FOR MORE INFORMATION? ° visit: ' emaik oslt©senecacollegeca - call: 416â€"491-5050, ex. 22158 Learn workplace language and cultural skills in these free courses. SENECA OFFERS OSLT lN: Accounting - Financial Services Business Entrepreneur â€" Sales Marketing Human Services: Early Childhood Education/ Child Youth Worker Technology Health Sciences you are a Permanent Resident or Protected Person you have training or experience in one of the specified occupations or sectors: you have Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) English levels between 6 and 8: SIEMLITY REQUIREMENTS Courses will run April 5 - July 26 twice a week. Saturdays 9am~4pm and Monday evenings 6â€"10 pm Markham Campus (Hwy. 404 and Hwy. 7) -._- s - OSLT Business Entrepreneurship. Sales HhM7 Marketing Newnham Campus (Hwy. 404 and Finch Ave.) - OSLT Health Sciences - OSLT Accounting and Financial Services UPCOMING COURSES OSLT Technology Iï¬l Cuttzonamp and Canyoth a! Imwahon Canada Immigration Canada 01 L EOES «XLCGES ONTAMO ONTARIO “Aw-(anowmmww cunnilmnumhï¬mï¬m. memoa‘mmmï¬- nflwnlnmdw<~rfl .Mskm wnunm an-onerI‘Wwvuvsrvyho com MWIO,~ MIHMer\MIMleM~-oincvrwm mm 2W mac‘ny MM Monwwm ¢Mv at «am my! Evenmgs and some weekends Expenence preferred Fax or Ematl resume Fax: 905-940â€"4199 Email: markhameroyallepageca CLINICAL ASSISTANT Career opponunnty for a recent unwersny grad 0! other ambmous mdwndual. wnh an Interest required for ultra sound department of lemmy clnmc un Markham Must be avauable to cover 3 weeks 01 vacanon in the summer PM» email mum. to: yowmumrkfcrtmu¢ thail‘com Cam m beams scrences tunes» . or Mness GREAT HOURS! EXCELLE TRAINING! Apply in person at l'niomille Family “bums Centre 4747 HWY #7 East. l‘nionvilk- (ome we us diru'th' 4H lhr (.Arn-r (air or arrange an Appointment with uulo Bodor at (403! 6524565 or v mall MMMmm PART TIME REAL ESTATE RECEPTIONIST PART-TIME I WEEKEND RECEPTIONIST IMMH’ON: Minot 11. tom from 7am - 7pm Monte Carlo Inn, 45 Covently Road, 167 4V7 summons": Much u g 13, 201. from um Ipm Best Western Plus E "tum: Inn, 38 Estate Dave. M1 H 211 mum: m n, 2014 'r’om 7.1m 7pm Monte Carlo Inn. 7255 Warden Avenue, [JR 154 LONDON: Much :3. ton from 7am 7 29m Huron Hotel, 300 me Street, N68 152 Beef Processing f‘ . High River, Alberta HIRING ON THE SPOT We are also recruiting: Experienced Maintenance Stafl' Graduate Management Associate (Engineering and ()peratiuns Management) ?I}. M (cc/Io“ Looting hr Gamers for (1001 to 0001 nelwerv One dehvery per week wnth flexible hours available Work «n vour com- mumtv Can Megan at 905 640 2612 m 24 0t amau “WWI-"M infomctivo healthcentruom CMHGVS for door to door deliverv One dehvery per week wnth flexnbie hours avaname Work m vouv com- mumry Call Nnkkl at 905 943 2446 Or eman Permanent PIT CHTROPRACTIC ASSISTANT Chiropractic cnmc n Markham seexs crowing. com Email resumes to Looting tor - Cnam 8. Carltfr ' ï¬ww.‘ 8. St Patna 5 3 Please call us today at 1905)737-1600 flag/m \ z ï¬rm» RoachVieu \ illage I Nursing Hume Pan umc und (INN! RN. RPN and PS“ pmnmm Plcuxc app!) m Nlcnlc Simpxun. .~\[)(X' nicolesimpson (0‘ rm eralis ingxom or (th) \Milkcr lXK‘ cathyM'alkt-rm‘ rm eralis ingxom Landsca Construction Help: STON MASON- Min Svrs exp Include: flagstone, natural stone walls. concrete blocks HARDSCAPE Include. mstau pavers retammg wallsr'steps. set grades Call '0! sum Ghnoaks Landscape Controcton. Stouflvillo (905)888-6312 «s Hmng Fun-fume E‘euubte hours Must be avaalabbe to work weekends Drop off a resume in store 12267 10th Line. Stouflville or email lfltleceewsstouflvilleehotmailsom We require School Crossing Guards! Cherrvpocxer Orde'mcker ‘2 45 pmto 8 45 pm Dart-time FuNJnme hours RF scanner experoence preferred jobsopscs 6 ° Umonvule PS BndIe Trail . Houmgham 8. Locmoge - chnarn 8. Larkm West Lmlo Caesars Stouflville FORKUFT OPERATORS AFTERNOON SHIFT. MUS T BE CERTIFIED