Fewer homes go up in Stouffville, across GTA (I 4 , I; _ _,l I.’ I 7 zz’ *' ' ,v’ « )xHH! (ma/71:,m glut ‘1 m 80H? 0th duy‘vusv bl.“ 1-. (1‘._il.‘¢_’!=)1'72-1: (13“?271‘1‘" J‘ J Chimpurw 3/70 NCC" Let. n? .5 (.‘evi-‘m‘! (:é‘.)(."t7=\ Drwnhvy a: {.211fvizt-m‘ AMI! 5:41:3n} ‘m )u’ ‘1‘)“ \‘H-gu‘. "‘ ‘g! " I ‘ ‘ -. t":iHs SIGN-UP FOR FREE GET $25 TO SPEND ON YOUR FIRST $100 PURCHASE "lhc blistering paw of the last few years is not swstainable." [anus McKcller. pme- sor and director of ma] estate and tun‘ tor the Schulich School of Businoss. Another issue may be price. The average new home within the (HA t'osts $645,854. «cording iii the Building ()ne mast") for the lower than auntitjt'patt-d pcmu't :fplication number is the Minto proj- eu un ain Stmet and Baker Hill Drive. Mr (lash construction was expected to get underway this year. but has been delayed. Whilchurrh-Smuffville's in new home building permit draws is not unique. Total new home sales within the UTA are down 30 pm cent fmm lune 2012 and 36 per can own the past 10 years. aunrdjng m Realnct's website. sholunmeg. (am New home building permits are about 66 per cvnt'of what Was predict“! for the ï¬n! half nf ilw year. but the town's (‘AU is not worried. 'lhe municipality's 2013 business plan projected between 350 31’ 375 new rosi» dentin! building permils were in have been handcdout hem-en Ian. 1 and lune 30 of this war. . ‘We haven't seen any sign the demand is falling OH. I! just sums to be a (yrliml thing,†[)th- (Iash told The Sun-'1h'bunc. In Milky. it is (simmtcd thcrc will hr 200 new residential building permits. according to the Aug. 13 report to council. 70701 malarde m assaysâ€... ‘1' 01le BY SAN DllA BOLAN P HAPPY WWW.SHOP.CA [ML-ally. new hunies range in price {mm $539,990 for a townhouse in Mimo's ()n'hard Park development to $l.l44.390 in In the l9805 and knowledge-based companies were on halted the outskirts of Jl'nmmo. now they're heading back down- The average assessed value of a Whitchunfh-Smuï¬villc home, according to†M PM I. is $575,000. Maybe it's the price. but a shift in what ponplr- want In liw in and WP]? its "11de- way, Approximately 55 per cent of new homes are condos. according to Mr. MCK- eller. And they are being built in the city. not the 'burbs and am being sold to single women in their 30x “People want to buy housing whem they can ï¬nd a job." according to Mr. McKeller. “They've had 30 or 40 years uf good times at the expense of the City. hm the tables haw turned." Mr. Mueller said. He also notcdmthat (hoseéliving in the suburbs an: mom likely to be families and In luly. 783 [my-rise homes were sold .u'mss [ho UTA. whirh ix 45-per~cem lower than lht- “Lynn averages. according to stats mmpilcd fut Building lmiuslry and Land Development. the ( )rchard Ridge subdivision in the Hoover Park Drive and Tenth line Industry and [and lk'vvhpnwm Mutation. which the group said Ls an all lime CA MILLION'DOLLMI HOME The pon-a-pak. which is more permanent than a portable but cmts less than an addi- tion mm) the school. was brought over from Nmmarkm's Nome Dame elementary school lxrausv its student population is declining. according to Bryce superintendam of plant at the York Catholic District School Board. “It's far 100 expensiw In try and fund a [mgr-am like that." he nomlg schools are cxpcvtcd to be in use for 30 years» Which mcam. for the next two In eight 5!. andan may be Mr capacin “Build a vibrant downtmn that attrart wrflâ€"educalm people." he The whoa! is» just a year old. but St. Bren- dan's Catholic Elementary School is already nwr mpariry The junior kindergancn to Grade 8 {whoa}. whim is kxmvd nn Hoover Park Drive 3! "Sumner (*mnmunilkï¬. like Smuflviflr, will mam-mm fool these Challenges. whkrh is llw challenge for kmwviedgc yobs.†he said. Another hurdle is the downtown com. One way suburban municipalities > are attracting new residents is by creating village atmospheres when: [maple don't need cars and them is good train scrvicc to the city. Other Requirements include grmd bakefles. restau- rantsanddflngstodoâ€"suchasmwï¬and theatre. according to Mt. McKeller. ' York Region has mandated Whitchunch- p.m. in the council chambu's Subuï¬ville have 400 new housing starts a year A council meeting on. the project as pan of n mgcnsiï¬cation plan. ' takes place 24 a! 7 p.m As such, pan of the plan L9 to grow upwards ‘ with ï¬les from 'Ibrstar News Sender Schools are constructéd based on a “sus- tainable capacity" fnmcast of student popu- lation. nut peak calmtity. according to Mr. lzldfldgt’. ('umv next week. 184 students will be taught in an eighbdawsnmm punoapak. service industry workers. “If you'n- a smgic person. why would you buy a homo: in Stuuffvillc?" he Port-a-pak for year-old school Distï¬ct mndary School will [Eve about 100 more students roaming the halls come mm week Emollmem '5 amjcipated to be 1.211). [1191 yea: it was about 1,170. according to Reid the school's principal School starts for the Gde 95 at 9:20 am. 'Ibesday. The nest of the students start back Wednesday morning. Three yams ago. when Mr. Wilma? staned almsclmolflmmmcbertomsm- “wmumm Area residents oppose the building because Lheysayit iswobigbrdwland and n doesnm ï¬t in with the established homes. A public information session dealing wuh anmpmposalwilltmheldSeptHfmm‘ImQ pm. in the council chambers Ninth Line. was constructed for a student population of 553. according to Mr. Eldridge. In its ï¬re! war. i1 had around 500 students One prujm'l (‘urn:-ntl_v before council is the PMIl-ZKk-mmum plan a! Main and [My-d The proposed building had an storeys. 82 condo units and three mmmetcial/ retail on the ground floor. one uf which is PACE (lmdit and Savings. wuhm Smuï¬nlk‘. no! outwards In the rum] "I'm expecting next year we're up in actual‘ fly. likely in the 400 Mr. Cash said. “We’te heamw." hé said â€" "It's certainly not a number we can’t man- Its â€" Sandra Balm: