followed a raucom pany"and angry exchangeshetweenmevicmnmldtwo men over an alleged assault W someonc'symnmbtmhudmamsed mmhoftheanger. It came to a violent end after one man was dbï¬dly hit with 5 cat and MLSaumwaslcï¬bleadingumesideof Neighbourhood shocked by teen stabbing “I slept through it until about3 a.m.. bulitwascrawï¬ngwithpolicebymen. I've it. Manet of fact. I‘ve never heard like dï¬shappeninngtouffvflleandlne-vet want loses it again." Susan Ken. who has only lived in town for3~112yeamsaidmeevem|ch 'lwaswrystwckedurdscaM'sm “My friend lives right across the wee! from where it oocurmdandshe ‘Youdon'texpectittohappmanmnd here. but it’sabundmofkidshavinga party and things get carriai away. It soundsmmewholemsmreesldes toevetystory’kindofstory' ‘ The famiy of Mr. Sauro has asked tesidems hr prayers for their son. Warslï¬ppas at St. lamcs Marian (hmhonMainStmetobligeddudng Thencï¬xbomhoodisjust south of According to Oct-Coast. flames Ward.al7~yearooldyouthhasalaobeen cMrgedMaswuh. Both men were in Newmarket ooun wassdllmsimckï¬una the hair on Stouflville's bol- lmive neck smug“ out. weekendstabbingdntwas somflofcharacterformis Community still reeling says a prayer for Kyle “'lhecitymuStlmmovmg south ofSteek-s Avenue. But. according to Yon Regional Police and Wit- nesses we’ve talked with. these were local kids A feud boiled over al a house party that led to a confrontation on a usually quiet, little Rose Avenue in the wee nouns of Saturday. [hat stuff has been going on for decades. at bush panivs In high school dances Most end with a busted nose or a fat lip. not police dramas and the intensive care unit. M Think Amm‘ charges and the am Gmflia and band and , . . (bum, mtenswe (are umt. No! this time. sadty. "Mo young men were injured. the most seriously 3 popu- lar 20-y9m~0|d named Kyk‘ The former StoufMlle minor hockey and high school rugby playvet was stabbled several times. akmrding to his family. possibly with a madwm. Another young man fmm Whitdmnh-Smuï¬vflle was charged with aggra- vated mm: Ih Sunday Kyle remained in hos- pital. in cn'u'cal but stable condition eady this week But he's not out of the morwmumw 'ln Wile?†the nuns fmm emer- gency vehicles pierced the hut. still air Monday night. sending next two weeks will be a battle for Kyle as he ï¬ghts off infections.†wrote his dad. Darryl Sauna. leading a prayer chain of sorts. “Anyone‘who knows Kyle from hockey. knows he's ready to get in the corners and battle. Hr now farm the battle of his life.’ a: “we messagt‘ has been widely circulated around the community and road in at has! one local church. It's on almost wary- onc’s lips in a town still small enough to care. from Tim Honons lo the arena Kyle played in fat so many The Sauros have asked fm our prayer; It’s the least we can offer to one of our own. Get well. Kyle. inflasmusmdmw with Iim Mason Mos! vml with u busmi nose or a [at lip. not police OffTheTop