mutton. Manama. um Sum. Mlammm hxslhan‘mmm WOW IWW. mum-(arm Thr Sat-Mm IMMIIOWM flaw-KIM“!!! hthmymdw [-MWM YMWWM.$J WUNW mmmJM WWdW WSWNIZ M: $5.60â€?! «I... l-w-NJ-BSJ DIS TRID UT ION N5 - 294~IZM duallumï¬m mm Yuri Rm Maia Eamon-Can [hphrw lawn: aha-rm†‘ um LETTERS POLICY .mup minimum hm Mason nerch I have Williams Tanw Pox-hem («ml Paulura ‘o: u on My nmï¬uu “cwa lathe Sun invigonted plan arming victims with a mom active. ammbk role in the legal pm For some of you. it would scan just another lax attempt to tell peupk: what they want to hear: hp service on an issue that has never changed. But wnh added teeth and promised clout. victims. this time. "ugh! make a dlflvmncv in huw criminal sentences are handed Then: are too many docu- mented cases in York Region when: convicted criminals haw attained plu bargains with the jusuce system without giving victims a chance to say. Why. wait a minute. I want people to understand how this crime has destmyed my life" and a chance to ensure those words are taken into consideration before deals are struck. It is frustrating and offensive that convicted criminals have been given. up to now. more say inanoutcomeolatrialthanthe family or person he or she mur- dered. hurt. violated or duped. , It is frustrating them criminals. who. in essence. are costing tax. payers millions of dollars every year in court and legal was. have the upper hand when it comes to bargaining, compromising or settling a pun'shment; leaving V10 Iims. literally. speechless it’s long ovenlue that a hill Ls to be put forward in the next few months designed to allow active victim inmlvement from the start of the primes“ through to when a sentence ‘5 handed down. lumicc Minister Pate! Macliay stated this week. following brief hints of the plan’s intent in last 'Ihursday's throne speech. While Mr. MacKay was still shortonspedï¬csofhmthevic- tim’s role will he [flayed out and the imnnct it mav have. he 0mm- “ nue ut’anCP Iawwrs lnSlSl this tww bill will giw vinth an opportunity to “get rcwngc" on .- at‘ruwd and that it's not their ml to do so. vidims how. for far too long. been absent lrom the tom. Let's hope this issue doesn't get Wiilt‘N‘tl down due to politic." munglmg and [maturing ntmtm "VF; Violins. voices need to lu- part olthc entire jmlirr systrm Pflm the impact it may have. he pmm About timevictims’ voices heard loud and clear mailbmkedcï¬ with. . in .. haven-th mmmnm ydahnyouwnbe Muhamma- [yuuotsamumeyou isedflwzmldbringsubsmmial meaningbrvictimsdcrimc Tbermervauve-gm menl, known [outs mug!“ mcflnn.msflus‘ptoponed victims’bmofrightswmfldbehrâ€" WW‘WW“ sex oflences and fraud This new bfll '5 a step in the right direction in a mquy "my consider light on criminal ptmish- mem. where viaims have link or no voice in the justice process hm ask Nmnarket resident Im- Wamhack. who became a staunch defvndcr 0! crime victims mom man one decade ago aï¬et his 15-year-old son. Jonathan. was beaten to near death iune 1995!. Thu-e tn'rmgcrs wrn- changed with attempted murder. but charges were reduced to aggra- vated assault due to a lack of evidence. 'l'wo wvrc convicted; the third was acquitted. He felt this family had no say in the procum Mr. Wamback took anion. lobbying to toughen the now luwnik' Delinqm-nts An. collect -- 'rng one million signatures on a pctitiun and. in 2002. launching a charitable organization. (‘ana- dian (Inme Victims luundatton. risking citizens to send letters tn their MP5 to request the gimm- ment be tougher on criminals and support vinims emummally and 'lhvy deserve more than just wuncsy foiales: Victims should be consulted throughout the pro. cuss. moir mcummondmmns pan of the smut-nu: Victirm deserve the funda- mental right to publicly address the mun bckm' sentences am handed down. While defence lawyers must this new bill will giw vinims an opportuan to 'ch revenge" on an acrused and that It's not their role In do w. vimms have. for far too lung, been absent l'mm the tom. Let's hope this issue doesn't get watch-d down due to political wrangling and plNunng. mormwm Don’t push ignorant HAVE YOUR 8“, votes to town pols mumâ€; Re: Councillors no fans of 0:11in wring; Fbliticians consider other plans to inran turnout ml year. On. 19. I keep hearing and lead- ing how it is essential that W? bn‘ng mom vmers to the pollx. ' dumm Only positive a of memnmdm 11‘ Mbmï¬ammm MWMm dump- Hmuldhavem (ionlhemismmmhmgevkhlceflm. in,fact.Misdeuinumeodlphw andsocietyingenaal. , Saaqucsï¬on13l£kttopos¢to thrisdixmisdris: gimdnathasidtafflltmhdo wmflymtanmgm irnposedbydwstate' unhlaled assumption about how the world is based on only a coupie of centu- ries of quick and mommic change on a global scale. Mom and more people are arguing that (his phenomenal growth has been due to the extraction and exploitation of cheap and casflyaccessibie fossil fuels 'lhe rapid use of this Immune has resulted in a number of umstqmmes. some intended and mm “were have been amazing techmflogâ€" cal changes and health can: advances. but there has also been greener wealth disparity. environmental degadation and violence on a global Whyasswnewewflgwnm? Rebbwmdepbaxmohmmby/im Mason,0cl. I7. I just want to challenge the assumptioanr.Mason’scohamnngnd- inginptn mmMï¬mM In any kind of discussion on growth; we; not-d :0 nm mfly be aware of these negaâ€" hflmmmmmmmpaaM? Vwmflhaauiqmmmmdm unmmmmmmmmamm mrmMWVEMmlso-m sub- "ï¬ssiontoinuonmm v MmdoyouMoi Missouorauyothus? (“Wm I‘m not sure why. DIANE WARD If people can‘t he hath wmn‘m'm H-S‘YUI'H-VHH' live com (and these cannot be avoided. admin-MW havebecn bynw).b\nwedaomedtomchsdemem homwoddviewundquesï¬onmepmvaflo NWMMBM mmpleï¬y theory. that humans often dis count the WM aspects ofgmwxh. focus- ing instead in the immaï¬ate. shun-term gainstha!canbemadeandthatweoften push gmwm in the mung dilution. making worse the social issues we try to ï¬x throng) WhicDoneEth-wmero! averyrespectedstwymlmenï¬dedm Saaquestbnldliketoptmtorems Emisgivmtheomersideofmeooimdo wreaflywam‘thegmwflnargashnposed byï¬hestate“ ()rMmlellmmBadentoflopmmwhï¬e Mism'unnmy'leï¬de-m. " STEVE BULL $511 H 1-H?! u Limits to Gnmh mine in a hook on the mus. MMWIBI ered to vote. will they have been homered to research to see who best represents I have had some tell me drywtefor’mepersonwdth Mummbecausedwy mustbetiwbest. ldon‘l want those folks these impunity}!