town of WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING TUESDAY. IANUAIY 2|. 20“ AT 7:00 RM. (.(K'NCILCIIAMIEILS. lll SANDIKWD Dill/l PIOPOSEDOFHCIAL PLAN AMENDMENT GROWTH MANAGEMENT STRATHJ’ PHASE 3 LANDS > COMMUNITY OF STOUFFVIIJI SHDNIMRY Pl AN TOWN OF WHITCHL'NIH-STOUFFVILLE I‘Iu NU. ()I’AUJO‘ NOTICE 0? mm . d l'AKl Nttlltil that the (ouruil ot The t ntpoutmn ol the lawn ul -' ' ’ ' ‘ “Ihnthulkh‘MUUI,V|Ik wrll hold a Puhln Meeting on lueuln lmuan .‘t. ' .‘UM rt T‘t'mp m tnthet ounrrlt hamer Munurpalttttitex lrl \mdrlurd ,_ ________ Drive. Stotrflvrlle, Delano tommider rn Wharton tor .I proposed t'lffkul v. o‘ Inna Milena. Moulhile Plan Amendment pursuant to 5mm 17 ol the Planning AtI ~ " ' ‘ . ‘ . t I l ’ ' f . l SUIIECTW ‘3 [he prupmed (N’lxul Plan Arnenlmem addreules poll. in m the Town I W ul Whrtchtmh Moutholle Uttxral Plat that applv luwn wide Speutx :3 cm“: emphasis ot the amendments relate to [mines 4nd land use designation» h ~~ ~ ms.â€" aflnung land: vlhtn the ('ommunltt of Vtoutlvrlle Newmluv l’lrn And in prrtkular the "my 11mm" As dawn on the map WAN)“ (MluuiPlanAmemln-rntshle Nu UPAIHXW . 'v . .J lhepruposedt tttuul PlanArnmdment implemenhthe results with: 1mm | 42, - ii} A: (.rowth Management \mrrgv thr \tep 1 at them.“ demonstrated the v . . i-Eir need Int «Mammal rewientul and non rnuientul lend: tn ummmtnlrte ’_ 4%" Stouï¬m'lle Sun- Tribune myorhvglonxom I Thursday. Dec. 26. 2013. 4 prtmth m the 'lown tn the out 111 wan 4nd through In .‘tfll l'ho u to he aunmmodated through mmr mmleute mtemrluatmn .md the urbanization ot the t ommunm ot ‘totrflnlle Phase ‘ lands The I’th-e ‘ laotl ARI taker tn those lands in the Sounder» Plan that are turrentlv not dengmted tor development. but are within the Hat Ridge» Moraine ' t omervation Plan Settlement Area Rounder» as drawn on the mp 'w.- .- .. -... “ - mrwmrmm \tep .‘ or thet 1M5 is a prot en lot amendments to thel ommumh or Mouth-rile \et ondan l’lm urban expansion min the Phat: ‘ lands Step 2 alto involver tho preparation 01 amendments to the Oll'uul Plan to implement direetmm arising from ‘Ster l Kn tomponemi ot the pmpmed Ullqu Plan Amendment milude ' Amendnrentito the uheduies and pnlruetol thet mrtrtruutt at \tuuttuile \eu-tda' \ liar '_l at dete‘e the Rita' Arr; dexgmtwrr an} retrial It wvl‘ Am‘rurr'rte restart-.13. dmgnatmm and polu 1(\ mt liking“ r'eu lizii'r Z \r-‘\ tr heulrntlul '1 'm quaranti- rt am} tented pulxre‘ a “not ltanut \tatmo Area ileugnatu‘r: tum» Noon 'ur \hth 1' El ' m. 71.; 3M"- .ll‘kl tra'm': pm... ,sw - Rrvmuns to the 1 amount \\ \ter= m 'he l’hJM‘ i .mtls 3v rel int \ unites in ".t harm.†:<'~ l f \dei lurk-4.1 ‘pcta Pro-1mm: fir ‘hr Kexbdetflu' "C.ltl(\‘£?14ll“l 'v Tut? we 4. . ., Hut .( -'~ ‘t .m .L' m ' Hum-g pun {\J’Nl min" tn; to Next “2r Ile‘u la»-;"“t "' .o‘ 'l‘r t'luu \ ia’kh ' ‘IIK \'Tttlrllll"h“"1(lll AICJ ~1e‘\titul|rt. wit it" l't l 'u A 1"†«(if ‘r- We I’tlfkgllJItté "‘~- .1 Ktxt‘x ‘l _: 3. :a' 3 ‘15" ""r: t l . D ‘ ' tr.trmt"¢mlallnt‘ rt! 'N' 1 Al‘ in .rnr‘h ".t \ nt \l"\iUI tk' TM u will» he\ "'1‘ .41 81.31 x to N 'm \m to That i 't‘h'i f‘t\;"li.llltl."\ t N 3411' reer J'm' .‘ it?! u ’u 1* h "'IKIJ‘L‘uln'13U"‘ï¬;‘1‘lflll‘ll‘ \erui' ‘ , ~ '.‘ 5' 'r\ all 'n 'r'lrtl ’ht l;’ti.llt-‘ p: u: 't'.'tt ‘ 1 '»: l‘v \ "rt .1 nu,“ \ Vitrv'te'tt ~ on. pnlkm related to lmprm "Kn! line: 1 ortvemtv ~ Plan «'3; \e' \e.‘.tw‘ L I" of We lamt." Vial". .mt: limit-'1; t1" huer «.1 turn-h l 0‘ tliwrt and ‘~\ .‘er :hu m;‘r(t“r""~ flâ€; '31,. 'e're'w u' \e.‘ or _t . or :=‘ the . .rl l"...". mint" .“g ‘4‘â€;er ' ltt‘ --t‘ «Linux; View“ ' l’tllhK~ .rtt'Vttï¬Vtst'tllt"! "on! ln'LlII-urutnt vtt' t.r-.’o ‘al :. l l\ n r tltï¬t.7..t' I" ‘13.: ." "' ;'l- I - 'V“t \.e tit-‘11“l:lit‘ ‘JtJ‘ ur‘wed’v wet! . .'r'ru.« mm A! 'txtt-m'uen" H V'H a R-m' .. . , r ' .Vu olrtulii.‘.uvr‘.rli'lrghlh'tw". Remit“ Jll‘(\_‘.l .t' ‘r-.r I¢%.1~AI!' v ' r: I; ‘n" ‘rn‘ ‘ '. -‘ . vs ‘ I. r Rd in.“ and "w ("i\l'-Hï¬\\m"'-!iailtl‘v [PRESENTATION ANY PERSON max attend the Puhlu Mu'tmg ind mm- utttten ut oul II'I‘H'W'HIJHIVH z tlht't to support at at m opposition to the propelled t mural Plan Amendment ll vnu are uruhie to attend. written \ul‘tmumm ml. be named .rp to the time ot the meeting HQIMQKMIQN ‘ It you wish to be notified ot the adoption ot the propoud Uttx ul Plan Amendment. vmr must make a written request to the Town of V5 hit; hurth Stouttnlle. 111 undue-rd DHW. Stouttvtlle. Ontario MA "7.8 APPEAL It A person or robin both dun not rmlre oul xuhtntmom at a Puhlu Meeting or nuke written tubmouoos tn the lowrt o! Whrlt hurt it “tooth rile betme the prnpnwd Uflkul Plan Amendment 1| adopted. the ptth or Ptrhlu l’xhh‘ H not entitled to appeal the tie-tum or thet mint ll 0! the Town or Whrtt hutth \touth rlle to the t lntano Mumupal Board It a perwn or puhlit hurt» tines not make oral strhrnmiom JI a l’uhltt Meeting. or malt wrzttm \ul'tthumA to the lawn 01 V1 hllkhuhh Stouttulk heture the propoth (‘llnul Plan Amendment u adopted. the penun or publu both rim not he added u 4 part» to the hearing nt an appeal helorr the Ontario \ltmurpal Htuul unit“. in the uptown ol the Heard. the" are reasonable grounds to Add the prune. or puhltt hodv n a path I’l'IUL OPEN HOUSE The lawn will be hmtrn; .r PUNK “pm Home to ptm ule tht prrhlrt itltlrtrnm; mtmnutnm and to 4mm" anemone on the proposed 1 l"tutti Plan Amendment in adulter- «It the \tatutoti publn meeting llate luesdu. lamurv it .‘1'14 lune ‘ or: 9 on pm lmation Town 01 White hurth \toultnllt. Munupal Ufluesft ounult hamhen ltl \andtlord Dr Swtl\1lle.tlruuw ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ADDITIONAI lNH‘RMATlt \N on the proptmed (Mural Plan Amendment is variable tor tmpn Mon at the Planning and Building \ervun Department. Munu tpal t "tan. Ill handtlonl Drive. \touttnlle during regular lumnesi houn Honda to hitter. R (It a m to '~ no r m and on the ltwn'l whore mmmtmuttmt.‘ It mu have A!“ quextlom pleue tooth! Alan ltrord Manager Planning \en l\ e< .rt ettrnuon i ‘itr or email at Alan drmdti‘ttmnolui . .t llAl ll‘at the l\‘\\ V 1“ V‘ ill-ll IN IN ll Vll‘l‘HVIl II lhh l‘Nh ll.“ ol llttt'ml‘e'r .‘Ul \ Andre-u M. hie-eh t hurl Llnvnutvflwr I "in rt A I. lhrr. tut ml Winning R “mlrlrnp \rvu. rt Inn It (\I W hilt him h \Itltlll\ tlIe’ Subâ€"station to provide police presence BY SANDRA KHAN ,J‘i Jam)". ner t um l’hl- York llt'gional (Police Whitt'hutrh- Stoullvrlle mmmunity sub-station is the ï¬rm ot its kind tn the region and is the initial step to creating an [X‘flllflfk‘lll police station in the liwm o1 \Vltllt‘ltunfll-Sttrttflvlllt‘. according to lnsp. Chris Built-n. . the “mini police station" will provide 24/7 police presence in the mmmurtity'thmugh its 21 constables. twt) patrol serpents and one stall sergeant. “'I‘nis B a «immunity-barred initia- tiW. ,. t'm mallyexcited about it.‘ Imp Bullen "()ut olthe police cruiser. on bikes. on foot. engaging the community.†he said. lhc sub-station. which has been under mustruction since the beginning of the year. is slated to open to the public Feb. 3. it is located in the town hall. lll Sandiford Dr. but it has a completely separate entrance on the northeast side. A civilian-manned t'ustomer sen-tie arm will provide residents a to report minor oflk'nt‘es as well as have pen-anal criminal record check and volunteer screening let- ters completed. the sub-station will also be a hub for recnriting. victim assistance. domestic tumult and impaired driving matters. home security and Road Watch. lire-re will he no holding cells "( 'an people be arrested? Yes. will be taken to District 5 in Markham.†lnsp. Bullet] flu,- customor service arm will be open to boxin A___I._I,DOGFOOD, 81 4" all"??? ’ 'wrmvbmmwm wvmcmnmmmwuwm ; wwmwmuamwmammsosmmm l E mwmmmmnmtmm'wuimm 9 I wwwmwumew-um VALID DECEMIER 26 - DECEMBER 31. 2013 the public Monday to Friday. 8 am. to 6 p.11). lkm'srr. drum: liourb may change. depending on resident! need. the Stouï¬ville Community Policing station. which was operated by volunteers in the Main 8668100 transit building, closed Doc. 1. volunteers will now work under the York Regional Rilice's community service banner in the Bruce's Mill Conservation Area Safety Village Gombrmm Changes to the GO train and bus schedules take eï¬ect km 4. including ' Vibe 5:18 am. southbound train from [in- colnvifle will now serve Millikan. Agincourt andKennedytcrminals.ltwillarriveat Union ‘ Station 211628 am. 0 The weekday 11:40 am. Uxbridge to Union StationbuswillmlongarserveCen- tcmial or Unionville stations A new weekday buswill leave thetlemennial terminal at 12-31 pm. stop at Unionville and arrive at Union at 1:10 pm. 0 The weekday 11:30 am. Uncolnville to Union Station bus will no longer some Centen- nial or Uniomrille stations. A new weekday bus will leave Centennial station at 12:01 pm... stop at Uuiuuvillc and arrive: at Union at 12:40 pm. 0 A new northbound bus will leave Union Station at 8115 p.m. and stop at Markham. Mount Joy. Srer and Lincolnville sta- tiom ' For more information. go to gouarmkcom/ schalules week "All ' I‘ll“ ‘9 t1}; wwwpotculturocom