COUNCIL: Two weak years on Park Dr. New location, optimism for farmers’ market "lbwn of Whitchumh-Stoufl’ville council approved moving the market to the munici- pal lot next to the Latcham Gallery and the former Care and Share Thrift Shop lot at 6240 Main St. Tuesday. The move com alter the number of ven- dors and shoppers dropped during last year‘s market season. Councillor Phil Bannon said he would have prefened moving the market to Civic Square. in front of the bebovic Centre for Arts Entertainment - Nineteen on the Park But stall“ and a vendor at the meeting said the area is too small. The market has been held Thursdays from May through October on or next to Park Drive in MemoriaLPark during its ï¬rst ï¬ve years. There were four fulf-timg vendors at the market last year. The Stouffville Farmers' Market is on the Councillbr Richard Bartley. who was on BY llM MASON jmasunGyrng‘nm the now defunct market committee. argued vendor fees should be waived to bring back more farmers But downtown co-ordinator Anna Rose says interest is strong and she expects all booths to be taken and paid for. Alepontocouncilalsosaysthetmm's decision to broaden sales from the original loo-mile radius around Stouflville to all of Ontaï¬otwoyearsagohadadeu'lmentaleffect on the market. GET CONNECTED \ WEWYALMNGAMW Followus ' MANY Hm? How do you feel about this move? facebook.coml$touffvnlle Sun Inbune ROYAL] MCIAL nssuris 2 OR 3 PLY ADV". uouun 0R [ml smuoru mun-ans 50's 728 OR NIGHTTIME 40's