You're connected b DISASTER RELIEF The region submits its claim for ice storm disaster cash to province gf4G|H b SHOOT T0 THRILL A young defence- man from York Region is on the Canadian men’s hockey team in Sochi b WE'RE FREE Don't payto read compelling content. We offer local, international and world news without fees or limits to the number of pages you view. Canada plays the USA. in Olympic hockey, twice: today at noon for the women’s gold medal, tomorrow in a men’s semiï¬nal. Have your say on the expan- sion of the library and leisure complex tonight: bit.Iy/1feQiyc With rain, warmer temps, you need to check storm drains, eavestroughs aren't blocked: bit.Iy/MASIG7 'yorkreglon‘ We‘ve go! It covered Top 3 things you need to know to get you through the week "I! II" “S! Join the conversation TOP READ STORIES ON THEWEB chances Ready? bitJy/MOPBGb yorkregnon .com Blnggels We’ll be there this weekend » BLACK NISTORY MARKED Whitchurch- Stouffville’s ï¬rst Black History Month celebration is being held Saturday at Nineteen on the Park. You're invited, but if you can't make it, go to Here's a preview: bit.iy/ i chktx and at her really good wads Mal/WWWWWW’HWM Footwear ake our York Region news quiz and then we'll talk. Tip: Reading our sto- ries on yorkregioncom will help your How smart are you? OK, You Asked F0! It hete’s the answet. hwy/1'3be P olice arrested Bradford's John Jansen, who is charged with ï¬rst-degree murder in a double stabbing that left a Newmarâ€" ket man dead. ’ a Read all about him: bitJy/‘IQZIALJ' Murder suspect arrested JANE! LAURENCE Hunts for tickets in Sochi. hilt)†MLNS I here will you watch the rest of the Olympics, including the medal-round women’s and men’s hockey games? Borne optione hem bitJy/lgWh PYO JAY GUTTERIDGE Parents need sitter swap. 9 t - thM Go, Canada, go! We'll have photoe/vidcoe and storics on our website. yorkregion‘ com D [IKE "5, PLEASE The Sunâ€"Tribune launched a Facebook page. Join the con- versation, enter contests and share your photos and stories with us. Contest Have you caught Olympic fever? What are you and your family do- ing to show your national pride? Send us your photos depicting your Olympic spirit. We’ll post some of the best entries and enter you in a draw for movie passes. Send your photos to jgutteridge@ yrmg.Com