Markham Mariners inï¬elder Zack Barbara misses a toss as Stouï¬vilk Ymktcs runner Owen McKnight slides in safely at the Camp Robin Hood baseball! diamond in northern Markham last Thursday. Markham wan the peewee rep game 9-4. Area teams will be trying to qualify for the provincial championships at tournaments this weekend. SIAM PHOIOINKK rWANVSHv'u 3 Yankees hope to qualify ‘ teams for provincials l'ht-Sluuï¬ville Yankees wnll send six at their rep teams In the York Simone Baseball wa-izniun playufl’ umrnaum-m' this wwkvnd. The top teams from that ewm will advance to the ( )marin Baseball Awmiation playoffs hold an tho labour day m-(‘k end. ()f-the six teams going. the mmquito mp. (Hose bom tn 2(1):! and coached by Imle Murrhisun. might haw the host upporttmtty to advmnx. 'lhey are in ï¬rst place in tho: YSBA standings with a 10-2-1 mark 'Ihe lazy to the club's suru'x‘s has been pitching, whk'h is. :‘mdum'd by last year's ()BA pilchcr of the yvar. Brady Wugur hoï¬er. The remainder of the Yankees mp teams an- in tho middlv of the pack in the YSBA standingx r I (Huge Karanopoulos. Yankees pmsidcm. said that‘s to be expected since their urganiwliun is making its debut in n-p Also supplying a strung pn-wnw uy lhv mound arr Bmdy Black. Eric Murchison and 'Ihmnas mhnsmn "'lhe younger kids are gmwmg by leaps and buunds and we cxpvcr them to gain cxpcricncv fur lht- [mum in the Yuri: Simux’ Baseball Axuwiatlun." he said. "Mr the older midgvt aged boys who played softball in their earlier years they haw found the transition In ht' Chalk-urging, hm;an It) hit pilrhos at 8:3 to 9!) miles an hour which is cm‘nmon for midch baseball. Karannptmlm was quick to add a big tut'tur in the dew]- opmcnt of playt-rx m their urganwttmn can be attributed to clinics they've hosted that was run by tho lbmntn Blue Jays organization. i "But we have gnrwn’tromondnuuly at. :m wrgani/minn and thv kids an‘ gning In be put in the big us! at the York Simuw toumamem." '