stony} Bunn- Mums- Roben lazurko Ans-Muth k-«MMMan-‘l Is there an issue about which you are passionate? You could he a Saturday Futum contributot and get fluchaocetohmyompiece publishsdolongwith your name and hoodshot E-maii your 450-“!!! sub- mission to imsson@ylmo.oom “ax nv I iwnvianm" I'hv Hid. hand. Krvm. Mar mm and Pr m thank r liu'nd hum our hum!» nun-ind m The ImSmW-e Menu MMNM an mallow Mammoth am WMUW' 905640-20! 2 1-... 905-640-8778 . kn 1400404353 lheflflfltoputflshm mup‘bIdI-Ihunm ï¬IMNW Immune.“ Dow Williams dun-album; . m ‘I'utk W Main Hump mmunm Melanie Anndgc' MMVW: a»!!! Euro-mus» HMan [ETTERS POLICY DIS TRMUTNNV 905 294- 8244 WWW†Wummv mm.oleue lathe Stuart Bony Blarl' hm Mason lit-non. A "III t0!" Editorial Downtown opportunity mired in inï¬ghting condominium/retail building in dmmown Stouï¬ville is dividing our community. How is that. A golden opportunity to improve the look of our central business district could he lost In ill-ï¬ghting. On the same weekend edito- rial pay. fellow Smuffville nmi- dent Nancy DiGiovanni writes about the same dowlopnwm proposal. hoping thc housing in the plans will be of the afford- able variety M) her children will be able to remain hung in their home town. 'l‘hv Diuuwanni family is not alone (m lhisjssuc in Stouffvfllc and across York Region as our curmm series on housing prob- lems in this area has revealed. Not everyone can aï¬ord. or needs. a four-bedroom backup“! on an acre of land. Aï¬ordahlo or not; the down- town condominium project is exactlv what the proving: ordered municipalities to do: intensify development. In other words. build up not out. It's the opposite of the w» tcmauc sprawl we've known an well in York Region. PAUJ/Gcnninm's downtown condominium project loo Inge for its potential neighbours. ennifer (ioodbrand nailed it in her letter to the editor in Saturday’s Sun~'lh'hune. The PACE/Geranium Group's proposal for a ISSUE Residents of a downtown condominium vmuld add foot trafï¬c for our Main Street stores and services. ‘ Condo owners wouldn't even require their own cars. with our extensive GO train and bus scr- vicc almost at their doorstep. That's another positive lifestyie change in our normally vehicle- dependant world. The problem is the scope of the project. It's no surprise a developer is shooting for the moon. and as many units and floors as pos- sible. in their opening salvos. That's business. It's up to the ‘l'own 0f Whitchurch-Smuffvillc. espe- cially our c-Iu‘wd councillors. vm make the (all. Reduce the size and impact oi the project. Move on. (kudos to the tovm for involv- ingwsidents by providing wgu -- lar updates and hosting a series of information meetings for residents of the neighbourhood and beyond.) We hope the prawn is a go. It could be a gruund-breaking game-changer for our commu- nity. ' u could set an example for what can and should be done with some properties on our main drag. mndobuildingmnkessomurh «Pm:- for downtown renewal. LETTER OFTEWEEK Hodxey volunteers help out kids for right reasons Didyoutakeinmeannualmeeungpf the Wlmchurch-Stouï¬villc Minor Hockey Association last week? Thankstotheboutt Don Eastetflim Messnet. Peter Hannsen. Pact O'Boyle. Don Barker. Ron Stunner, Jennifer Asseiin. Kristal Kobold. [mic Volpe, Sharon Tayior, Andria Stevens. En'c Ross and Wendy Ann- strong. 7 The Dan McNeil Award was given to (lur- (is Davis and km Cone-y. M better winners could nm have been selected. especially the year that Bob McNeil. Dan's father. passed away. These kids are our future in and our community. as well as our future coaches and board members. The Steven Wrighf Award was handed Ammmllofpwplcwfnsimptycam about our community and the game of - Your act of kindness and gmlcmsity delighted us all. won’t be forgotten I: was a beauiiful deed that ....'II _.... L» L‘_,____A..A, named “The Friday Night Friends" was enjoying dinner at Swiss Chalet in Smuï¬ville. When we were about to order our drawn. we were informed by our sewer that dinner for our entire party had'been paid for. She did not know who the gende- man was. Un a recent Friday ew‘ ning, a gmup of special needs young people nidn- Earlier, when l was accompanying one of the group to the washâ€" room, a man and his fam- ily appruat‘ht‘d me and asked what organization we were with. Appreciatâ€" ing his interim. I explained that our group met every ntth Friday for a variety of at‘tivitics and the members went from Stnuï¬villc and Markham. [he l-riday Nigh! Friends David. Dikran. laclyn. Kwin. Mary. \‘amxsa. 11w- msu and Peggy would like to thank nur anonymous I‘m-ml hum Iln- lmflum uf our hearts. Gm MANAGE! john Willem; Wm he Punusnan Ian Proudwa ()lll’ RIIKDHVHIUUS Records broken at Iibtary book sale $18,000 um the 4-1/2 days of the sale this year â€"â€" the offering pmgrams such as audxorvisixsandpmdusmg equipment. ' me book sale fundraiso ing committee has manv ' many people to thank in; helping to make (his book will not be forgotten munity of Whitchurch- Stouffville has come These funds will go toward augmenting the msourtcs at the libmrv. mostsuccessï¬ubooksale Stouflville. send you! kites to 'pmasom-‘yrmcm HAVE YOUR SAY 'lbe library’s Glam Book God bless you and mu: PEGGY CANIGUA MARKHAM with passion. caring and creativity. Simply put,thekidsarehavingfunh10urcommu- nitybecauseofhcr. Noneofdmehadivklualswantanyflï¬ng ianblhmdafast-pamdm- ing organized ,to the poht. with 'a small pmï¬tfltatwillnmï¬kdybepmmmmom (miningfordaekidsnextseuon. ‘ Nonewbusinessissomemingeveryone onmeboardwamslohearandmendw mflontoadjoum.mlteilsm3wydid o'ut toAndyCanM'ighlmguywtmhasdone moreforhockeyandkidsmmiscommumty andlbelmostofyoudonotevenhmhis name.Well deserved.Andy. and then some. Don EastetchoseKristal Kohfldforthe President’sAwthlookonherfaa-was worth the price of admission. ‘ Kristalhaschangedmedynnmicsofdw Suwï¬-Tribune .+ Thanks for your time. 6290Mfl'la WJIth 167 And thank you to The Stoufl‘vifle Sun-Tribune for supporting the sale through advertisement and public- ust. but certainly not least. many thank are due to the citizens who came out in record numbers to support this annual library fundraiser Their gener- ous suppon of this even! is mspomihlo for its contin- nf“ Smuffvifle. Richardson Lodge Masons. Slouffville Lions and students of $055 and other neighbouring schools for their involve- ment in setting up and tak- salesowccessml. First. to the Sxouï¬vme Thanks also In Barman Mien»; and Card's TV 8: Appliances for the use of their signs Thank you to the many volunteers who gave so frde of their time. ing. selling and packing. All (his dedication and Commitment is most appre- dated CAROLYN NORDHEIMEI nmluu m u M" a “nu: ’ H mm ‘ LIBRARY MIKE HUMPHREYS STUUFFWLLE IAMES Club