York Region Chairman Bill Fisch and chief Eric lolliffe applaud Special OiymPians. includingMan NighswandcrofSiouffvfllc.GamcswillbeplaytdinYorkhdy11:014. ‘. Friday May 10, 2013 at 7:00pm v Springvalesaptist Church, 3885 Stouffville Road Tickets$20/adult, $S/children My ptesents a dessert um featuring comedlan " WM He'sappearedon a mwlad oftelevlslon programs. he has won awards, he's played Carnegie Hall , and now Taylor Meson ls coming to STOUFFVILLE. } TWflwllarlousshowcémblnesventrlloqulsMInmlc ' FULL OF JOY! 57A" PHOYOMRD WWYCVIEN Bob Nicholson of Stouffville (from left). ex-NHLers Todd Harvey. Brian Muir and Marcel Dionne help Walter Gretzky pick a team at the 25th annual Wizard Founda- tion Hockey Playoff Draft at Angus Glen Monday. The mm hasraisedmorethan $1.25 million for Special Oivmpica GBEI'ZKY MAKES IT ‘SPEGIAL’ Tickets available through Councillor Phil Bannon I v 905-640-7422 ' www.phi[bann0n.ca Wme 0’ F003 Fedtival touffville Christian chool '9 8TH ANNUAL 0‘ MonJay, June 319