800-70-3353 DISTRIBUTION 1-855o853-S6l3 Damon. 303mm Anunnnmmou Robert lazurbo name-NIde The mm:- amummwm MWLUJM annode not pmwmm fordarltymdnpoeo. EMWM Man's You have one chance to see MM wen" your Oak Ridges-Markham Cm 5.5m hopefuls together mmwmer York Region Media Group cou'nmunity Daphne lawrie lETTERS POLICY Ihnw Pacheco Gard Paolucci Anne Bawick mmwaï¬my Do your homework before provincial election day ' you'revoting. Right? In the Oct. 27 municipal election. But more immediately. in next Thursday’s provincial elecâ€" tion. ' All Whitchurch-Stouffville residents live in the riding of Oak Ridges-Markham. (Don't be confused with the new fed- eral tidings where Oak Ridges- Markham has been eliminated.) So do some of our neighbours in Markham. Richmond Hill and King. It's a diverse area. with its new subdivisions. horse farms. main streets. country clubs and the ever-present Oak Ridges Moraine. The riding has been repre- sented by Liberal Helena laczek during the past two terms. So. how will you vote? Do you believe in Conserva- tive leader Tim Hudak's million jobs plan? Or does the loss of thousands of civil service jobs across Ontario he is prescribing scare you? Did the Liberal scandals (eHealth, gas plants and Omge) send you to one of the other parties? Or do you like what you see in Ontario’s economy and social service network? ls it time to give me NDP or starters. let’s assume ISSUE ' We’re at 'Stoufl'ville Sun- Mbune‘ ’LIKE’ US another shot at running this province? Start tonight. An all-candi- dates meeting is on from 6:30 to 9 pm. at Holy Trinity School. 11300 Bayview Ava. Richmond The York Region Media Group is asponsor of the event. It's the only one we are aware of in the riding. Attempts to organize a similar event in Stouï¬ville were unsuccessful. ' Still don't know? Do your homework. Or are you going fringe party? Hill. Just as on Tuesday's leaders' debate. tonight offers your only opportunity to see your candi- dates together and in person. How do they react under pressure. without a script? Are they informed? Do you agree with them? You can also go one-on-one }he hogefpls tonight. 7 What will their patty do to protect the moraine? Will they allow development on it? What of your kids' education? Where do they stand on kin- dergarten. class size and labour negotiations with teachers? Will yourâ€"commute to work improve under their govern- mem? What else will turn your vote? Do your homework. starting mnight. meet your andidates before going to the polb. LETTER OF THE WEEK Nearest advance poll too far away for Stouffville voters i am assuming everyone inWhitchurch- Stouffvilie has received their Elections Card from Elections Ontario. but i wonder if they paid attention to the locations for the advanced poll. Did they notice that the only advance polling station in Whitchurch-Stouffville is at the Ontario SPCA at 16586 Woodbine 1!“This is at Woodbine Avenue and Viv- ian Road! Mulock Drive â€" some 25 miles from the Ninth Line and Main Street in Stouffville. Obviously. Elections Ontario did not do their homework. They don't know that there is no public transportation from Stouffville to that location. Re: There are many Rob Fords among us. Stoujfville. column by lim Mason. May 8. Breath of ftesh air in Rob Ford column This coiumn was long overduebysomebody. What a breath of fresh air. The last two lines say it all: “Rob Ford deserves our prayers. Not our jeers" It's so sad that we haven't advanced very far in the last 2000 years. So many peo- ple still think that “love thy neighbour" means only the person who lives beside you or across the street. While I'm handing out compliments. please pass one on to your “next door" columnist on page 8. Jim Thomas is one of a kind from another era. I love the way that he ï¬nds people who deserve to be exempliï¬ed and brings them to the attention of his readers. He's truly one of the “good and faithful servants". PAUL EAGAN BALLANT RAE In a recent editorial. Y0“ ChalleflBEd your read- ers to ï¬nd an issue that will engage them with a view to the upcoming municipal Election issue flies Punusunn Ian Proudfoot Gnmuuu. mu Iohn Willem: elections. Here is one that deï¬nitely has my attention â€" the Pickering Airport! I wonder how many resi- dents â€" in particular our newer residents â€" realize just how close this will be to our town. Sure. the town of Pick- ering is many kilometers to the south and east, but the airport is not. I would encourage everyone to go to the Transport Canada website ( and see exactly where the runways and approach areas are in relation to your home. Then think of Pearson international Airport and surrounding areas and ask yourself. what will this air- port do to my quality of life? What about noise pollu- tion? Local vehicle trafï¬c? What about the value of my home? Well. it's spring time and With that brings the con- struction season. It is nice to see that the Ninth Line jog elimination project is back in gear and soon we wilihave whatwealihope is We need to be asking these questions of all levels of politicians â€"- municipal, regional. provincial and fed- eral. I certainly will be. E REESOR \ TOUFFVILLE Frusttation at lights Oh yes. we could go to Markham but why? They found facilities in Schomberg, Nobleton and King City but not one in Stouffville. And they Wonder why the percentage of voters is down. They do not know that 26 per cent of the residents of Whitchurch-Stouffville are seniors and many have no way of getting there. This is not an issue that is the responsi- bility of the candidates. but if I were one. i would be very upset. One wonders how much energy was put in by Elections Ontario. I think rather than concentrate on the task at hand, they stood back and threw darts at a map of Electoral District of Oak Ridgesâ€" Markham. 'SiIWW-ï¬ibune 6290 Main St. Stouflviue. 0N. L4A lG'I a nice smooth transition for the south part to the north part of the road. 1n the meantime. some- one needs to have a serious look at the trafï¬c light tim- ing between Weldon Road and Ninth Line north. This is a most frustrating set of lights for a small town like I am no traï¬ic expert. but it seems the timing is off quite a bit. l have noticed that the lights at Weldon. Winona and Ninth Line north are all green. but the light at Ninth line south stays red. Only a few cars get to go anywhere. When the red light does go green. it's only a few seconds later The others go red again and only a few cars get through. It has taken me more than 10 minutes at times in the afternoon to travel that 300 meters. 1. along with many other driv- ers. now tum on to West- lawn Crescent and travel the side street to avoid this problem. I am not sure what trafï¬c lights will remain after the new road portion is opened but. since trafï¬c congestion is a major problem. I feel this should be looked at, if not now. in the immediate WILF MORLEY STOUFFVILLE DAVE BROOKS STU! 7FFVILLF