WWW“ WWW" demon. MM.WMFndlyu9a.mto utmflithochMIndoouhocsto mummmmmmm AmmaWaa MMâ€M1Imb3M Cmbhtcutnya¢smaam.wuh ammmammmmm. yumphg «aluminium shown. magic show. comedy )WMNWMTW‘ HOLIDAYCLOSURES TheWOï¬ceszbedosedfrom Tmsdly.Decembev24anoomhroughto W,hnuuy LTheMmï¬ddefï¬ceswiIlre-open Thundaylonuoryzuaam. “ Forhoursdopemion ofTown homes. piease seeour WC. FOOD I GIFTS FOR TICKETS Min-um“ WMWhMMl-Gmhm m hem-en Decembev I and Decemhet 15 ndï¬letobepddbyduflbnï¬euehflgm Wmmuduumamm wmnwwwmwamwom mamusmmmm.mmz ado-mum mmdï¬mmhflbu mufldhmmwmm MAYOR’S FAMILY NEH CELEBRATIC Jom us for a free New Year’s Eve ceIebn fun famcly mght out! Hone-diam wag (weather permmmg), music. ice scuk dogs. hot chocolate and othet goodies MAYOR’S NEW YEAR’S D‘ WW1 from Bung you! famflyoutfovaï¬eeskateat CompIeHI20WeIdon Road)on Pad I SANTA mm AND HWY 'The Uttk Matti! 6M Revisited" MM! 1†mnmo MWumItm "Outhohtl (unwitting-ulnth Minion-ovum “Mathimmumâ€. Abidutmmpmhcbmmw - “Wham!†WMMSOOV WGMW! non-tummy 1 W" mommhmhuy? -... ‘f mmmwmmion storm 39-207mm What’s 0? in Mmâ€" 92450111.; MsWWWI Minn Send-1.00am 1 a Whoa-Mn One Month Farm: 550 HST Dncluded One Month Fitness Pius $60 HST tnduded «new gtoup ï¬tness and oquafm BWfonhe ptkeol I2 WWWFREE mth the puvchaseohny WWW Mmemmufl. WSWRMMMSCHUIQ “.mmnum.ms Momentum cal the Lawn («me for detth (heck out a library podomotev Homing Book (tub <d‘ You! Library Mflondayohhomonmmam 1011303": ‘ Coma" Faith 31905 6‘2 7323.9" 52340! at W.“ 907 dot-h 0: to mount Tahukptowuds Wham had: your stepsondmï¬ewfllmanqutdm Anmmï¬vm9-12’Dovou NVQOWSPI urd’ Canada mm the Iubnry's Inn boot dub' (mm mm 5190560432101! 52340: I! You Book Club! Do you but to road? Wuâ€? Om mth when" Joan usforafree NewYear’s Evecelebrauon thatpromisestobea fun famuy mght out! Horse-dawn wagon rides. bonï¬re. skating (weathev permitting). music. ice scuipthg, compï¬menmy hot dogs. hot chocolate and othev goodies. Fireworks at 9 pm; MAYOR'S NEW YEAR'S DAY FREE SKATE Wham-’1 from 1 was!“ BungyoutfamuymnfovaheeskateatStouMCWSpons “halcyon-auburn «6:30pm. WintuMOasses-Otï¬hmlflmh rwmymmmmm unmzsmy stage“ 10: kmmmmmms-Ilinmm H «sinuous: WWWMmamnmm n Ramona: Thursday oftuuhoot MMMMMW 1046! «mum-n; ma my Fufldaylkqummm mag-u '0, mum-human _ : “Flap... Explore (mum-WMMMMONB‘QMI mm ImamamMm*memmwfw mummy. Winona“. wmmumw m: summon!!! it SM W‘mm Tuesday mung Ll. Dru-h. m:th January u 'NEW‘ wmmay mung hark Pm Fall Art Classes - mm 18+ unlh .nstruuov Colin Wood Hanna! TnmflhmwubMI Width-moisten- mmwumnum low.“ '01 details Oonotputymnvehidemls wlyflwflgaatm Dectmbulltoliunry4 MbySDSSWIgmw IZIUgthonm. multilng Wawmw mthemad. -