Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Sun-Tribune (Stouffville, ON), 25 Jul 2013, p. 6

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mama. Mama“. mo SM.» Dam own” («mi I’aolurn “Wmmmm hademmh-ui Wad-yum Wmmxmbn. flint-fluid!“ m SurTHhmrmenn-I Iherfluwpubhhm mlpubhshnndtnafi find-hymn“? Equitle WW mu Robert Lazurlm Dunsmun Ramon“ PIOOUCII um (autumn Tories say lowering electricity cosh“. culling rcgulaliom will (rt-au- 300.000 jobs in Ontario. Yutk unun Mrdu ( «our mmmunnv nmmm ‘he Sm m washed my mm am: Mama, n A W o! (N “ammo WWLw.a-Inow mammoth”: du ‘Illurmo-x rmgutm Ennun IN Cum h- [ETTERS POLICY DISTRIM ’TION 905â€"294-8244 dirthfiwwug ¢ um Duncan. [hm-morn Tanvu Purina) Haw Williams nun "my mg (1101‘ Daphne [11415 .Uruufi‘wmg . ‘nm luv u ww My mounts M 905-640 2612 u. “)5 #4043778 - 1-800- 743- 3553 [adm- 5 hm Mason “Hit” Hi /. ihunp BM‘OliIl lsflunanissuuboutwhichyoumpusiomte? VoucouHheaSammyForumcontrihutonndoet flucluncotohmmpieoepuhfishedalonowim madmandlnmm E-mail mum-word subâ€" nfissiontoimson@ynng.com r0 ynu ‘ rvady fur a pmvim‘ial clch (ion. Whiu‘hurclr Smuflvillc? It sun- foll III}!- (mo in west-end Slouffvillc l‘uesday. Monte McNaughton. MPP for Lamhmn-Kontâ€"Middk'scx. was literally main-stmming on (he sidewalk in fmm of the nnwâ€" closed Soulhwirl- (Lanada plant on Main Street. Tories? job creation plan hits home on Main Street 'lhc'l'orios plan to add 309,000 jobs. if elected. M [he plan calls for: 0 Reducing the clu‘tricity raw charged to mar}le turors tn make them more mlnpetim'e. The Ontario His' u'nnnmir development mm was touting the release of his party's latest white papon â€" its 13th in M months â€" on job dewkmnwm. ° [Eliminating 128.75g) rogulu pious; 0 Expanding trade interna- tionally and across Canada; 0 Preparing the worklon‘r Mr a 2 [st-century economy. The Southwirc cabk‘ plant. which employed ISO workers. (‘Iosed this spring. It opened in 1110 location was nu acci dent. Tho Its-based company » the Stars and Stripes boldly new in the photo opp â€"â€" is now fill- ing orders fur win' and vath ISSl Ii at other locations, which an closer to the raw materials the mmpany uses. In Mr. McNahghton's View as he spun- was Tova Canada. the growing Main Street pharma- ceutical plant. Ynu didn't vote [my in the lens! two pmvimial elections. despite major mistakes made by Ihv lht'l) “alum McGuimy-lvd Liberals. It’s a stark contrast from Southwire's sad story. ' Three years ago, the dmg maker received a $6.5-milllon grant from the Ontario gov- ernment. The cash injection aikiwed the plant to retain its 182 skilled wutkets and hire 20 new employees. ()r docs the electorate rvmvmhrr Mike Harris and his far right n-gimv Inn we"? Are memories of the Bob Rae team Inn strung fur Ontariu to wet ck“! another NDP gtwvnr mom? Now. with gas plant and air ambulance scandals slill raging. I\ it finally l’ti loader lim lludalx and his team’s turn to lakv (Not at Queen's l’ark" Ynu'll g0 the polls on (M. l 2015. if not rather. Whnchurch Smuffvillc. MM you. the electorate. buy this H: plan. and the other white papers. this time? 80mm LIVE: he you dissatisfird "tough with Lith to Her! ‘0? m P!) next war? ma ormmx Then there's Rub Hargrave: “Councillor Rob Hargrdve did not want to mspond. cit- ling sump of those issues could hecfime the basis for ant-196mm campaign and. as he has wt to R‘Vt'al his intentions. he did not What agreal anideSandeolan wrote about our top local concema She really cov- emdalocandlamveryhappyshemceiwd and printed quotes from so many pwpla Their comments reflect community pride mauudcomernforomenuidllmmit. WhflelamalsopleasedMayorEnmlet- Re: Housing; trafl‘ic. growth largv local concerns. luly H. sun and councillors Clyde Smith and Hilton took time to be included in tho article. I am disappointed Phil Banmn. Ken Ferdinands and Richard Bartleydid not respond in time to be included. We were given a deadline. they could have put in their two cents. let their con- stituents know they were being mpmsemed. It's nice to read sdmething in the newspaper Your councillor has on yum behalf. Especially if you voted for them. Newspaper deserved answers sguhgdceyrinkwould navsvoun snv, WMWWP‘W smummua With the imminent dmmnmissiuning uf lhv rum-m skau- hoard park. my Lids an: again] saying. "NOW what?" I After a rcvivu u! the town's Memorial Park plan pustu. it's evident ma! noth- ing is being planned for the (‘urwm‘ location. So I asked my kids. and sumv fn'ends [[105 had over at the time: if you wen? in charge. what \muld you put in lhv (‘urmm skateboard park's kxfatk‘m? This lcuws Us surround mg residents u!" [has down- tuwn park wondering will lht'n‘ ho anylhing left in “11' nnnh end of this park. {he reason we moved to this pan of (mm in the first place? What an exceptional idea. I thought. 'Ihc space and the pad am aln'ady lhvrc. tht'n‘ is mnpk- parking. And su I inwsfigmui. The overwhelming msponsc: an outdoor hall hockey rink. a la (Zanlam Sports m Scarhumugh GENERAL MANAGER lolm H’illcms Pususmaa Ian Proudme Niagara Falls is ham to (he Falls Ball Hock- ey Club. a division of the world‘s largest outdoor ball hockey operator. Ball Hock- ev Ontario. (lanlan runs outdoor hall hockey leagues on its court in the summertime. with plans to ice the court in the winter for skating leagues. I mmcmbcr admiring its facility during a spring hockey toumamem trip. thinking, what a great fad]: ity for the mmmunity. ’ Ball Hockey Ontario ills" busts k-agum in Barrie. bWhazdoyouMof unschsuesormodm? Emfijmasonéynngmm Fresh air, exercise and Canada's game. What a roncept.’ want to divulge those either.” He's waiting [0 see how things pan out while others actively endeavour to make changes and unpmmems. putting their necksonlheline. Ifmemwspaperiswmk- ingon anhnponamamdeaboul thetovm aMasksyouformpm.giveitsomhing. Whileheprefetslotakeapasson respome.bycomrast.lpxefertobepanof the seizing the nppommiry topoimoutthingslwouldliketoworkto improve for evenybody. lfyouamgiwnanohtoget something impoflantommemandbrfimyougm- ciousty take advantage of it. lsem e-mails to the Sloufiville Multicul- tural Aswciatmn's membership. (in; Royal (lanadianlegion. my Guiding group and others. so IV could submit a four-page word document to Ms Bolan. with everything in it people have told meorthat I received in that day. That '5 communication. IOANNE lANNUZZl x 1mm nu Editor's Note: Ms [annuzzi has annoum‘ed she will m the Ward 6 seal on mum‘il in $14. éTribune 6290Man5t 14A 16/ Fresh an: cxemsc and (Lanadafs game. What amn- "me talk about town is our youth say there is nmh- ingto du Of course. a simpler ide’a would be to run the facility throng: the town itseif. with a sphedule that appeals to everyone: leagues, shinny the Kew (‘vatdms rink in the Beaches neighbourhood of Toronto. attest to the popularity of the rink both in summer Midwinter. drop-in itimes. leisure star mg (winter). day camps and A good example of this is My mom used to say. ‘00 outside. or I'll find 5mm» thing for you to do." Brampton. Hamilton. ()ril- ha and more. Affiliates of the organization run men's. wnmon's and children‘s leagues. as well as summer camps. birthday parties and Why not give them anulher opfiun? Asafomlerlesidemof SARA SEAWARD \Ihi‘HHH!

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