Stouffville junior Spartan Haydn Messner runs from Win-11m HuskiesplayrrsintheYorkrugyy ï¬nal in Markham Stouï¬'vifle won 265. Earl of WhltCthCh F Cottage Canoe The Eon of macaw cums hunger pangs with a : For-merry known as ounrry Kama Restaurant mmmewhsnpublm and g (nasBamstopusedrosoecmzosmprymmm popuw North Amoncan favour!“ In support of , bmakfasfondbrumhptafoslamosemwway SW lama. food as mpaad fresh usang ’ fromthocolfage butnow oflorsamploh menu of body sourced vegetables and mod Locatedqu a ? mans dnnks and desserts f0: late: bouts of hunger stan'sthvowthrouflvdo GOSIahon ThoEanol' Wsnbrasmplmgdmolanewashosmay Wmlsamostoppvwmfe stoptomfueloflor 3 now serve - try “pan-seared rambow troutor the abngcommunhomofmmwort :sbwcwkwboolbnskertogefanounsWIoodï¬x 51A" PHOTOGUSK KOCKF WIN! [07 HM titâ€"a. The junior buys dawned the Dr. [M Denin (Nmmarkm) Huskies 26-5 m their lie! (me ï¬nal at St. Brutth Andre (kuhulk' High School in Markham. ‘lhc Spartan buntam b¢rys won the YRAA junior {in two Lide with a victuq over host “unison 15â€"0. I110 Spartan girls Claimed this yt-ar's tier (me title with a 5-0 win over the Bill Cmthcrs (Markham) Colts at St. Bmthcr Andrv. ( )n the same pitch. the 50mm buys dropped the ï¬nal to lknison 29-10. "It certainly was a great day for the program." junior boys' mach Rub lidmondson said. “You've got to give ('mdit m lht' kids.†In the junior ï¬nal. “10' Spartans jumped nut to a 14-5 lead over the Hm- kios‘ at the half and never looked back. mliui ukuwaï¬i‘yrnigi um l‘wo out of "In": ain't bad. In "W um- (ii. the Smuï¬â€™vilic District Secondary School Spartans rugby (cams. winning rim-e out of four inguguml York Region Aihk-I ir wa‘ialion 9wqu rugby titles sure isn't shabby. The schnql's junior buys, bamam buys and girls wun Championship han~ ners l'hursdav. Max VI)†Kaufman scored three tries while Haydn Mcssncr added one and Bailey Mun-Ion booted three mavens, SDSS tackles 3 YRAA rugby titles BY MICHAEL HAYAKAWA Call our Call Drne whale muookmg 8100 mm Vince‘s serene blue new and mtm law a! Ohm! and Bonocm: Cale GM Sophlsomï¬on and class emanate from the mom‘s slut m walls warm kg;ng and floonbcoflng m rhochnc oaroryofle‘rsgwstsawndmuoldnf- mumddvshosmdaoonwhonmymks: mmmmmmm. In the senior boys ï¬nal. the Spa:- tans gave the ï¬rst-place Huskies all they muid handle in the opening half afle: battling them to a 10-10 tie. The Spartans reached the ï¬nal by defeating Alexander Mackenzie 40-0 in mm quarterï¬nal. The Spartans mm 1-0 aver Ihom‘lea in their "'lhc kids have been listening to what we told them all season long,†Edmond- snn said. did the right things a! the right liuws. In the bamams received a pair of tries from Aiden (lastillio and one from lamb dc H00 in their win over the host Huskies. " In the giris' tier one ï¬nal. the Spanans had it ï¬rst half try by Haley lk‘sialdines stand up for the entire match as may dofvatvd the Bill Crothcrs 5-0 for the ï¬rst time in three attempts this scawn. "'1119 girls are always Motivated to beat Bill Crothers." Spartans assistant coach lim Monk by framing the ï¬nal, the Spartans defeated 'l‘lmmsa of Lisieux 24- 12. Anna Homer had three tries and S‘mrmm (‘rrclli one. [aura Monk kicked two umvvrts. ft n the Spartans. who ï¬nished the regular season in ï¬rst plan: with a 5-1 record. (Cody Davis and Robbieï¬rmstmng had tries. Oliver Bonacini Woncems? , y 5 ,_. a pmer Service Line at 1.855.492.4524 SPORTS Wandoxpansrvo Widowsmalbokmroofl msolsurmundagbwslandwam Comefor www.mcmawmmmm†MM»WmmmShmsolean Bay. CM’SWIMGSpaoï¬oncfspatrmsa mmduuskoka Chofspropamasoasonafly kméphine UPaIi was 59th m the senior giris‘ race. Meliï¬a was 84th and mm O'Brien 92nd. Alycia Holt led Sloufl'ville's runners at the YRAA cross-country championships. ï¬nishing eighfh in the junior girls" 4,000 metre race on [he Buyd (bnsen'atmu Area trails in Wbodbridge Thursday. It was good enough for the 14-year- old (ide 10 student to earn her second straight trip to the Ontario Federation of Schoni Alhk’lic Associalmm than!» pionships at Laurentian Univ.ij in Sude Nov. 2. ' In the senior 7.000m went, Cameron was 45:11 fcï¬lowed by Spencer Craven. 49m and Greg lrh~ ming 94th. [Bah Finale was 27’th in the junior girLs' race. Emmanuel Lipari was ninth in the junior boys’ 6.0mm race. ‘ Hunter loliï¬e, placed 87th moral} m the migigm boys' 51mm. All {our Spanan entries advance to the inaugural Ontario l-‘edcmtion at School Athletic Associations festival a! Hctchcr's Field in Markham Tuesday. Rmrqualiï¬eswaFSM Inn at Christie’s Mill