Contact thé Duector of Plannmg 8. Budding Sewoces regarding the roadway matters at end. 2270 or emanl at andtew mcneelyw tqwnofws ca, Provmual legisl§taon requues munmpahtues to deveiop annual OCCCSSIbIh‘y plans and the Town would hit: yow feedback on our 2013 v 17 Draft Plan, COPIES are avaqlabte at the Munmpal Ofï¬ces or on the Town's websnte (Accessnbmty secuon). Please fprwatd wntten comments to the attentuon pf Gary Sumner, Ofï¬ce of the CA0. emanl gary sumnerw townofws (a 0! (an ext 2267 by May 10, 2013. The purpose of the Accessubalnty f0! Ontanans wuth Disabuhtnes Act, 2005 (AODA) is to achieve accessiblhty for Ontarians with dusabolitues wuth respect to goods. sevvuces. faahtnes. accommodation, employment, bunldmgs. structures and premnses on o: befme January 1. 2025. Louncul we“ be consudenng the followmg matters at Its Tuesday, May 7 meetmg at 7 pm. In the Councxl Chambers Members of the public are welcome to attend and speak to the tissues; 1 An amendment to Bylaw 2012 1201! lrcensrnq By law regarding Ice Cream Trucks to allow the playmg of amplified mu5rc. wrth certarn restructnons, for a trial perrod from May 8 to September 18 For more rnformatron. (all ext. 2225, 2. Stopprng Up, Cldsmg Declaratnon of Surplus Land - Unopened Road Allowance for Franklin Avenue, 3. Temporary Street Closure of Burkholder Street from the drrveway to the Whrtchurch~$touffvnlle Publrc Lrbrary/ Lersure Centre to Park Drive. May to October. Fridays at 330 pm to Sundays at 8 pm. 4 Creatron of a Publrc Hrghway (the current accessqdrweway totheWhttchurchStouffvnlle Bublrc Lrbrary/Lersure Centre) There wrll be no formal conneEtron to Rose Avenue however; there is the potentral of thrs access berng developed fer resrdentual purposes of certarn landlocked parcels located to the west ’of the SUb]9Ct lands m the future. The reports and pvopose'd by-Iaws‘wm be avanlable at noon on May 2 as part of the May 7 Councul Agenda FEEDBACK WANTED ON TOWN'S 2013 - 17 ANNUAL ACCESSIBILITY PLAN (DRAFT) MAY 7 COUNCIL MEETING ov Lmda Lopka, Adrhumstvatwe Assmam ext. 2327 or email undavhpkamownofwsxa to be Included m the upcommg meetmg detail cuculatnon. The annual Sprmg Sweepmg Program has begun. Please sweep excess winter sand to the curb or edge of the road but d6 not push st mto pales as the sw‘eeper has difï¬culty picking rhem up Mommrzmg reSrdentral street parkmg during thus process wull ensure best resuhs. For more mformatron. visit our websrte or contact Customer Servrce. Please note these Important garbage and recycling (Blue Box) restnctlons . no rnntamerc/rnntentx welghlng over 77 kg - no contarners over 125 litres (slmrlar to photo) - no loose grocery/Intchen catcher bags - no cardboard boxes Recycling maternals wrll only be collected In molded ugld open top containers (no lrds or nets) not exceeding 65cm m length, SOc'm m wudth and SOcm ln helght. Cardboard must be broken down to 90cm x 90cm x 30cm. Newspaper and boxboard bundled and mo may be placed next to the blue box for collection Full details are to your Collectron Calendar or contact Out Customer Servoce Centre. 5783 Bloomington load Part of Lots 9 and '10, Concnuion 8 Wednesday May 22, 201 3 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 pm. Council Chambon. Municipal Ofï¬ces Please send any WHUPD submsssions to Make Mohnan, Duector of Engmeenng and Capital Propcts by Wednesday. June 5, 2013' Please see our websote for details. m CALL: 7 7 W or call the Leusure Centre 905% FIRE ‘ EMERGENCY m 91 I ' ' COMMUNITY 5AM! NWMMMMflamm 5mm“, mntgm.“ swsmuc or Town STREETS a“. .,£‘.‘1",‘.'.?".,3'.‘3.".'f.‘.'t 5‘ PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION SITE ALTERATION (FILL) PERMIT APPLICATION ' - Mumculturai Fashvon Show View DAV m ‘ . You", 05"“. For hours am {at Wm“ M ; - Stouffvme Has Talent ‘ Macaw“ ~ Check out the complete scheduie onime FOR PUNJC‘WORKSAEISUK m m wwwxownofwsAcom/ï¬tness- pdfs/Schuigpfjvents pdf RECYCLING/WASTE COLLECTION CONTAINER SIZE REMINDERS The camps wnll run as folkwvs: Juty 8-12: A-Musing=Adventures Day Camp (ages 8-12) July 15-19: lmaginanum An Fun (ages 5-12) July 29-Aug 2: Wacky Wheeis (ages 5-12) Aug 1923: Ramforest Adventure (ages 5 I 2) Aug 2630: Summer‘s Last Blast (ages 5-12) For more Informatuon on the camps and regcsnauon, please call 9057278954. Nineteen On the Part. courtyud Book yam table now a the Lessure Centre 0: onhne usmg barcode 20606. Po: the ï¬rst ttmé, the Museum is offering Summer Camps! AH camps wall run from 9:00 am. - 400 pm. Monday (hrough F "day. Before and aflet care will be avaflable at an additnonal cost The Corporanon of the Town of Whttchurch-Stouffvdle teserves the nght to acceptor IQJEC! an or part of any 8nd and also reserves the nght to accept other than the lowest Bud and cancel any Cali for Bids at any tune. THE wancnuncu-svourmue museum 1. comauumr cam mu HOST: WHITCHURCH-STOUFFVILLE JANE'S WALKS Sunday. May 4 Proéuremem Coordinator Part-time Babysitter - Leisure Centre Please see our websrte for detanls or (all the LEISUFE Centre 905-642-PLAY (7529) A senes of waikmg touts Watts a! 10:30, 100. and 300 See wwwwhttchutch-hbvatyonxa f0? detanls COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE YOUTH WEEK MAY 6 - 1 1 ‘. â€" 2:00 p.m.