York Rtpun Mtdu (:uup wmxmnuty |. Thursday. Aug. 15, 2013. O Punusmm‘lan Proudfoot (imam MANAGE! Iohn Willem: Mutation-mun!» ummmm magma nun-mam 1hr mom-mm“ «wde MWLIIJM mammalian: 905M046†Pu 905-640-8778 11-: Lanna-3353 DISTRIDUTION 905-294 4244 ï¬rmtpwhflm “W.m BnmmCIw hm Mason IWW can [ETTEIS POlICY Tanya Pacheco Dow William Daphne law‘s lam mm. mm Gard Pholuca' NSWMM Ashglepusonlivingonh'm ownmibrkflegionmuldhave adimcuhdmc " onwha mmuntstolittlemna pm- laxinwmeofSZOflXJayw. Wakmflyonmomini- mum.wagej0bscmhednne.but orflywithsacriï¬oesmesadpan Lsmisisasccmrio playingom in communities warmth! Suahikemmeminimum wageisinorder.11w¢ampaigno RaiwdemnnumWagl-scdusa hiketoSl-tanhourmisyeaxand Mdadayofactionyestetdayto getthemessqeom. Aï¬cralhreeâ€"yeufmmat $1025anlwm.il'sumeto put mommont-y intothe plum-150! dwwortingdass. Bulupectit-pcmnssions Mmmsemmkm) willtellyouanï¬mmumwagr hikcudlbmccompaniesmlay oï¬staflramenhanmymin Minimum wage hike 1 step in poverty ï¬ght at the current mum wage rate of $10.25 an bout. that's not always the we. lfyou'mastudmtlivingat homeandwimnomajorexpem~ 6.51025ismorednnsuï¬dem mmmMnhasbeenewa- knighrsometime. Pimplewho mmnnkingmorman hmuhavebeenbmedtomkefnr lessasamhofmprcutsinthe Immfllctmim sector. Omexswillargmbusinesses willshnplynlsepflcestooï¬sel Wilminwageswhichwfll intum.hikttheinflation rateand amnflynegmemykimiofm'me. Manywamaskmunmnny isthemrsttimclonukcsmha numbecamcofmepmmums ahmdyfmnibylnmimsmln othcr words. wait for an econom- It upuwuxg . Bug mam. flu“ “mm pa). um “Influx M b j» to help tum around the economy. "PM ‘0 Pam mikblr ways. Eves on annual $20.5“ full-lime pte-ux salary. ISSle in. 10 0mm ians have a @110 nukeadeoem Besidesinmebusinessmrki. themisnogoodtimeloadd costs'meremmeasyamwem Butwecan‘lhavemmednn V 5301!!) Ontario workustoik Mgawayatjobsflmdon‘tpay ngetmemaboveme Consistentminlrnumwap hikesarepartofthesolution. Beloretl'iemostreoentroumi ullrikes thargurtherateto $l025.itwaslodredat$85fora shodirgnineyears lt’sgoodtherarehasrisembut businesseswouldbebetterable toadimttoannmlpre-deter- mined Moi-Mighikr‘srather thanmaimincreasesthatseem tooomeoutoftheblue. Thatwstemwrmldalsobe 'betterforminimumwmeeam- mtmastheywuuldkrw they'renotfallingl'unherbehimi yearafteryear. Butyoustillcan'tsuppona family properly onevenSM an hour-â€" it's still only $28.(ll)a year.beforetaxes.basedon40 hoursaweek forSOweeks. ananannualwage on its own isn‘t enough. Moreaoccsstoiobtraining and income supplementswould alsohelpbuttheanswercan‘t lieiustwiththeworkers. More mustbedonebytheprvvince toencwmgeemployerstooï¬er betterwagesandJustaSimpor- undymflicienthoursofwort. Andthere'sadeï¬nltemedfor moreaï¬ordablehousingopdons AschscribedinomOnthe llomeProntseriesthewaitim listlorrenupared-to-irmne unitsintheiregionisabmrwï¬w lamilitslongwhichtmnslates intoabouthyears. lweryonedesetmthe - tunitytomakeaoombmm- mgwhichdmsmindudehaving tomakechoicessuchaspaying t..- L...) _- ___. Only in Stouflville and other small town communi- ties like ours would some- thing like this happen. Stouffville's Care and Share Thrift Shop. which. if you're not aware. sells used items that are donated. On Friday. my wife and I arrived at the store at about 5:05 pm. to ï¬nd volunteer staflers Bob and Nancy lock- ing the door. , They saw us and we were told they close at 5 pm. l spoke up and said we were looking for an umbrella stroller. ' At this point. we were invited in and told one had just arrived yesterday. After the purchase was completed happily. we all got into conversation about whoweknewin town and to whom we were related. I just found it so pleasing that people could be friendly and helpful in this busy and troubled times we live in. S. HENDERSON Wt )tfrn'tu r' Cyber safety series embraced in town As many readers know. between January and Nb! of this year. That's six months of game~changing education offered for free to the com- munity. in this span of time. we shared valuable knowledge about online safety for par- ents. anti-bullying tips for kids. cyberfraud informa tion for seniors and impor- tant information for teach- ers. Through this. series we had tremendous commu- nity support and exposure through a variety of media outlets, including The Sun- Tribune. Multiple audiences enioyed an exclusive musi- cal event. Stouï¬ville’s ï¬rSt CyberSafety Day on March 14. an award ceremony to recognize Mayor Wayne Emmerson’s contribution. as well as numerous give- aways and opportunities for learning We wrapped up the series by recognizing Ontario's information and Privacy Commissioner. Dr. Ann Cavoukian. as a Cyber- salety Champion for her SIDP Bullying ...by design initiative and relentless missioner’ssupport. edgellowea will sh: video and blog con the next few mor beneï¬t Stouï¬ville 1 andkids. I want to give acknowledge our tional sponsorsintl munity. the Whitr Stouffville Chaml commerce. Kidsc Stouffville Hyund YorkWorks ‘Emplr Services for their t dous support. i started Knm Flow.“ as a non-pr tiau've with a stron munin focus ant been humbled by ti port I received tron one. The activities in tinue and l hopr public learning op; ties have made a I difference for your 1 Thanks for lem say thanks CLAUDI‘ Fl KN! )WLH X y‘ [:1 5 71 N. hthuummmmmmm? for food or Item. A hike in the minimum wage isastepinmakimttuureality mm 01' rm: WEEK Ribfest wekome bad: ' ltWasmntoseemekidshavingagmat “km bad time and. by the size ofthe turnout on Sat- lwamed torexpress mythanksto who- urdayinMemorialParkmeadehadfun, ever brand)! the ribfest to Stoufl'ville last aswell . weektndlbrmeï¬mm- I lhopcmseedusevembacknmymr. Whatde event. “w you. MfoodwasoutsmflinglheEmmain- “' memgxeatand theweadmerstayedwa‘rm DOROTHYMOORE during all three days ‘ ' S‘IUUEM’ILLE Small-town spirit alive in Stouffville Only in Siouffville and On Friday. my wife and I arrived at the store at about 5:05 pm. to ï¬nd volunteer staflets Bob and Nancy lock- , They saw us and we were told they close at 5 pm. I spokr up and said we were looking for an umbrella stroller. ' completed happily. we all got into convetsation about whowe knew in mwn and to whom we mm: related. I just found it so pleasing that people could be friendly and helpful in this busy and troubled times we live in. S. HENDERSON \"n wrn'tu r mwuammmum mmnmmmmmm mmmmemmaso-mm Wilma-@mm the Knowledger Cyber- safety seminar series took place at the Whitchurch Smuffville Public Library That's six months of game~changlng educanon offered for free to the com- munity. In this span of time, we shared valuable W about online safety for par- ents. anti-bullying tips for Multiple audiences enjoyed an exclusive mmi- cal event. Stouï¬ville's ï¬rm CyberSafety Day on March 14. an award ceremony to recognize Mayor Wayne Emmerson’s contribution. as well as numerous give- aways and opportunities for learning We wrapped up the series by recognizing Ontario's information and Privacy Commissioner. Dr. Ann Cavoukian.asaCyber- safety Champion fut her STOP Bullying ...by desitm initiative and relentless Through this] series we had tremendous commu- nity support and exposure through a variety of media outlets, including The Sun- Tribune. Suwï¬-Tribune 6290m31 W.ON.LM 167 I also want to wam to acknowledge our excepo tiona! sponsorsinthecom- munity. the Whilchurch- Stouffville Chamber of commerce. ï¬danhxza. Stouffville Hyundai and YorkWorks Employment Services for their tremen- dous support. support of Knowledge- Flow's educational activi- public learning opportuni- ties have made a bit of a diffean for your readers. Thanks for letting me say thanks missionar’ssupponJUml- edgeflovma will sham‘rich video and blog content for the next few months. to beneï¬t Stouï¬ville families for hostim and promode these events every month. I started Knowledge- How.ca as a non-proï¬t tiau've with a strong com- munity focus and have been humbled by the sup- pon I received fmm every- As a result of the com- I want to give a bi ant-out tp the librar The activities will con- K N! WVLEIX y'EFLOW LA SRK'H'VILLE CIAUDIU POPA HMNDER