Al'uilA Fiï¬-m E3 ' You’re ' Just not my type BETTER BLUE SHIRTS WITH vou ’ “I "I I Myron-aw mummmmmm. memertomgl A ï¬ï¬‚h round pick of the Map‘e Leafs in LheZOlD National Hockeylgagueenuydnft. the six-foot. [BB-pound forward spent pan oflastseasonwimmeMadiesmdoomflled unmandtvmassistsin lSregularsea‘son Steelheads almanme andsoored 'l6goalsandadded21 admin Sam (Larrick will be starting the 2013-14 hockey season with the lemma Marlics of the Amt-man Hm‘hry lkague. 11w. 21-year-old Stouffvifle wsident was among 14 players the parent Toronto Maple leafs trimmed from their training camp ms- ler‘lbesday. GREHT The Regional Municipality of York will start construcdon on the future traflic roundabout located at (he interseciion of York Durham Line at Durham chional Road 5. Construction schedule: (Ion-traction begin September 2013 Intersection open: December 2013 Construction complete: Summer 2014 To help manage trafï¬c during the constmction, there will be a temporary detour around the construction site. Stop signs. street lights and highways barriers will be used to help guide motorists. During oonstmaion. electronic signs will be on site providing construaion bpdates and information. Pleasedirectinquiriesm: )MMPhg. Building Roads that Build Communities For more information visit myoer MMvukwmmaucso I‘lujal Mange: ; Th4: onork Phonc 905-830-4444 ext. 5955 Cell: 647-215-8624 ‘ Fm 905-83645†Email: Manhundeka (humanities Construction Mministnmt "HR of York Phone: 905-83044“ at. 5935 Cdl: 416-688-2517 Fax: 905â€"836-4590 nail: guchomideorkma NOTICE OF CONSTRUCTION STREETS vmmmmmws Thai-inadde Canes in the 2012 NHL draft. Their older brother. lake. 8 entering his Child season with the W University Thumb/es inThunder Bay’l‘he 22-year oldplayedfourseasonsinmeOHLwith Sault Ste. Marie uIdW'mdsor. The youngest brothen “I. B entering hismokieseasoninmeOHLwhhtheBarfle He's entering his third year in Missixsauga after a solid season with the It. A Slouflvilie 50 seawn games belum )mn‘mg the His brother. 'I‘rt'vur. was n-lunwd m the Mississauga Steelheads of the Ontario I lockc)‘ Inaguc by the Carolina Hurricast Sunday Trevor. 19. was a fourth round pack of‘lhc 11w!7-yenr-o§dplayedfmdw$pifl1last Yuri Ramon Yark'chian iii-u. s;