ARTS Dance company, author team up to tell her story mm ' ELECTION p '- g SWTI'ribune THURSDAY. APRIL 17. 2014 I SERVING THE COMMUNITY OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE I 40 PAGESN JUSHN “ME? E§K§§°anaom ~ ’Glad we got justice for Marion’ PAGE 30 ELECTIEHN COUNTDOWN 1 The Big 5-0 days until the Oct, 27 vote l«\ 9d '00 unto-um In Him THURSDAY, APRIL 17. 2014 I SERVING THE COMMUNITY OF WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE I 40 PAGESMRKREGIONIOM It was a long and drawn out court process followed by a month-long trial ï¬lled with grue- some detafl for Goad Deacon and his daughters Laura. Amanda and Natasha. YORK REGIONAL POLICE IMAGE Paul Kenyon, shown in police video in his hospital room in March 2010, was found guilty Tuesday of murdering his girlfriend. Marion Deacon. four years ago. The former OPP ofï¬cer who lived in Gravenhurst received an automatic life sentence. Parole eligibility is to be determined. BY JEREMY GRIMALDI jgrimaldi® BOYFRIEND GUILTY OF 2010 GORMLEY MURDER Exactly four years. one month and eight days after the charred and brutally beaten body of Marion Deacon was found on the floor of her Gormley home. in the end. justice was swiï¬. A mére thnee hours and 40 minutes aï¬er Justice Michelle Fuerst sent the 12 jurors away for deliberation. they hemmed with a verdict. WITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE PUBLK: tha‘ Paul Kenyon. Ms Deacon's former lover. was guilty of second-degree murder. 7 "ITm glad we got ju§tice for Marion." said Mr. Deacon. her estranged husband who once lived in and has now rebuilt the [)oner Street (NI. it“. :h C ï¬fi’ 5mm I. ' 905-64228“: or I -877-410-2886 (AUTO) 5« m3. My 10. Engagement hw- «mm 5758 Mam 5L, SQouflvilk “(DOA WM» 90SMOL¢M¢ www.8anhau.( um rth rCWC C [S