Slam ) f r f d r r t n > . M L . g,“ X . r , J ‘ V v ., with: “manna†"W" GoodFridayCeIebratitms at Harvestme March29th, 10.30am. to 7:30 pm. at Em Chum. Adm rs $5 andmdudawthochlpucan elaMdoglMIdM.,CM- Oran Hindumamhe IOIIICI. I U I I I Sunday Sonic: “10:00 am 8 mm.“ 4W4 MHZ“?! TMSundayofMerion warn10:00amEuchaist MScmoM-Nusery 81101mm Comer of Mam St 8- Stodï¬er St 905-640-2561 1 1 :00 am. m stoufhnfledmsnamrchca M48.MO§Bbomhgtoan. Inâ€; inviting, relational. open PLANNER 23% mankind,“ LI Civic Menu. SW Lou mu m can STOUFFVILLE ' CHRISTIAN CHURCH The CM Coot-Off runs hum 6 your Good Friday March 29th Ecumenical Service Stouffville United 10 am SederSupper5Se~ioeBpm - WELCOME TO esfl'flg‘lï¬‚ï¬ ST. JAMES Smuï¬'wllc Rd. at Kennedy Rd. P 905-887-5651 CHURCH Sunday, March 24th 6432 Main su, Smflvillc 10:00am _?_"°'.".’°."“'°'3‘3! Chris Tompkins ) w3pm.a!SMHeUnlled Chumh. Tickets $40 from stouWImwlspot'gmn com Couqu Meets Poo Classics. mm: Cou Francs and me We Burns .35 the SUM Concert Seuss show from 730 to 9 pm. at SWIG United Chumh. 34 Church St 3mm“. lot Spot pawns parentin‘ upon Nanny Robcna on toddier mm mm 1 POP GOES “0E COUNT“ “WWW BLOOMINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH FridagMarchZQ 8:001.m.-â€"GoodFridayScrvioc Gear:an Stmmflkumedamchnum mil-ch31 EasterSundzywonhiplOm Forumnmbasam adhamtsimritcd. Lead Pastor: 1:17 111ml Childmn '5' Pastor: Lori Attack Youxh Pastor.- Ian Hurlo‘ C annular: Bonnie Bart‘hanit Tuesday's @ 6:45pm - 8:15pm Jr. High - Grades 6 â€" 8 WWy's @ 7:(X)pm â€" 8:15pm Kids Club - SK - Grade 5 Friday's @ 7:00pm â€" 10pm Sr. High - Grades 9 'â€"12b. Everyone Welcome! “Mamâ€"WW 6:30p.mâ€"Ewning§cn'icc 9:30 a.m.' â€" 13660 Ninth Linc N. (905) 642-4414 Rev. Peter Pallam AMMM SundaysMatchM w." ‘ The StoufMMe Adult Skillets mllhoumeuiaammme scason 317115 at me Stouflvme Nana. Nmm Lme Norm. Lamas son 85 Retmhmems win be mo dance. m who MNWW Pun II: mm. wants a tree shomng dï¬cmmm2pmjt 19 on we Pam Sponsoced by hm Honons, Pm up tickets a! 19 On The PM o: the “Ovary "Ml SM?! SUNDAY WORSHIP 9:45AM Chane/[mish/Childmn Servvce Stouï¬ville Pentecostal Church 6853 Main 31.. Smuï¬â€˜vine 905.640.5696 Sunday Service (‘1‘ 10 am Sunday School Kids Ages 2 - 12 years ofagc (‘P/IIRRIIR) 0 Oscar Peterson Pubuc School 850 Hoover Park Dr.. Stouffvnue Lead Pastor: [(17 lam! Childrrn '5 Mar: Lori Attack Youth Pastor: Ian Harley C annular: 84mm? Borrhardt ONION OFFICE (it...) (647) 547-3618 32 Jamesway Cres . Stoufmue swuffwuebranchomcbcmg mstommueibcug PSI!le 7 at B! Area, 5 enï¬om Phatmacnst Ford Nessa! mu speak on ma nwmon and suppiamenumon for mgh mood passure at 7 p m at the WhltchwrhSlouï¬pr pLINIl‘ tibmw ('4!!! 905~64?-RFAD The Sugarbush Maple Symp Festive! commues through Apnl T at Bruce's Md! Conservauon hen. Smumue Road. Move mfonnamn at rnapiaswuptest ".000 PRESSURE HIGH? 0†IA? A Quark in a Beautiful (‘ounrrysidc Pastor Walter Robbins StoufMlle Christian 340-69.". - mm Wednesday, March 27th 10.30am Worship Servvce It Happened on a Fuday An off the recmd conversatuon between Jesus 8: Peter 7:30pm SUM Concert Country meets Pop Classus Sunday, March 24th 860 Gone. 8, Clamnï¬iii SOS-649-2812 Sunday Service 10:30am Woestwffvilleucxa wwwsmuflViIhucxa lunch to follow 9:30 am Prayer Meetmg t’l Wu m Hm lulmg. 2* mm! llm Mast»! u! [nutunM'x-nm: ( mn In! mun' (‘mn muuuy c-u-nm I'm! vurkn'gum am: If! rm mgvmuw \ ’flm also n'gislvr u! .wrtn‘gmn mm m Imu- I'M'IH) Inmlfna- unlmr «moo-v In add an