Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Sun-Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 12 Oct 2013, p. 6

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13.6 I. Saturday. On. 12. 20 meB ()N x mm snmnnnv roam [hm MAnu'nuo um Sun lhrvuorulm mm I‘aoluru "an “an. -'~mfl A!) “31mm” must ht 11‘“ than am mm; and un ludr a (hymn: qu‘h‘ Ill‘ numhfl name‘ and addmsn [hr Sun lnhune rmrwm the nah! In Minsk: m "01p"th .md tn «in I“. Swflflbw M Mr "Ir-day om m a a cum (1 '0 WW We 0000 LU A a My fww Wmv U W Cow” I )I an ‘n m. Rmaom. Pmmm'ls um Cumin“) I k-lrra Weller I. u damv and gm :- (Mum-Woo. "Ill-(‘10.. Busmrm Agmmlsmnua Ruhr-r! lazu It“ \mk chlm Main l maup mmmunm l-‘m'mn lh Cum I whom Arlh' 49A :lqu" «*5 7mg ¢ um (‘o-onIn-tor ! Mphm' 1m: -m~ [ETIERS POLICY 1 MW l1 1110mm I’MIRMI’HUN ‘IBQ‘M-HI'H "a; .. m! )7 mg . on: In.“ You. Dunn-0710's 11mm Pachwn ‘0' as ml My "Mum. pm [Man mam“ ‘K’S MU Zhl.‘ . ‘IH (NU-R77! » l-K00â€"74JJA .11: MN w my um m’im "new!!va . um Dunno; Flown-non Im‘kw Smart lam Maw" Children’s Aid Society helps ;_:i‘.f:.:.. society’s most vulnerable 'lhc society is responsible for Inn-ping all childn'n lhruughum the Mann safe and helping [mm Iim lhrive. The work and services pro- vided by the society is remark able. last year, 10.000 calls welqc ['H‘l'lVPd mm‘vrmng lht' safety and well-being of a child. 9.055 childrvn wow served and 4.}99 inwstigations wvm mmpleiui. (hllaboration is important 2m Iho agency's success. “10 socimy is nm‘ of mum than 30 panm‘ts that establish“! the York Rvgum (icnm' for (hmmunitv Scrviux Referrals to this pmgram insulted {mm infants at risk ul’ neglect! abuse. pamntal substance misuse potentially impacting ability to cam for a baby. along with pan-titul mental health issues that could impact ability to meet the needs of a baby. Demands placed on the soc» my am unending -â€" 24 hours (-wry day of the mack. 'lhc agency co-ondinated I Hi [om-t homes and facilitated 2! adupunm last year. More than 465 children are in the can- of York Region's (Ihilâ€" drun's Aid Society. About 186 M those children are younger than six yum. 107 are bum-on seven and H12 and 173 childrvn an) 13 m l 8 years. , York \is a community of con- trasts Y - gn'al wrallh and abject ptweny. One member of the ago:th '5 board of din‘ctors'. Sophia Wong. kntm that withnut tho ux‘mty. the most vulnerable (‘hildn‘n in thp mgiun would suflvr. 'Ihis n's’ulwd in critical (arr programs being located with a shared intake and asxowncm pnx‘vss by "w ammunian agvn down Ins! year. thv agrmy Mm pmvided a high risk infant nurse pmgmm In 290 prenatal and pus! - natal infan'ls. bzgndonmem. Neglect. Sexual abuse Emo- lional harm. fixlxmm' to conflict. Physical abusu Family hmak- gestures art welcome Ammalh. the a wnvy is m-vrwhvhm-d by t 0 number of people. families and businesses in lhv rvgiun who gcncmusly and thnughthllly dnnzm.‘ to its holiday hcruca ptugmm. last lk‘u-mbcr. l , run childrvn. [30 youth and mum man 500 fami- ltcs were son'vd hy (his prugumn The agcnng is suppnru‘d NS uflumu‘rx. who. during the past yum. dnnau'fl H.962 hours of servirc and haw driven man The agcmy is suppnru‘d NS volumu‘rx. “"10. during the past year. dnnau'fl 17,962 hours of serum and haw driven more than um' milliun kilunwm‘s helping L hildn'n m (u um. visits appoimnwms’ and activitiex. DMM Noam m .1 040101450! at Sen em (Ide school of busmess W men: and a doctoral commu- researching Impact and cx‘cwntabmty of nonprofits Warm: mu car. mad mom of Ms mkry Nag. Commumry Chormos. or It is a tnls‘lvd mm!” m improving the quality of life of (‘hildrvn and fzmlilics in the n-ginn. The snooty fundraN‘s and wvlrnmm dumlium {nr pm- grams and scn'Iu-s nut funded by the govcmmcm. 'l‘hc socicty, under a strong It-advrxhip model. takes scfiously the challenges it faces. the trust it has earned and the work it has W! In ('ulllph'u'. Cit“: involved. York Rvgkmal [him-Is diversity. equity and inclusion bureau also works cluwa with the \‘(x‘it‘w As partners. they sham infur- mulkm and rkurccs. recogniz- ing they am working umard the samr gqal, Imp. Ricky Vwmppan said. Dennis Hopps LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In recent years. the mmm has pflM‘d impotent to addmxx“ the town’s most proving needs and oppor~ (unifies. including sprawl and gridlock. aflordahle lmueing, social infrastmc- mm. llvrilago prcservation and mu new local jobs needed annually until 2031. "UHM’Ih management" us nut-55M): but may makes some once the supporting “viaion” has been articu- lalvd. "Country (305:: to City" was mined 20 years ago to promote employment and residential gnmth. Re: Expansion plans on agenda. Oct. IO 9 In midi/of lhc next l7 years. Wl' will be welcom- ing'on average LOGO mnwn m {ht} community at Smufl'villc. It promises to be chal- lenging: we've barfly had time to discuvw and into- gralv the unique gifts. needs and dreams of the last 17.01!) people who arrived since the population boom began hen: in 2(06. Town needs vision for next round of growth wZEEF. 22% Maw/mu ..m...._4._.,..,...r.n 2.: .. S?“ fiâ€"a Pususman Ian Proudflm! GENERAL MANAGER Iohn Willt'ms DO YOU THINK WE COULD BE THANKFUL FORTHE HARVEST- - -. RATHERTHAN THE NEW FALL TV. suows? We can't afford more car: and sprawiing park- ing lots -â€" whether for big The current proposal will not get youth to whom they heed to be or com- muters mu of can train. banking etc.) and empklymem lands acces- siblebybikc monfoot. lndude in the plan from the start a) a bikeltrail sys- tem with all routes leading dtMfltOWfl: b) a transit plan for everyone. Here’sia Stan. Plan for a small-(mm feel with amt!- important in maintaining an uninterrupted supply of land and building lots fullowing the buildâ€"out of phase 2 development lands in Sxmiffvillc". This is no! a’ vision for community building and its assump- tions need testing. This underscores the political urgency for vision. 1 » whatdoyoutmnkdmesc ismoranyothennm “AVENUE 8“, STDUFFVILLE {Sfi‘fiiTribune 6290Mann5t Stouflvle,0N.L4A167A Inspire us and we can easily put out the welcome mat and invite another 17,000 people to enter into (his place we proudly cal] Finally, make us ‘fall in love" with the vision. What's great 0: beautiful about it? Include a audit with a plan for a “complete” community. We need a mix (if housing. including afford- able options for youhg cou- ples. aging boomers, service industry workers, en. and why "Civic space" will beachicvedVVhymuki the "creative class“ and their businesses find the ‘plan anraclive (Show link :0 Eco- nomic Plan)? Embrace density at the heart of town. The current plan with apartments on the outskirts 'is politically safe: but a community kill~ er. A demo! vision for Main Street. with housing and apartments on transit and bike routes. will be cmcial {or a vibrant. safe mmmu- nity and to curb sprawl box slum. (hunches or strip malls. ARNOLD NEUFEIDT-FAST ‘ VII ){ ’f'H‘HJt‘

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