O .19. an. .53 [5.32) I E Alsubnusuommulbr mmmmm Ideplumnunbn numandaddrm The WWII)WII nmpuhhshmdmeat ï¬lMl’dW (“Wm ’Sï¬r‘ï¬ï¬bune rhzmmman cmde Meoan 0M WWMW 801mm» Mum." Ruhr" lazurt‘n Dimwr Regional PMqu and (W Dau' Wauan a. “In:me (on: Mn Yakitputhéa (.mupcomumm Emun IN (lam Debora Krlly dh'lhv-w rung .nm 905 M“ It!†PM 905 0408??“ .m | 300-745-5555 p Production Iru he Smart lETTEIS POLICY DhIklM'T ION 90." :94 8244 «mum mug com ‘0' a! pm My Dunn-0110a: (.‘ord I‘rwlurrt Inm‘mu. ()ralAnnM Drlna Weller TM Sun-M Ba rrv Mark [mu Mason Diurnal. don't know about you. but even at .32 years of age. with my srhtml yt-ars l4 wan behind me ~ and my math teacher thought I didn't q. Imam a thing! - I am 5111] able to write the names of each and t-vvr) teacher that graced me with then And now. as the mother of Mu young children in a new genera- tion with union battles. [muted budgets and a fair amount of criticism pointed directly at the teachers it makes me feel good that my list of impaaful teatin is am]! able to expand Not for me. of course. but my children. Axloudihedinmylener todxeedtotafewmeksbackl dutmyhdsmcnmlledalsucha hnmicndxoot MrmemsPubthdxmlmd itsstnflinwbeenavrryunpm- tantpanofmychikimn'sgmwth asstudeanmuch aelwould Dovetowmeaboulmchandevery teadrcrwhohaslmpactcd my children. it's just not mansth me real mu I have dead- ed to write this piece is to give credit where credit is duc : to kin- derganen teacher Fem Grenon. Whether it was an uumlhudux :eachmg method. a QUICK temper or my perumal famriu- â€" hving one heck of a teacher and influ- ence on me as a student and young person navigating my way through catty life. Perhaps it is nothing more than a memory like a steel lr'dp. but a few of the names on my mental list (‘t'nainly made a lasting unpruwun. From his ï¬rst day had: in Sep- u-mhot 20l I. I knew how lucky my son was To say she Ls devoted to her emf! wuuld he a deï¬nite understatement. 'Imth be told. she has undoubtedly found her calling. Starting mu m. a dental hyp'tm IS! (comflcnng traimng a! 19). It wasn't until 200) that she (leaded to change professions. obtaimng hm imching deng in 2004. Mrs Uteer joined the staff of Harry thu-e ycam ago. always placed in kmdergancn. for tunatetv for m 15!ka mknlfmlhe KmWsanoMMm-md pestscvenymmshclsnanny 0mm SATURDAY FORUM Teacher shows she cares, in and out of classroom Husband and uni- versity student daugner Matune are volunteering their Woes. (m I ï¬nd it incredibly selfless and genemus of this family to volun- teer their nme. money and enemy to hdp those less fnmmale. l feh the town would like to hear of such a unuching story. In addition to deivenng them- selves to Africa 'mesday. Pam's ing cknhing to ï¬t a M-yem-old If anwne is interested in donating clothes or money. please r-uuil me. (ultr‘auvt Iflulth com) and we can amnge a pick up/dmpofl. The nrganm’ation Ls called LX-V'detgc lmcmatiunal and itk website offers more might 'lhe school yea: ended and so did my son‘s two wars spent with tth mnmtable toade She man aged to teach my son and myself. nu lexx. the Importance of donatâ€" ing your time and helping those kxx fumumtt' than yourself. fmm Scarhnmugh She is a Wife. "mun-(and grmhm)mcr. and an immhmy positive Influence on my chlldn-n. guing so far as m uw my son's nickname to make him man: at vase and me on trading pmgxams to help my ï¬rst grad:- lmk- girl. It's the little thing's. don't agree? She has aim!» been kind and nwun‘cfxd. making the chfldxen mmfunahk’ an lhv sunt- lime she has earned their respect. Firm but fzur sums it up. It is i‘vm's summer itinerary mm inspimd this artide. is travelling in Africa for two momhx Vacationing? No. Wirking as a nu‘ssionaxy to _ vulunlu-r her lillk' leaching Eng hsh at the Medical University of Mmamhiqmt ()h. and in her off time she will be helping to build homes to house nrpham and their foster parents For th'm. I say thank you After all. Iifv lesmm haw an extramu- nauy valuv of their awn. Haw a safe trip and an incmd ihlo experience. Mrs. (lnmon. Kristen Payne HOT TOPIC: Why don’t you vote? Many people have to rush home after work to look aftet families or pick up children or they are just plain tired at the end of a busv dav. Voting online would allow them to look Online voting would help busy people l have always voled mall elections -~ federal. provinâ€" vial and municipal w how- ever. I can understand why some pmpk' (my 26 year old son includï¬h'dn not. (men they do not know cnuugh about the candi- dates and/m what their jobs will email and how it will affect the individual voter. 1110 article states Rich- mond Hill explored the idea (9f (mime voting. but decid- vd against it. I think lhal wasa mistake. ( )nlinc voting, along with an unlinc biography of each candidaw and description of lh!‘ various positinns (duties and responsibilities) would make voting more informative and conve- niem. I axsumo this could be listed un each («M’n's web~ site. R9: We want to ï¬nd out :4 fly _wu don't mm lane 20. Puausmm [an Proudfool GENERAL MANAGER lohn Willem: I believe these changes would make voting a k); easier for me and my busy friends â€" all having com- puters that they use every day. The Big 5â€"0? after these mponsibilitics and still vote. Some people would still not vote for various reasons. but I think many would use an online system. The hnicle states Markham tried online vot- ing and saw voter turnout decrease. I wonder if they included a description of the candidates and the duties invoked. It might wen encourage my son and other young hours on their computers for recreational reasons. to become more informed and inde in a municipal MARLIDU MON'ICRAIN RICHMOND mu SEW-Tribune mama Wflfltfl 157 (died: Hot 7bpi't3 a: 79- gionmm} to w you in municipal government and mpummwinzou. Your article on low voter turnout at municipal elec- tions offered a number of possible reasuns. 111ch an: mom First. we an? no! allowed to vote for the chairpemm of the region, its key post. since the incumbent is appointed. not elected. Could it be he is putting his awn imam-st in being appointed to that job with- out the bother of an elec- tion ahead of our right to a democratic vote? ROBERT l. GALLIVAN 1m )RNHH 1 When the issue was last raised of making that job subject u) election rather than appointment. Mavm l Flank Scarpitti of Markham voted We: the‘idea. Electing Chairperson may increase voting Re: we want to ï¬nd out whyyou don't mu», lune 20. Editor'stidyou vote?