Stouï¬vilk Spartans Dannie Thompson-Bruce (Jet?) and Erik Tammislo compete in the junior hurdles at the Bill Smufl’yuk’s Kan-n Tran man-3 a “uh against 51, Broth“ ( thhbrs Invitational high school track meet Wednesday. For the Spartans' story. go m yorkregionxom Andre as pitcher Katie Robb looks on. District Secondary School mgby coach lamie Hewitt says there are occasions when his teams perform like a team capable of the York Region Athletic waia titm tier (me title; Rmunateiy for the Spartans. the positive aspects ounveighed the negalives after they defeated hos! Keswick High Schooi 46-17 in (heir YRAA tier one War season opener Thursday. "Wv can hv a wally gum! team and then takv time off." Hum! said. "That's really been our season 50 fax.†' But they also haw moments when their ptay can’drive him Chris Malmukas and (Lane: Laird each scored two tries for the Spanans while Ht Stouffville rugby teams unbeaten on opening day BY MICHAEL HAYAKAWA mhawkawaéflyrmg mm Tflyer .ca ON YOUR NEXT GROCERY BILL! One positive aspect fmm the match that drew praise from Hewitt was the play of Tyler Krabi. who made his debut at the prop posi- ka and was named man of the match. ' N1‘W'1flfld5 mntributcd a try and two con- The Spartan girls" team hauled KL-swick m Wm; a 15- 15 tie in their opener. Anna Homer. (HL (lady Scam. Bren Fontaine. Man Ahmledo lian Streick and Abbie Bauman eachéhad one and lack Bauman each had one try and Ben try for the Spartans. (Indy Scam. Bren Fontaine. Matt Almledo and lack Bauman each had one try and Ben Roam: booted one convcn. ' In the junior match. the Spartans emerged with a 20 11 win over Keswir‘k. Kyle Laird. Jew: Manon and kmmy Hughes each had one try. Reed Savage booted one convert and Jackson made a penalty kick The Spartans bamams opened the YRAA junior tier two season with a vidory over But Oak (Markham) 22-0 at Kcswick Sam (Zatalano, Danny Shields. (“am Ak'lranqand Hayden Messner each had one tn: Bailcv Morton booted one convert. SPORTS Stouffville Sun-Tribune The Spanan seninr and junior omrivs will host Maximilian Kolbe (Aurora) 'lhursday at 2:30 pm. The Spanan bamam buys‘ and girls am scheduled to play a! Huron Heights in Newmarkel 'l‘uesday at 3:30 p. m. Spatbnsoccuydswinopener Jamie Hewlm had an inkling good things might be in stow with the Smuï¬ville Distrin Secondary School Spartans senior gjris' soc- cer team as they were gearing up for the York Region Athletic Association tier two season. The roster included players with addition- al experience playing at the club level. STA" “ROTC/“QUE Mâ€! V! i N That cast lived up to Hewlett's expecta- While it might be expected thcl'succms could be attributed to a wninr-ladon cast. sllt‘h wasn't the case. In fact. three Grade 9 playen inflined mm! of the damage. in ( krssandta ( hggiaur iellu. Vanessa Mangos and Mel Schmrten. lhe club players scored two goals apiece. Kirstin Seehach. a Grade 12 student. had the other. Amber Remnr recorded the shufuut lk‘wlett also praised the work of Grade II defenden Nicole 'laylor and Rebecca [Unrest Hewiett remained cautiously optimistic her Club can sustain that effort when they make their hume debut against ()ur lady M the lake (Keswick) Monday at 3 pm. ‘ Hum/in its n‘gular wasnn dvbm afu-r rmising In a 7-0 road win m‘rr Summ 'l'lwsdan, If the Spartans can do lhm. she fm'ls lhvy could be among the contenders fur the Nnnh- (Lcmral Uinsion title. SIAM PHOYOI‘SHVI SOMERVHH