mmmmomm An tnlonnation meeting on a Stoufls'ilki-tlhina trade delegation will be held in cottncil chambers. May 28 starting at 7' pm the trip. which is from Aug. .‘1 to at. will be led by Mayor Wayne limmerson. Mr laminerson was part ol another local trade trip to (‘hina in 1998. Anyone interested in being a member of the delegation or who inst wants more intortnation on the trip is invited to attend the meeting. Please RSVP to lamara ("arlsorr ‘Itï¬â€"Mo-l‘ilii PM. 3237 Wstmetctoeurempmmote walkirrg,MemorlalParluctMtles llurkhnlder Street between Park Drive and the leisure centrellihran access road will be closed to vehicles on meltentls starting this m‘ekend. ‘lhe temporary closure will start Fridavs at lilo pm. and go until 8 pm. Sundays. it will remain in eflect until ( )ctober The purpose of the mmkend road closure is to promote pedestrian activity and pmgrattunittg in Memorial Park. according to a report to council this week. lliverted trailic. from mm. until lint. Mien lull hutld«out of the municipalin is expected. can be accommtxlatul on the adjacent roads. according to a Dec. 20“ Memorial Park trafï¬c impact stud) prepared by l it "if il‘rans. About 50 per cent of people who attended a worksimp tor the updated Memorial Park master plan last year supported a full closure of Burl:- holder Street through the part while 30 favoured a partial or seasonal ‘shut down. Roughly .30 per cent of the residents wanted no change, according to the report to town council this week. Beautiful New (impel ‘1.†We are pleased to W the opening of our newly built addition and M17 renovated facilities. Now oï¬ertng York Region's largest Chapel and a beautiful new reception facility. A new standard in elegance. An enduring standardofprotesâ€" stomlism personal service. GOVERNMENT: Businessmen Mah Wat, loe Borinsky on list BY SANDRA BOLAN shiilarti-ii'rntg.t nm the road leading to Stoullville's library! leisure centre is technically a driveway. However. council just designated it a public highway Now. that road needs a name. I There are about l0t.)nameson thetown‘s approved list ready to be snapped up. but some of them may never make it to a street sign. in a recent report to council. stall stated some of the names were “unconvention- al" and "would prove inconvenient to the luture lmmmiwners on those streets". Some of the street names questioned by stafl include lohnabe. as well as Arbu- ttis and Haliylonica. which are both Latin tree names brought to the committee by a former councillor about 20 years ago because they new ninning out of names. according to loanne Bumett. secretary of the town's street naming and watercourse committee. Also noted by toim start? for its unique- ness was Mah Wat. Mr. War was a prominent businessman in the 19305 and '40s as owner of Mali \x’at's laundry. “lost as pronunent as other business- men like the Schells and the Boadwaw," Ms Burnett told the Sun tribune. lhc committee has yet to suggest to ( Iliafli’ Ridge ‘UHIIAI HO“! O CIEMAYlON CENTRE 891 t Woodbine Ave , Markham (4 blocks north of Hwy 7) mtoéchapelndqethcom www.chapelndgefhcom 905-305-8508 A raring part of our community ‘ . 'h' 340 I333 Sheppard Ave E council Mic-re Mah Wat should be used became Ms Burnett said they want to create a cluster ol roads recognizing busi- nessmen from the same era. much like the area south ol~ Hoover Park Drive that pays homage to former reeves. Staff would also prefer roads be of thc single-name variety. unlike the above mentioned Richard llnderhill and Ken laushway avenues. " l'hm can't change ones that are already done. It council wants us to stay away from them. we will." Ms Burnett said. that means no loe thinnsity itoad. which is on the approved list. Mr. Borinslty re-opened l.f\. Mitchell's cheese factor} in ltingwmxl alter ll was closed for a number of years. according to the book Stoufli'ille. 1877/1977. lie Wits also on the first hydro committee. a Hi‘til-Hg be fooled by low priced HAVE YOUR SAY i What do you think at your street name? E mail a letter to jmasont'a‘yrmqmm Before names golo council. approval is obtained In the region and local lire department ‘ epmtes . uroruogbonuokm I . l . Town wants ‘convenient’ street names I“ V( E’W' A in the six year» Ms lturnett has been -‘ on the street naming committee. none ot their requests to council have been declined. NtM,\N'llt'llt‘ltlllllt‘lxtillv',itslilll n-pott isill also be given to l ouncil lot Ionstdi-t ation. “ll they \Mllll to do more milk lot us‘ that lost might mean one more perer to give Its a hand." Ms Burnt-It said. loch new recommendation l\ researched by the volunteer committee. which has four members on it. Virtually all ol’ the numictpality's tot) plus street names mean somethiniâ€: to the history of Whttchurch Stouffx’ille. even it no one Ian quite recall what that rel evance is. .‘qr'ï¬llzl‘t o e o e o o o o o o o o o O Don't heaï¬ng aids. Will a low priced hearing and help solse your hearing loss? i ' loronto Hearing Senora-s g’. i . 1 Call To Make Your Appointment Today! TORONTO HARING SERVICES North York The Anthology Centre 4 l 6-498-4 I 5 I Markham Markham r\rmifhnlle Hearing ‘wrvu- M I")! 3'" Church Sr 905-47 l -4327 Etoblcokc West End Hearing Senna-s 7H l243 lslingron Ave 4 I 6-233-858 I www torontohearmgsmwres (om £l05't