E Golfdub residents g- competing for bragging rights - The 8(ka Mcnnos drew ï¬rst blood in their best~otlmroo Richmond Hill Men's Fastball league semiï¬nal swim! the Richmond Hill Angels. after emerging with a 7-3 vyin at Richmond Hill Town Park Thursday. The Mennos set the tone in their ï¬rst at bat when Bymn Baranieski dmve in a pair of rum with a single. ‘ 1n the third inning. Shawn Boadway belted a three-mu home run. .‘Ihe Mennos munded out their scoring in the fourth inning witth runs generated ° by mnserutive hits fmm Kris Burkhoider. lay Nesbitt and Greg lhlgamu. Nesbitt worked the ï¬rst ï¬ve innings and suméndered six hits and two rum to earn the The Monnos can wrap up the wrios with a win at Richmond Hill l‘mm Park lbosday m9pm Dalgamo tossed the ï¬nal two innings and gaw up just one nm on two hits while strik‘ ing out three batten IY MICHAEL HAYAKAWA mhuvakawaï¬â€™yrmgrom Every two years. residents ofthe Ballan- trae Golf and Country Club community get together to oomï¬ete in a variety of spam But more importantly â€" they have fun launched in the summer of 2(1)? by resident John Graham. who brought the idea to Ballantrae after participating in a similar event in Horida. this year's games feature 18 separate events with close to 600 participants ranging in ages from the mid 205totixrse‘t‘r1tiieir8ib.saidi’l1i18annon. a town councillor and country club com- munity resident who also is chairperson of With this year representing such an occasion for these festivities to take place. the founh Ballantae Summer Games are well under way. Among the sports ofleted in this year's games are: bocce. cycling. ï¬eld games. gulf. ladder golf. lawn bowl- ing. picklcball, sin-pitch. swimming. tenâ€" nis. walking and running water ball. table tennis. snooker. cribbagc and ouchm. outdoor sporting ewnts. the havé expanded to whem they now include a number of indoor activities starting out as primarily Mennos win away fromï¬nal Ken Miyauchi. a country club commu- nity resident who is (Thairpomm of the water volleyball cumpelition. was quick to note the objcxftivos of the Summer Games are to enable residents to meet new friends. renew old acquaintances. and engage in friendly competition. The most cuwtcd prim. he is the Condo Trophy. awardui tn the condo with the percentage participation. While the majority of events take place on the Ballantme Golf and Country Club gmqu Bannon noted other events occur elsewhere. The playdm'm for the games stained in early May and continued throughout the summer until lhc ï¬nal week of mm today through Sept. 15. In describing the competition fonnat. Miyauchi said each of the ï¬ve condomini- ums within the community has its own team that competes for medals in 18 at “In total. hundmds‘ of midems ehter as participants and hundreds more volunteer their time to organize and administet the events.†Miyauchi said. “Lawn bowing takes place in town. slo- pilch and ï¬eld garm-s cake place at the Ballantrae Fall Fair. at the Balkan- trae Community Centre on Aurora Road (tomon'nw)." said Bannun. SPORTS Stouffville Sun-Tribune Stoufl‘villc Mustang Emma Ongman gas I“ of this ball during her team's 20 win over the Oshawa Kicks inCanndian Girls Soccer League action at Bdhntrac Park Tuesday. HERE IT 00M “APP NOme KOCKEIKHIOY