As valuable and exciting as participating in team sports can be. they am just as easity prove dangerous for athletes who aren't prepared for the rigors of physical activity A summer spent lounging poolside might be just what kids after a long school year. but that relaxation can put yrmngsters in jeopardy of suffering an injury when they mum to team spans in the fall. Many a young athlete has pulled a hamstring m Suffered a shin splint when returning in athletic competition aflm’ a long layoff. But such injurks are largety prwenlable. and the fulkming tips can help send-aged athletes ensure their rt-tum m mmpeiilion is as painless as it is pleasumhk‘. '(Mflmsyuurmmdain {N‘Wf'ekx heading up to tryouts or the star: of the school war. Many fall sports feature tryouts near the ond’ofsummermat unwrybeginnhlgofdw school year. That! means athletes mus: star! conditioning their muscles catty. ‘ Discuss with your parents. ï¬nches and which mmcles yuu Will he muting when playitga particular Adults should help you develop a conditioning program that gets the right mastic gmups manly for the rigors of your spun. - Injury prevention tips for school-aged athletes for the coming spans season. Athletic shoes speciï¬c to your sport are made to provide the support you will need as you train and compete. ‘ 'l'he same goes for lhe'cknhing yuu should wear when getting ready for the season. Wear the appropriate athletic attire to reduce your risk of injury. ' w: m h the palace Raf your conduct or prams. Many athletes begin weight training for the ï¬rst time when they are in high school. “height training can be beneï¬cial tn young ammo; but such athletes should never lift weights unsupervised. Parents. trainers and coaches can explain the equipment to ymtng athletes while ensuring they don't overdo it in the weight room. Lifting too much weight or having bad form when wetghttttung can cause senoth injury that can sideline youngtgrs for the coming season. if not longer. 50 young athletes should always weigu train in the presence of an adult and atways work with asspotter to help them should they strum to a repetition.