'lhv Markham Fair is looking for young people to mpmsem the annual agri- cultural celebration as fair Community minded young men and women with integrity. character. public relations skills and the com- mitment u) fulï¬l the rule are being sought; The winner receives a scholarship, sponâ€" sored by Upper thiamine “The ambassador pm- gmm is aemnderful oppor- tunity to pt involved with out community." said chair- person of the ambassacku fair commute: Mary-[gun a farming background. Ms Wan added. lhmwx. it is an exciting opportunity m icam more about how imponam agriculture is to our community. For those still in high school. the day of mmch tion as we" as the time spent a! the fair canbeusedmward community service hours. Winners mpresem the agricultural society at warns during the year. including Santa Claus parades and locaL festivals. They also attend a district meeting, present a speech a! the presi- dent's mmuel in Nmemher. attend the Ontario Asstxia- tion of Agricultural Societâ€" ies convention in Itbrpary‘ ' a! rho Fairnunmt Rayal York You can be an ambassador at this year’s Markham Fair Youdonoineedtohave Hotel and cute! the (INF. Ambasador of the Fairs (Inmpetitinn Aug. 9. 20M. mm’spetshowwinnetflanthL Louisisjoinedby ambassadors Victoria Osadchuk-Hammond. Alana Tuf- ’ forduldlmnlge. The » Markham Fair ambassador has been a tra- dition of the Markham Fair for more than 40 yam The ambassador and Him team umnbvn will be selected Oct. 3 on ning of the ï¬rst day of this year’s fair flu- ambaï¬a- dots are expected to be at the fair for the four full days. ï¬x: competition is open to males and females 18 to 24 years dd. Contestants presenl a two- to three-minute speech on a topic relating to the fair or the community and answer a randomly picked qwstitm. (Contestants an? on their ease ofcommunica~ [ion at a 'micmphnnc. Imam â€" edge of the fair and its activi‘ ties. their famflian'tv with the community. poise and pub- lic interactions. Many prim are donat- ed by local business for the ambassador and their team. The program is an oppor- tunity to develop mum and life such as pub- lic speaking. publicity and netvmrking Ms Wan The ambassador gets the chance to mom new pimple from across the province and develop new skills W caudates can“ cad 416557-1442. Mad W W420"! a mu m‘mwh J-o‘ /°Hr n Mat-don MMMHWIIWMOSM.MW.2SNW w hdm flaw-lmd‘thm Sal-m Numb-dam a cow-mm munde 77'7mhhmdwann mu ' hm dï¬m-hm‘ihmlflu M,n(adnd/uohm Bomohdscamzmm A York Region busim-ss (Miler vxpmsscd hi}. frustralinn after gvtling caught up in a phoney advertising fraud by a "smooth talk- ing" suumum. Raymond Reading, uwnvr of Aurora's Wale: Depot, said he was approached by a man who identiï¬ed himwlf as Jerry Kim; about four weeks ago when the seemingly '3. 82 Don't sat on :1 f0! too hang Apply toddv for d ID Maxâ€"tum F0! mom zrwfomudhon vvsn a branch 0: tdcanadatmst (‘ oercxtgages °/oAPR mrm mmï¬gmxm mm affable alleged salesperson walked into his shop at 15483 W St. He was scllmg adwr usemems in Wm! magazine. ’5 ‘13 So far. police said about four businesses in York have come forward. Even more have come forward in Barrie. Police said the uh- licauon is legitimate and does solicit a or- tislng. but the suspect does no! work for it. ""5 Imaflm Aï¬yone with ihformalion is asked to call the bureau at 1-866-876-5423. ext. 7141.