Our kids are all right, Ontario residents In my books. they’re bigger celebrities than Sunday night's Oscar winners More worthy of our worship than any Maple Leaf. Blue lay or 'Ibmnto mayor. They‘re this year’s Ontario iunior Citizens of the Year. TWeiveofthem. aged eight to 17. oday’s not Christmas or my birthday. but it's in the area code I'm scheduled to be in Tbmnto. shuttling between the ï¬nancial district and Queen‘s Park. hanging with some new young friends and their families for the day. io youths each year. Sorry. Chapters and Amazon. it was always a better read than the hard covers I received those Christmases. Then Whitchurch~8touï¬viiie residents Debra Surman and Justin Hines. the touring singer-songwriter. were junior citizens back in their day. 7 7 No Justin Bieber in the gmup. and not just because he's too old. These are leaders. role models and local heroes in communities as near to us at Thomhill and Nobleton. and as distant as Sault Ste. Marie and Some live with a physical or psychological limitation. Others per- formed acts of heroism or bravery. The rest have done major league acts of goodwill back home. 1 get the humbling and inspiring honour again this year of introducing the starry crew during a luncheon 54 stotjeys atop the Toronto~Dominion Centte. They've accomplished more for their communi- ties in a couple of years than 50-something guys like me will ever be able to account for. We’ll then head to David Onley's place. also known as the lieutenant Governor's Suite. for another round of well-deserved presentations and photo opps And perhaps wander down the hall to visit Premier Kathleen Wynne. if she's not putting out a ï¬gurative ï¬re. Thenemnolocal 'ientsdï¬stimebutmme Stouffville District Seoo School students â€" len- NfeIOomellyQIelsey’lhnandGaflmalindalâ€"were worth nominees. . I’d ike to introduce a local kid or two next March. For mom on the program and how you can nomi- nate a candidate. go to ocna.orgljuniorcitizen The Sun-'Ih'bune is one of more than 300 members of the Ontario Community Newspapers Association. - which manages the awards program. Corporate spon- sors are TD Bank Group and Direct Energy. l was a junior citizens judge for ï¬ve years that spanned the turn of the century. That meant camping out in ou_r basement the hpliday season and mmsmdms‘nm.mtwnonmo Sorry. Chapters and Amazon. it was always a better read than the hard covers I received those Christmases. the amazing life stéries of moth than 200 Ontar- with Iim Mason OffTheTop C. ALL MYVFAVESï¬ ! mmWï¬ldy,minbym.mwéiï¬ Â«amiamybifluhymdlnmpicklmyï¬vu. luvs meflumdmymhommslptlhcdnmcm demldm’toï¬mgapaui-‘onmSohacgoa... Myï¬lï¬vcwlmï¬undnhduymldit’sl-u MYwmthmdï¬udmodnhmhdy. mmflmyweckwwflbchnï¬twidim.mm dispedalï¬dxmisdmit’:nndcmlyipmuadlâ€"dtvay "flhMMk‘sMau'pmmmguitm MkmphcedxdmdoadhpuiodHAvMï¬unï¬iday mm,mwwemhadcdmhflun‘skimkn... mmmmm'smmwmbc “with ').lt‘umuly mï¬ymuMLflyflcéwimmmm. mmmsuummwï¬ub‘mmm thwiï¬cmwMapâ€"myMW-m- thuemwudrom-Mmflitback M.Andit'suiflphawmmfltoday-25% undirxeh‘smgmï¬md‘fech’good, on itwillbc'dlchlyu'siuodydrbmk. ms myvcnion Wm‘nnimnwwommw'lhcxmilh‘nauk picccsmouiloin‘ )mldtimom.0t 0/ ifyour‘Q‘ bin (wadmcanhlvc 0 thcmwt imoocnn'ccut steaks.“me OFF bcfcanndat... gocnzyï¬xthcmcadm mmmmmmm‘n tichhmthtmnldbcbcabuhed. I‘ll mwacapleof ‘ to within!) Khakcomaouyut. ow “‘1' THIS WEEK SPECIALS IN EFFECT FROM THURSDAY TO CLOSING SUNDAY, MARS Hours: Mon. ~ Fri. 8:008:00 Sat. 8:00-6:00 ~ Sun. 9:00â€"6:00 ‘ \ INDIPINOII! ’ 1 b Tog". AVC. (lust W. ochnncdy) A E! I 905-940-0655 - WHAT’S FOR "T" LUNCH mm aim mmmmmmm mm“ Wme mmmmmï¬mm mï¬mwmm mm mmmmm “mummm adamaioliancc â€" with green: as Sunday Brunch will be my Can-Id Squat nfl Apathua Shake of either our bamnofcomsc).w'lilhylnï¬vwlfl sun-4mm myoldAuntMinnic's W ‘16 Paul. and that come with be featured at. a choice of either rice or mashed Yukons, tca dcucfl.allfor... Served from 11:00 am. all 2:00 pm FLEUR DE SEL SEA SALT of choice is ‘der'dc Scl'thiEh is {French grey salt from La Ruchclk, halfway dmm the French Adantic (has! - a very 0 pretty am of the /0 country 125391: ()FF Rng 510.95 Tms WEEK MIMOSAWEEK luscscasaltalotathmne.ptobablybcauscit appcalstomy Pisccan sensuluscitwidimost all that 1 cat, but cspccially with room temp r9153 bccfanqdmy My brand How 1 like this is grilled. as I have said. then sprinkle-d with sea salt (ti-1mm! elsewhere). and drizzled with balsamic vinegar. in this case. the M 0m Ink-k - 250ml site. which I get from my bud Socar, who just happens to share my 3-Day. We'll have 11/3 OFF SALE for the mangus â€" and thc vinegar too. One ofmy faves is grilled asparagus â€" but if you haven't taken the proper steps, your ‘Q' might be marooned in a smwdrift, like winter snuck up on me. The consolation is that this can he broiled as well, or even cooked in a thick-ribbed fry pan The asparagus now comes from Mexico, and the premium product comes in ‘wuod‘ â€" wooden crates. ‘ How 1 like this is grilled. as l have said. then sprinkled with sea salt (featured elsewhere). and drizzled with balsamic FRESH ASPARAGUS 'lntemadonal Women’s Day†is celebrated annually on March 8th. It is a day to focus on kwe. respect and appreciation towards women and to celebrate their economic. political and social achievements The Mimnsa flower has been the international symbol of this celebration since 1946 and was choaen for its bright colour. beautiful fragrance and full bknminearlyMarch. BringhomeabmquetofMlnmsa flowersandshowdlewomenmyowlifejusthowmuchyou appreciate them. A Featured at... BUNCH 3.3" $2-'.35 $10.95 PIZZA PIZZAZ! Chadialfdlinkmwidlwlmny mm.lmldukcabigdm|kof ithdncwechndwrmatm, andbythcsccwdorthirddayithad ruchednmdunmommnp.â€"andit wthcï¬ncstchecscdutlhadhichcno The second is thc I“ m “8.. cheese that wt‘vc handled more mendy, from Wacomin. It’s a ‘hard' chccsc, but ': 1/3 afï¬ne ‘ . maximum OFF thiswcckat. For the special this week we’ll be putting on the favourite pizza ofour best (albeit non-paying) Customer, Evan. He lovesthch HunmadewidxFimdiIattecheese, cherry tomatoes and fresh basil. and mnm§mlpikithighwimour stommade peppetoni to satisfy your always delicious! Featuch at. .. MYFAVE \ THIS WEEK OFF It‘s $795 $895 rims