\tvuï¬i m monument CENTRE '00. 3 GROWTH W STRATEGY » M4311. 2013 7:00 â€" 9:00 pan. Council Chambers Municipa! Ofï¬ces See our website for details. Council will be considering the following matte“ at its Tuesday. May 7 meeting at 7 pm. m the Council Chambers. Members of the public are welcome to attend and speak to the assues: 1. An amendment to Byâ€"law 2012-120â€"Ll Llcenssng By‘law regading lce Cream Trucks to allow the playing of ampliï¬ed musk, with certain restructlonsu f0! a trial period born May 8 to September" 18. For more lnformatlon, call ext. 2225‘ 2. Stopplng Up.CIosm9 Declaratlon of Surplus Land - Unopened Rood Allowance foc Ftanklln Avenue. - 3. Temponry Street Closure of Bulkholdev Street from the driveway to the Whltchurch-Stouï¬vnlle Publlc lecary/Lelsure MAY 7, 2013 , Sundays at 8 pm. WWW!“ pm. 4.Creatlon of a Public nghway (the cunent access driveway Council W 7:00 M. to the Whtt‘church-Stoufl‘vllle Public letary/Lelsure Centre). The agendas '0'; me†mums M“ be Manama at the Munmpa' There will be no formal connection to Rose Avenue howevet: Ofï¬ces. Whttchurch-Stouffvnlle Public Mary and on out website the†‘5 "‘9 po‘mm’ 0' ""5 “‘9†be“) W'Oped '0' I COMM“ Chambers - lll Sandde Drive 7‘ Centre to Park Drive, May to Octobu, Fridays at 3:30 p.m. to Calendat of Council meetmgs to: this year lS the we“ of me when lands m the mm'e‘ available on our website. Contact the Director of Planning 8. Bunldmg Semces andrewmcneelyQtownofwsca m mm m m 3 The teports and pvoposed by-laws Will be available after noon m!" W‘smm' on May 2 as part of the May 7 Councnl Agenda. - -A--_-- WWII MMammï¬m-MM mmmmmmm “17.1.13’3u-‘23M é Mnhdmww d wwmmwm """ Mon WMMMMMM MW) Immmuwmmmmi HmmMmmnwmmm muzmv/mmu Wat’s 0? in Wmâ€"S‘mgywzé www.mvdmu mmmmm ‘ MIN NuMnWLEGOlotMLnbmymnml "MmmhnsWLIC-Omm' Modmhomdlmm www.0an 5mm loom-n imam MIMWI!MLmsMuMS¢m HommmhatydMLï¬MLNM‘ V0300!“ 130nm ‘Ieop m flu am Now W†M a ham 5mm m 76 Man Sum ‘umw Wdh' MAY 7 COUNGI‘. IEETING YOUTH WWII!!! OIIEI‘IATIOI ï¬g 14 S â€" 7 p... 3!! a the Law! (emu meWmummm Iownmlm mural-nun mutmmmurmm WNMManmu-nmamu FI‘I’IESS SPRING SPKIAl litmus'uthemonflmelmudm Flt! HEALTHY [MIC m WORKSHOP budemomeMm LmCmom- Mpm Learn sci-W mm 3mm 20586 tum-mum May“! no". Taxsnmmmgr Wmndmmmoh. My; ammhomhomr mmmmmm nmm rummvmum w. “I, 11 ‘30 um ~ 0:30 pm Al the lebovx («mo 00: Am I. Emmumnl how author; and mum um on roarth hot on ohm off!» spolm word‘ (on 520 mm new at the L-bnvy. msw». at tho "bow (mum Amtfmnmb Nonlho?lt Provincial legislation requires municipalities to develop annual accessibility plans and the Town would like your feedback on our 2013-17 Dratt Plan. Copies are available at the Municipal Offices Or on the Town's website (Accéssibility section). Please forward written comments to the attenth of Gary Sumner. Office at the CAC. email garysumneratownotwsca or call ext. 2267 by May 10. ‘ The purpose of the Accessibilrryfor Ontarians wrth Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) is‘to achieve accessibility for Ontartons with disabilities with respect to goods. semces facilities. accommodation, employment. buildings. structures and premrses on or before January 1, 2025. FEEDBACK WANTED ON TOM'S 2013-17 m YOUR "WANTED ELECTRONICS mm ACCESSIBILITY PLAN (DRAFT) $010M†May 4 10:00 mm. to 2:00 pm. The "habit tum "vouch May 10th. 201) (Momhy through Fnday. ‘mpm ~ SM It'd-l M “a. Fat mom mth cal 905 47317110: goto: m focoboouommouï¬wintudimow wood tummg. sill iurws. unique My, m photographs and wood Mock prints This W is a pvewew duphy of ‘thgs to cm' W the W Odobor Sludto low WWW mmmmmm WW‘Q mmaytmzounw-sm on W: day onty Machurth Tmshb History Book ovobhbh M drummed pm. 01 $20! Com so. who! we have to oflw \ A showcase at ï¬mlcvafls including pottery. M VU The annuai Spring Sweeping Program has begun. Please sweep excess winter sand to the curb or edge or the road but do not push it into piles as the sweeper has difï¬cutty picking them up. Minimizing residential street parking during this process mil ensure best resuits. For more information. visit our website or contact Customer Servrce. ‘ Municipal. Ofï¬ces ‘ Recycle you: e‘ectromcs at om special coflection event or one of Yuck Regimr': depoixflmey MLW1LUHIPU12lx lemups. keyboach mouse, computer moniton. ptintets, cartridges. digital camaras. cefl phones. fax machines, tdevismns. audio equipmem and more. F0: more informabon. phase ma wwwyomca/waste If you ave planning a pro}ect to add or remove soil from you: ptopeny you must subvmt a site alteratnon applocauon as per By law 2013-007-REA Foc more details. visn our websne or contact Customer Servuce. ' SWEEPINGOFTOWNSTREETS FILLING OR EXTRACTING SOIL Procuromont Coordinator Hease see our website for dew}: mammals“ Sand-mmmnoaou-mn “NWNWWMWM fathomm ï¬'flumwmm’ mmmmmwmm Lunch“! bepmwdodfaaflms a 3%.!!! B 53.8.332206358; §.§.,I13£3§§uaéa§8§s§ 2£3§9.§§§888¢oa 38.8321; {Egg-3.9.5 2.3.8 .tsggszoag g 3582. 88: xii; 9.8.9: 5. 2. v9.3 gfgznpondpig thhWMw-iwm in: 2013' Learn M W and m ammamvmmmxpm_ m cm a m m m In W WIRMS Iii-Chomth WWWIW-Sm moon-aw mmmnmmm w