0.. . -- metrolandmedla (Siï¬ib une (mud to you cumuy‘ TWIFBJIIMJ I mmmumm IRWIWHST SWEET TOOTH MAPtE‘EEST MAKES ITS RETURN THIS WEEKEND see page 11 for projects that includi- the rte-alignment of Ninth line; the Boltlim- 91mm wau'r manageumn pond and n'nmmiunx m the town hall axsociau-d with the muw by York Regional I’DIK‘D mm the building, 'lhv Hank-(lumen lrark and tennis (‘mms m‘ll alsu be resurfaced. Halfoflhat proju't's costs, nr $37L250, will (‘ullll' [mm the (nmmunn‘y Inlraslnu'mre \n' m pugc' V Hurscs play in the snow on a Ninth Line farm in north- cm Whitchurch’Smuffvifle Sundav. NURSING AROUND