rsday, March 6, 2014, ' Boy band show helps Grade 83 take trips v -..-.,_V “WV-Mm!“ WWW“ MNMnWWMMMO-um vmmwo AC I... MWO'UNMWWM human-maumuuo tmmwml mnmwwumuu “I In‘ttwlmwumibmbomfl.mmm humus“... quMumnWmmmwmammmmmrwww-mwwm Wumhlmhwbmmthouw Nam-donuoo-mmowm mum-n wuum Autumn-mm mac-pan ~Mmumwmwmmmmm-wm MNWMMM 'DE mmmuammuw “Wm-mo Ac MWmeS-rmstnmmusgnt-u: u $wvww» W‘m.mmmh WNWMMML POE mmmmrmmdw Imago-m NHSonufn 01 mm um «um nmmmdoshnm mmmmuwaum.mmunwmmm mun-M uwmmunwunmu.wmdmu “WWW mam-to (mmmmmmun no hot but NIMWn-MHST‘ ‘WIWNMSWW mm Wadi-wanna: uwwmmu :Nww M! M! Mk“ Ina «among-Mus“ “mum mm WNW-aha "wWOo-mmu Wither: L mwvsmnnow m» Ionian!“DummonMN-Imevfl-mhaflmmmmmmm mmwuwwdn 7.MW.NMMLWMIMW.C~70U\W.N“MRW2£WW7MW.O~IOIMW,«Wampum WMMMMWMMWHINWMMmMWQ 'wmwnmhmmm u. omvuvmmnv .h-‘h- “Whfl-I-‘m‘ Man-ml..- ugh-.1 “mun-fl MM_L- _____‘__.__L. -__...‘_ L“; A... , , 1!: d I‘II i! 31!!! {gassing-iii... 911:1!!! ini“3!.1t iiiymitii ‘14114131‘IJ‘1‘. 1‘¢.5(€lulÂ¥il‘u <iIflflllI1< iiliifï¬gg‘iug i4. §~WO(!§ :1 idirigigiggiégasï¬gziicta353143335; Stouffville 67 Automall Boulevard (Millard Hwy. 48) 0 ans-mam 0 stouflvillohyundai.col_n Canada's version of One Direction â€" Eleven Past One - is playing the Lebovic Centre for Arts and Entertainment â€" Nineteen on the Park March 28. Ms Heaton hopes the concert will raise around $2111). which will be divided between a number of local schools ‘ All local primary schools were contacted to be a pan of the event. but sorne for a varlety of to Ms Heaton. The concert is hosted by LA Onho and Kids Dental and is a fund- raisgr fpr local thade 8 school m'ps “Let's give to the ones who aria really pumped about this," said Kelly Heston, [A Ortho's treatment co-ordinator. Opening for Eleven Paét One are WtchurchV-Stouï¬vifle's Ellen Ree- sorgnd Luke CummM-Avoledo. Eleven Past One foï¬ned in Bowmanville in 2007 with one mission: to inspire fans and show them they can accomplish anything. according to their bio. “lust seeing Eleven Past One come to Stouï¬ville can make their dreams come true.†Ms Heaton said. In 2009. equipped with a 30-foot camper and all the Kraft Dinner they could eat. the bays headed to hos Angeles. where they made waves and embarked on a year-long American tour. They also recorded their debut album. The Ultimate Catch. Tickets. whicharealmostsoldout. areSZOeach. Formadditional $25. you can have your photo taken with the group prior to the con- cert. 1b purchase tickets, call Ortho and Kids Dental at 905-642-3642 or email smilesQlalddssa DRU BY SANDRA BOLAN sbolan© COMING UP @l HYUI'IDFII’ E Q U U S 177 0 stouflvillohyundahoql \’ N m ® Gama 5 mm“ A an; 5 m3 BOI 'I'ickctsforElcvcnPastOne'sshowatNinetccnonthePukinStoufl'villeerdlZ8mncarlysoldout. OUYSB FWANCING ‘NGOMMM- ZANCHIN