Tourney) champion tykes giving back to community In ww Steuflviflechnstuanchurch ca The (Slippers reached the ï¬nal after play- ing near perfect hockey when they defeat- ed the Kitchener Mighty Ducks 7-0. North Tomnto White 4-0. Dundas Blues 5-0 and Forest Hill Falcon? 7-0 in pool p|ay action to ï¬nish ï¬rst in their bracket. The Stouflvillc Clippers tyke A (MD) entry skated OH with the 'ka9/ Minor Novice Thu-e title from the Bradford Blue and Gold (Ilassk' Hockey 'Jbumamenfafter they blanked the Hespeier Shamrocks 4-0 in‘ the champion- ship ï¬nal. Coached by Miguel 7|"0rres along with Steve Wood and Tony Sialtsis. nthcg team members included trainer Aniel Sitlani. goalkeepers Ryan Silverslein and Nathan Maringnla. Avery ()'( “1WD! ()‘Dvll. Pdvtos Sialtsis. hogan Sitlani. Ronan Tom‘s. Rocco Vismnti. Isaac Wood} bhnny Andri- puulus. Justin Brauer. Shay “can. Alexander WWW! 11:00 am Candlelight Service 8: Carol Sing 6528 Mam St, StOUH‘VaIle 905-640-2561 Pastor Jum Amy Christmas Eve Service December 24, 6:30-7:30pm Rumthmnts at B-OOpm Sunday Worship 418190177‘ 19 on the Path 19 Cmc Annuo. Stoutmun Com cotobrm tho smpl'mty M the «non A Chum. 0! 1m Chmtun And "533qu Allan. M Comm ST 0U FFVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH one *’ Sunday Some. at 10:00 am Christmas Eve Services (Thmunglc Family \crvuc .u S-OUpm Candlelight Eucharist at 71H>pm Carul 8mg at 9, 30pm Candlelight Eudunsl at IU 00pm ChristChdeStouflvifle Anglican Church of Canada 254 Sunset Blvd. 905-6-10J4M www.sluuflvillcanglicunka 8-00 am 8t IO'OO am Fuchamt Nurscry 8: Chunh Nboui Pagmnt M 10 (mam 905-887â€"5651 Sunday,Dec¢mbcr22nd Christmas Eve Services 5:00pm and 7:00pm Stouffvdk Rd. at Kcnncdv Rd. mmum Saturday Dcccmbct le! Sunday December 22nd Espringvale 10:00am Celebration Service Rockv Dundas wwwspnngvalcnrg Men of Note (Iona-rt 2:00pm a; ?t30pm Christmas Day Eucharwt at IO'OOam ALL WELCOME! COME (5' SEE hunk-,mlntoqmm The tykv team was giving hack to the community this week. ‘lhey visited the Stouffvilk- ï¬re hall for a tour and delivered tnys and food items for the k-xsvfortunate in the area. ‘ t (See photographs on .mrkn’gionmom) (bry Tanaka collected one assist in Can- ada's 4â€"2 loss to Kazakhstan in their ï¬nal mund-mpin game at (heWimer Uhiversiade in 'l'renti'no. Italy Sunday. The 25~y9arn|d Smuï¬vilk’ resident and fourth-war fomard who am-nds Saint Mary's University in Halifax earned his help- cr on a third-period goal by Simon lacmix that enabled (hnada m cut its deï¬vi: In 3-2. Drikos. Michael 130. Owen lmnard. Josh Mdkwem and Michael Milne. mow-c vnvu ugéa- mama-on» BLOOMINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH 6:30 pm â€"~ Candlelight Scrvicc 6432 Main St. Stouffvilk 905.640.3151 Wheelchair acceuibk Rev. loan Mastcrton. minister ST. JAMES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Everyone Welcome! Sunday. December 22 Servwe of Worship. 4th Sunday in Adventâ€"Love 1000 a.m‘ Tuesday, December 24 Christmas Eve candlelight service 6.00 pm. Saturday, lanuary ll “:00 am -- Worship Service Sundays December 22 9:30 am m Sundav School 13660 Ninth Linc N. (905) 6424414 Rcv. Peter Pallant Aï¬-iendlyï¬mily church Burns Supper Parkvnew Village SPORTS 5:30 pm. 9n and Bellevme Bulls of the Ontario Hockey league. Tanaka also played an instrumental role in'Canada’s 11-0 Win over the Ukraine Fridayas hescomdapairofgoal; Both gnals came in the ‘semnd including one on the power play. Canada ï¬nished second in its poo! with The Gonnley course have an open a 2"! mm-Ioss mark but still advanced to house lan.4 and 11 fromSaLm. m3 pm. the quarter-ï¬nals and were to face Slovakia nurse in attendance will receive a free Yesterday ‘aï¬ï¬‚ Press deadline). , video swing anaiysis and enter a draw for a Playplflflsm-I‘Ibon York Region and closed down golf courses for nnbthcr year. 111059 Wishing to mike impnwemems l0 their game in preparation fnr next season can do so indoors at the Academy of ( iluhUnk at Rolliyg Hills. A fquqr mgmbef of the Plymouth Whal- Although Old Man Wmtei’ has invaded mutm-GnSbâ€"Wed. 66:.“ JLMme-SFTiIuéizlï¬p Snï¬â€™o‘1a9-ui-Frt87zï¬- MMQIB-NFMC Stouffville Pentecostal Church 6853 Main SL. Stouffvillc 905.640.5696 Chmesex‘Enghsh/CMdren Semce SUNDAY WORSHlP 9:45AM Sunday Service @ (10 am (“lv’ixï¬ï¬ilï¬ï¬‚v 0 Oscar Peterson Pubhc Schoo! 850 Hoover Patk Dr.. Stmnfvdle Sunday School for Kids! Everyone Welcome! Lead Pastur' Jefl Lain! (Vulde it Pastur; Lori Anark Ynth Pmmr: Ian Harley (‘uunsrlnr' Bonnie Bordon}! CHURCH omc: (mm {6473 547 3618 32 Jamesway Cres.‘ Stoufl‘vule admmOstouffvme-gbcovg mstouflvm gbcmg Equipped with 10 hitting stations. chip- ping and putting green. the Academy of (Ilubunk at Rolling Hills offers an unlimited practice package for5199 per person. They also offer a private coaching pack- age at $799.99 that includes unlimited prac- tice and lo one-hour lessons. Those in attendance will receive a free video swing anatysis and enter a draw for a chance to win a winter, golf membership. All registemd members will also receive complimentary access to the High [)eï¬nr tiun'Golf Simulator. dWanmwmmmaMw 719v64210cha. A Chumh in a Beautiful Countryside Pastdr Wm Robbins Maha‘ï¬mebt Jesus (eunuch of (mm. MMZA Charmin-Wes 7pm mememhhgeam 9.30pm Even'ng Servtedtessonsm Carolsï¬hComrmuon. MM†Faeweltoflevflaxymman Semeufllbefoflomdbyafareku Everyone Welcome! 860 Cone. 8, Claremént 905-649-2812 MM): AdvantOpenmeStabieDoor Smdavaervice 10:30am Lunch to follow a'll.‘ Kill“