ursday. Oct. 10.2013. «’quï¬m Editorial) “Won't! hudmwm-Id (1qu (M Dunno-Joanna decllmadmhurdthem oncadnoanuugbnn. mum-mm“ MGWW Moth am alludde mill-aha 1hr 9054640 2612 In 005-640-8778 (ha. LINE-7415555 msrmnunow 905- 294 43244 armmptbllha nupubhhuudtuall htdlflvmdw (“Won York Regen Main Glow» communny '"“"""" ISSL’E EmmamCmu lkbomKtlly ISSUE: Regional council Robert lazurirt') Maul-1W [ETTEIS POLICY dam; m Dar Williams Tanya Padwo Gard Paolurn Fall‘me Debra der lathe Sman mum Iim Mason Region belongs at gaming table Residents in favour of and opposed tn the issue had pre- pared short statements no mote erï¬bcracy suffered a blow last Thursday when York regional council refused 'to allow the 11 citizens Who made the trek toyNewmarkel to speak about their views on bl inging a Lash“) [0 limit LU")- munity. than ï¬ve minutes in length that they hoped would either persuade the region to quash unghan's willingness to host a gaming facility or do nothing and let the cards play out. No one‘got the chance to contribute much of "anything on this important local matter as our elected ofï¬cials. ultimate- ly. decided it was none of the region's at this point in As the top tier of our two-tier syslcm 0! local mnulwm. the region collects a signiï¬cant por- tion of your property taxes each year to provide core services such is policing and paramed- ics. public health. regional tran- sit. housing. children's services and (9 name but a few. All nine of York's mayors. as well as regional councillm "rpm- 59an from each municipal- ity. plus a chairperson. make up \M! think you'd agree that in addition to collecting taxes and providing services for our com- munities. our regional govem- ment also has an obligation to. at the very least. show citizens some tespect and courtesy by hearing them out. “we latth was lacking at the lat meeting of this council and. sadly. demonstrates a degree of insensitivity for the democratic Even setting aside that the WI'IUM LINE: Clum- r‘dm mm†has h" don needed on who decide. aunginVamhanandxome I |.. OCCUI. ()(TI. 15, at that city's own public meeting the proposal could be detailed. it is disappointing the region didn't show more inter- ll already has jurisdiction aver a municipality's ofï¬cial plan. the document that guides where and how growth will Does our regional council really believe an Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (0113) casino in any of its municipali- ties will not haw any effect on its bottom line? Particuflarly when study after study shows costs increase for social serviCes in communities where casinos aré located. for example? ()n the flip side. how about the projected increase in local tax menue. billions in spin-OH investment and thousands of jobs the proponents of a ‘ complex point to as signim Is that not something in which the region might want a 'lhal move pmmpied Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne to ask the 015 to review its process of casino allocation. which it is reportedly undenalu‘ng Thete‘s no doubt that in municipalities when? there is overlapng jurisdiction. such as York Region. clariï¬cation is amt deï¬nitely needaj around who makes the ï¬nal decision on such things as a gaming facility. \M: urge the OLE to My aphi- how lt hurdles casino alltmtion in imtamas where there are two tiers of local governâ€" â€"_'" _"'" "r"'1:v "" mgi'gmlcmmcflmWaterbom- We ‘hmkï¬ls "upon?!" 50‘ ‘0 mmaedsmndakm-w know we msxients face unminem ewcnon mnnnpa' ' u m be a “lung hog from affordable homes into a massively for amino (gawk,me ingth genial marks! -â€" a year Inlet. we am And we strongiy encourage York regional council to take an active interest in this issue and. at the end of the day. a position on the matter. Any subject that has as much potential impact on communi- ties as a casino deserves no less. histcadietmisspringtlw “TIER ormwm Hargmw and Neighbours with council. Septzaandwwtcildidn'tlism tormidems.nmdtants.leflertotheaiitorby Wamlx’tlterbomSeme More than a yea: ago. PACE/Geranium submitted a proposal fora new condomin- ium development in downtown Stouï¬ville Alothasbeensaidabwtit.andmose Stouffville residents who live or own nessesinclose proximity havqmisedmany mlandrelevantconcems. The ï¬rst residents to be Med. how- ever. are the myself included. who It“: in the PACE Credit Union [mm- tiespeoplewhohavemademesepremises Five-stony condominium building sets new pmedent f0! Main St. their home for years. As a resident. l undetstand Why PACE wants to m-purpose its land. but what it doeswithitismemalisme. . Mailelhawmwnnderhmcouncfljusï¬- ï¬es 'gnoring the concerns of hug-standing Stouflville residents. PACE itself could do 90me mmformepeopleofSumï¬vme. manyofuvfmmammmbetsofm. Isn't it mac our small community branch willcominuelomrivebecause of-athe com- munity? VVouldn’titbepmdeanen.br PACEtomtmnkdu-impaaonmatcom- munity? l'mmaxdmeubutlcanthmkofways that could possibly address those concems. suchas.whyisit totakeupthe wholeptopenywithmeb ' ' itselflHmv aboulankvgardenaldwbackbruw Punusmzn Ian Proudfoot GENERAL MANAGER Iohn Willem: Isn't it ironic we won the Benjamin Moore Main Streets Matter contest and are slated to enhance the historical aspect of our MainStreet with difacelifr? This is not a good start. WEISII ll 0! THE DISCUSSION .. e-ma mt: to MW 77%} l; MW/e dï¬vingskikofltsmstom Vouwuenotwimymusonwhenhetook histestikmdoyoukxwmmnymles offliemadhenuyhawmen?fbnesfly. howmanybaddï¬mdoyou seeevery day? , hseemsmmemereamalotofpeople mnflmwhosimddhavenmmtyfafled Mm.btnpahapsshouldmnever bemgivendleirï¬oemeatafl. The lack of signaling tune changes. speedkginasdxxflmmhflwetowme maï¬nflaopatmmmdneumst frequemnflesofdwmaddmueigxmred bynuny.manypeoplemdmeyarelmky theydon‘tgacamt mmwmmm 19. Sorry. but msympahyfnxnme regard- #3 ‘kmm‘m micro“! Sm Isn't it ironic we won the Beniamin Moore Main Streets Matter contest this yearand areslated to enhancethehistori- calaspect ofourMainSu'eetwithafaceâ€" lift? This is no! a good Stan. neighbtmrstolookatmstwdofbï¬ckwafls? Garbagoouldbemflededfmmmeunder youndparidngmacoessiblefmmlloyd Su'eetinsteadofthemar. Mayor Wayne Enunerson said that: is pmedemebrannofdeACEoon- dos at the Stouï¬ville Creek building But Wï¬eekbmï¬wbmmmdaW- cantrisemmetopogaphy.whiled1ecomer okaydandMaintsattheumolmatrise. Wymaï¬rgdwactmnwightofany Also, Stouffvme Creek is not on Main StreetAllmutngastmctureofthatsize m be buitt at this location sets a different precedent for downtown Main Street that allows for further development of ï¬ve- stoney buildings in the ban of historic Bravoforstriadr’whgtests Good f0: Aurora Drive'l‘est examiners for being more strict. ‘ Mnember. driving is a privilege. not a CHUCK WERMEN RM 'HM( wv H111 Saw-Tribune anon-ma LM 167 BENNY VAN VELSI'N SH)UFFWLLI§