hoddflvoatpflcoum When u lunnvkxs individual wan- dvn-d untn Ihv HIIKhWhOd (Rolf Huh fairways audit-r this war. it wnl a mew mgv to Mary Evelyn. the managing dimclm of the pub- Ik‘ a)an mum! to do snnwlhmg In .misl than- in dire nova. ( Iuslunwrs who give mm- perishable food items or a donation of 52 during the twoâ€"“melt drive that ends Sunday will M‘viw customer appwciatkm prio, mg for a designated one-ka period when Ihvy play a mum! at HUShWU-(X‘ (mu (‘Jub's champknwup m vxu‘uliw courses. Larlwr lhh mumh. [flu-hm took the umiuliw hv launching a charitable pnm-d m rum- mum-y and fund for thc humck'ss wnh lhtflpmu'ods split hvmu-n m4- Markham umlwmtduln‘h» Slnuflhllv fund bankx ' HK' murw Is nu Murkham‘s Rocsor Rmd. just minutes south nf Sumffville. “When we had a homeless per- son wander onto the course it wally bmughl home the imuc to our family and slaï¬.†she said. “We realm? there am many people in‘ our communities that nerd help whh food and this» is an oppxmunity to gel our club and cm- mmt-rs involvmt "It's been so well received by nut cusmmers and Staff." she said. ‘ - Midlad I'lqumm “ W ‘ diu‘uxscd the mods 0f um um» Illllllll) wuh staff and felt this would kn-p vycryunc ongagui with ‘axsisting mm fund during the summer. when people tend to be on vacatkm and no! nu‘vsmrily focused on the less advan- taged m nur Inga! community." '10 date they've raised $420 and haw twu Iarï¬hmmainfls full of food items. By t end uhhc project date. Ms livetyn remained optimistic they can double their amen: ï¬gures. (Iiti‘ng their fundraisng amnan have gone well. she said they intend to make this their annual project. ' “With rapid urbanization. the: message of agricultum and farming can go! a little bit mud- dled." Ms Champion said. Finding part-time workers is (mo of the issues York Region farmers noted to be prob- lematic earlier this year.,during conversations with the not-for-proï¬t Workforce Planning Board of York Region and Bradford Wes! (iwil- Iimbury, according to the lawns luly rr-porr to round]. "'Hw wurk isn't of ink-rm! (0 them." Ms Champion said of youngsters and farming. "It Ls mm] trend. Kids are attracted to the bright Punmjrx want their inmgt' improwd and mum lo kaw why loday's youth dun'l wan! to Lend a hé'lping hand. according to Nirvana Champion. the tmm's economic developan ofï¬cer. Perhaps than is why today's youth don't want In work on farms. Farmers feel lost in urban shuffle BY SANDRA BOLAN shnlunw’y rmgnvnr "We don't wally undcrxlm‘ul what thv youth of Indaw am' looking for." slu' said. Along with lu-lpmg ensure fanning remains a key local industry, the municipality has sm‘am- lint-d mnw of its new husim‘sx pnwvsw‘». as A way m hvlp gum the L‘Ullllllt‘fl'ldl su‘lur. Htisinoss (Mtwrs who smpv out and ï¬nd pntvntialltx'utinnswithiti\\’hiu‘hun:h-Stnuli‘vilh- m wt up shup will no itmgcr ho shuttivd from ihl' economic Licvr-itipitwtit department In planâ€" ning. Activities within m‘tmnmic dovulu’pn'wnt. pertaining to m-w husim‘s‘s. am' now undvr ihl' planning tlcparttm-nt. according to Ms (Zitamu pion. lights. - "Things won‘n'l wrrihh va had some busi- “08598 mme in. WV always want In slriw tnr hm- Ier levels of services." she said. noting tho th wnc pmm‘nw‘, nm mamwn M A study an what the municitmlity ix mm ally doing to attract businesses to Whitclturt'lt Stouï¬ville will come to council in September