LEISURE: Completion set for 2017 sbolan@yrmg.rom ‘ Whitchurch-Stouffville's new library will have two floors. while the second pool area will contain two more pools and may have a retractable roof and wall. "This is very much still a work in progress,†town CAO Andrew McNeer said of the expansion to the library/leisure centre in Stouï¬ville Memorial Park last The $28-million project is "the single largest capital project in the history oWVhitchurch-Stouffville." Mr. McNeer told a group of about 50 residents at the Lebovic Centre for Arts 8: Entertainment â€" Nine- teen on the Park. It was the second of two public meetings on the expansion. Because the project is so mas- sive. for the ï¬rst time. a functional design process, which includes public consultations. is being conducted. “We're‘trying to get it right through this phasing strategy." Mr. McNeer said. Indoor/outdoor feel planned for pool-library expansion ON YOUR FIRST $100 PURCHASE SIGN-UP FOR FREE GET $25 TO SPEND SHQP HAPPY The typical process for new CM! rova mmam m wsmysayeu Y «Thrills BY SANDRA BOLAN WWW.SHOP.CA “I'm goihg to show my bias here. That parking lot was designed by facilities has been to go from paper to construction. he said. As pan of the design process. the ciment “bastardized parking" lot will be cleaned up, Mr. McNee- ly said, which was received with a round of applause. ANDREW MCNEELY: Library/ï¬t- ness centre still wom in progess, town'sACAO tells lesidents. an engineer, not a planner." said Mr. McNeely. who recently had the interim tag removed from his title. The expansion calls for the ability to park 400 vehicles on the site. according to larle Lovlin. principal from the architect ï¬rm Diamond Schmitt Architects. ‘BASTARDIZED PARKING' Other modiï¬cations made since the February public consul- tation meeting includes stroller storage in the vicinity of the fam- ily change room: a pool viewing gallery at deck level and an out- side terrace accessed from the 55+ Club area. There will also be an outdoor terrace available via the library’s adult lounge. The main floor of the library will be dedicated to children. while the second floor will be pri- marily for adults. Two more pools are proposed. The teaching pool will have 20 metre lanes. while the play pool. with a slopping beach entry, will also contain a number of water features. The current 25-metre lane pool 1. Credit Valley-Town» and Raglan-Central Lako Ontario (OTC) 2. South Goorglan Bay Lake Slmcoo (SGBLS) Credit \{al’leysï¬l’oroqto Région and Central Lage Ontarthéurce Protectmn Region VIBW the documents oniine; View hard copies dunng regular busmess hours. Comments must be veceived by Friday. May 23 at 4pm to; Further information We are asking for public Input on Source Protectron Plan polrcies tor water quanttty and Updated Assessment Reports for two source protection regions SOURCE WATER PROTECTION PUBLIC CONSULTATION will go untouched. It cannot- be modiï¬ed to include more lanes. according to Mr. Lovlin. because that would require extensive and expansive mechanical re-engineering. The facility’s expansion is expected to be completed in 2017. However. the gym is not schedâ€" uled to be done until 2019. "Honestly, I don't have a good explanation for it." Mr. McNeer The 55+ Club area will also serve as a location to house resi- dents in case of an emergency. such as last year's ice storm. according to Mr. McNeely. A cost analysis regarding add- ing the gym to the main con- struction plan will be included in the lune 24 report to council. The $28-milh'on project is ‘the single largest capital project in the history of Whitchurch-Stoufl‘ville.’ ctcswp ca Toronto and Regoon Conservation Authority (5 Shoreham Dv . Downsvaew) website ctcswpvca phone. 416561-6600 ext, 5752 e«mail‘ sourcewaterOttca on ca mail: Chair. CTC Source Protection Committee. 5 Shoreham Dr Downswew. ON. MSK 2C5 CTC Scum Protoctlon Source Protection Plans contain policies that protect municipal sourges of drinking water Assessment Reports are the , technical documents that Support the policies in the plans Ono Publlc Open House I: being held: Wodnudly. May 7. 2014. 5pm to 8pm Whntchurch Stouflvulle Museum. 14732 Woodbine Avenue. GOrmIey The tormal consultation period for both Source Protection Reguons tS Apnl 24 to May 23. 2014 ' DRINKING WATER“ SOURCE PROTECTION Also in the report will be an estimate on the new building’s operatingrcosts. _ Most 6f the construction will be paid for with development charg- es. according to Mr. McNeely. 55+ opus People who want certain pro- grams or amenities. such as a sauna or acknowledgement of the Wendat people who lived in the neighbourhood. need to tell staff now. Part of the design also includes the ability to see the surrounding green space of the park from virtu- ally anywhere within the building. “We've got to see if we can ï¬t it into the building." Mr. McNeer said of people's wish lists. A special education workshop on the library/leisum centre expan- sion takes place mesday from 3 to 5 pm. in council chambers. The meeting is open to the pub- lic. however. the gallery is not per- mitted to provide input. "It's council's opportunity to ask their questions through the educa- tion process." said Karen Ewan. the town's deputy clerk ourwatevshedca Lake S0mcoe Reguon Conservatuon Authority (120 Bayvnew Parkway. Newmarket) e-mall sprourwatershedca man Chfllf. SGBLS Source Protechon Commmee, 120 Bayvnew Parkway. Newmarket. ON. L3Y 4X1 websute- ourwatershed ca phone 5105-8954281 SGBLS Source Protoctlon Region AC! '0. CLIAN WAVE!