Council Meetings. the Municipal OlVices closures fOr non- essential servvces and statutory/Town holidays for the year. In 2014,Canada Day falls on a Tuesday. Council approved closing the Municipal Oflices on Monday, June 30 in addition to the holiday on Tuesday, July 1, consistent with previous practices. The Municipal offices will also be closed between Christmas and New Year's Day. The Municrpal Election will be held on Monday, October 27. Normally scheduled Councfl Meetings in September, October and November are cancelled. as Council could be in a ’lame ducir' position as early as September 12 (Nornmation Day) until mid-November ('Lame duck‘ refers to the period of time after Nomination Day (September l2) when Council could be restricted from taking certain actions). A regular Council Meeting and Public Meeting (i! required) are scheduled for November Seeking unput from the general public to the DRAFT Faalny . Albcation Policy. Dvafl Policy can be found on 00! websne For - Eartha Morth please contact Mkole Ongman at ext 2323 0: via email at MW.“ e IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS â€" MPAC Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) has become aware that a person or persons is placing phone colts to property owners clowning to represent MPAC and asktng for personal information. MPAC has reported these incidents to the Ontario Provincial Police. MPAC does not make (Bus to coiled personal informato‘on If you receive a phone call from anyone dairning to represent MPAC and IS requesting your pevsona| Information, please do not ptovude It If you have any questions 0! receive such calls pk-ase contact you: local police service, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222 8477 (TIPS) ov MPAC‘s Customer Contact Centve at 18662966722. NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Fecll Allocation Pollcy - DRAFT "View W nesday, September 25 at 7 .m. Council Chambers. Munlclpel es COUNCIL APPROVES 2014 BUDGET GUIDELINES AND TIMETABLE Whitchurch-Stouffville Town Council approved the 2014 budgetary guidelines and timetable. The Draft 2014 Operating and Capital Budget Will be released on December 3, 2013. The final budget deliberation IS set for January 28, 2014 and if necessary. January 29, 2014. Council and members of the public wrll havethe opportunity to revrew and comment on the draft budget prior to final approval in January A ranking system Will be used by Town staff in order to prioritize 2014 capital expenditures relative to funding availability. The Treasurer has provided the budgetary guidelines and timetable with anticipation of a two per cent net operating budget increase. This rate is influenced by the Cansumer Price Index. growth. service levels. legislative requirements and staffing annualrzation. Town staff are recommending that Council approve the 2014 User Fees and pre-approval of any key capital budget projects at the time the Draft 2014 Budget is released in December. A COUNCIL RECEIVES INFORMATION ON FEDERAL MEDICAL MARIHUANA REGULATIONS In June 2013, new federal regulations about medical rnarihuana production â€" Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) came into effect. Now the MMPR requrres anyone obtaining a production license to advise local municipalities of their applications. Currently, there are no requirements fer 2013 FINAL TAXES DUE DATE - SEPTEMBER 20. 2013 TAX PAYMENTS may be made: 1 c 8y Pie-Authorized Payment Plan - applications are available on our website , - 8y mail, postdated cheques are acceptable - At most Financial Institutions through the teller or banking machine, or by telephone and Internet banking o In person at the Municipal Ol'hces. l l l Sanditord Drive. - After hours payments may be placed in the drop box located at the main entrance of the municipal offices mailman on NEWLY-COMM m Owners have been or will be receiving tax bills tor the value of the 'Iand' only excluding building. until the house is assessed by the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC). Once assessed. supplementary tax bills will be issued for the house. retroactive to the date of possession This process can take two to three years and the tax bills erI be due within a short time period To estimate the annual taxes. simply multiply the purchase price of the home it 1%. Pie-payments on account or through a pie-authorized payment plan can be made to assist homeowners in planning for these future supplementary tax bills For further information. please contact Customer Serwce. Brenda Van Essen Manager. Revenue 8. Taxation Semces IVERS Pom monsouai-iooo PARK SPLASH no cmseo STARTING SEPTEMBER zano son MAINTENANCE leâ€"opens September 30th (weather permitting) “(packages may be obtained by registering on Biddingo at “Wm (a subscriber and/or document fee may apphr) or from om Customer Service Centre. Visit our websiti (For Business tab) for more information. The Corporation of the Town of Whitchurch-Stouflvilli reserves the right to accept or reiect all or part of any Bid am also reserves the right to accept other than the lowest Bid anr cancel any Call for Bids at any time Hti’ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬fa‘é r3}? - MANAGER or ENGINEERING SERVICES 0 RECREATION COIVENOR I PROGRAMMER (1-Year Contract posrtion. with potential for renewal) Visit our website for details ICECREAMTRUCKVENDORS Wmmmmsondmepmmmme WTownCountflapprovedtheuseofmpï¬ï¬edm Mthnsh'ictionsforlceCreameckVendorsintheTownd WNSMME. Licensing byiaws have been repeated mambthhasbeenenacted.Thenewbthptevents anpliï¬edsomdsbetweenmehomsofSpm.and 101mm for more than 20 seconds white stopped a! any one location. Notices requesting comments from the pubï¬c were issued f0: ï¬veconsecuuvemeksmdnocomntsmcompbmswere “(W may be obtained by registeflng on Biddingo at: “Wm (a subscriber and/0v document fee may W) at from our Customer Service Centre. Visit our website (F0: Business tab) in: more Summation. The Corporation of the Town of Whttchurch-Stouï¬vflle reserves the tight to accept 07 reject all ov part of any Bid and also reserves the right to accept other than the Iowest Bud and cancel any Ca" to: Bids at any time. SmalAsphai