SPORTS: Jr. A team hosting camps for goalies, skaters With the Spirit ï¬nishing in fourth place in the North Division and subseqwndy missing the playoffs I38! Seaman. there are deï¬nitely employment openings; But to make the team that won the OIHL title 12 months 880. players will have to make a’lasting impression on Spirit comma and general manager Kenny Burrows along with headcoaCh Iefl'Perï¬nandthe-restofthecoachingstaï¬when the club conducts its annual Rookie Prospects (lamp at the StouffvifleArenatomonwfmmGtolOanandSammyfmm 9am. to9p.m. Some 150 prospectswwho last played at the lunior B. C. l).AAAorMmajororminormiQetorjuwnflelevdsare expmadtoshmvcasetheirsldflsetduï¬ngaseriesofmtrasquad Entainghisseoondseasonasdaeclub‘sheadcoachfenin hasagmdideaofwtmhewouldliketoseeinamokiecandi- The StouHViUe Spirit is baking for a few yuung players. lispeciaflythosewhocan pufonnandmkeamajorimpacl at the Ontario Junior Hockey [rague level during the 2013-14 “We‘re looking for players who can skate well. work hard. play and can compete.’ he said. ' Specnï¬caflyWJerrinmuldliketoï¬ndmkywmds In an eï¬on to shore up their blueline. hés looking for defamemenwhoarequickmnmakematgoodï¬mtpassand get their shots from the point through to the net. Spirit hunting for gems in ï¬eld of 150 prospects 95% DISCOUNT BUY FOR $199 71% DISCOUNT BUY FOR 539 55% DISCOUNT BUY FOR $68 50% DISCOUNT BUY FOR $2300 1 Year of Unlimited IPL or Laser Hair Removal Sessions for 3 Body Regions BY MICHAEL HAYAKAWA mhayakawaï¬yrmgrom Spring Fertilizer and Weed Control Application from Weed Man (3 Options) Not to mention be 8mm: to move an oppos~ ing forward away from the net. ‘ With the Spirit also conducting a “No-day goalie camp Wednesday and Thursday. Perrin was hop" one or two potential prospects would step up to the fore an ability to stop pucks and show a deï¬ness In handling participants ‘840 years old with facial acne for a clinical research shdy on a new invesï¬goï¬onal cream. Are you concerned by ACNE? Lynderm Research (Dr’lyndo) is looking for Won: §I.,900 “0500905471 80111: MWQWM Set of 3 or 4 Photoblock Prints on Wooden Blocks from Photography by SSV lootqu sumvm'mxm magmmoomm am: 1.11va Vstm 2Mooms nmanm.mommtwm 00mm south 0: mm "W! Is M cumm mun-m ov a an m Docs mm m wow 2qu Are Memwcusus,nlm was. coal mam Wary pram can: pat-c mats-on com. mum? Is than a sat-cm 0' mm and am 1006 m7 Go a a quest and Ira with m m' N a the m1. a! nun? m mm M memos pan»: and mm? Gz: uawmnwnmmw' autumn! new museum murnr asst-dLNwM7Wmmnm'760ummmflmvufl Oovwmmooc Mvwmmrfloom calmbvvow W7Mmmmamxn.cm1m mth cm totem" 301mm†minimum cmmamma mum Comma 4' ton mom ham and Moos: scum m a 0n Rams imam Commuh High Efficiency Lennox Air _ Conditioner (Up to 16.20 SEER rating) incl. Instailation from Cambridge Heating and ___ gogling (3 Optionsii