year. Council pm-appuwed a $75,000 budget for the design of the part lesday. Vander [aim and Associates. in pannership with lmpnwemem Fund gram. ' The skateth park will also be constructed this The reconstruction o! Mayuae Avenuewasalso in d1ebudget.lmevér.goingahcadwifltthepmiectwas bascdongrantappmval.whidtwmreiectedlastmk. "Ihey just thought it didnt meet an the criteria theyhadmmM'thctwn's Wranddirector offlnanceMaeroumhidisnnmtingmeman wWammwaeremivedtodeunicipalmï¬a- structure Investment Initiative pmgnm and roughly lï¬percentddmnnmdehtodwmndmuMMme atme IMMIyueeAvenuepmposddidnotmakeitomof mmmmm. Leathan 50pmjectsm to waive fund- inngPomvahiditoldcou '. submitted a bid of $39,459 "1113! would be a large pmjeu for us to cmnpletc. I'm looking forward to getting that done." said Rob Raycmft. director of leisure services for the town. dur- ing the council meeting. The library board has also 'wants 320.000 for an organizational staining study. 1 11 will now be up to muncil to either go forward with the $745.01!) pmiect. or postpone it. l'hoWhitchun‘h-Sumffville Public library myucswd a gram of $1.12!.0I0. which includes a cn-nniinalur of ynung adult and electronic lawn staff does not support the study request because “it is ptemature to embark on such study in advance of the detail design ofthe new space and stra- tegic planning for the libm'y.’ according to the Feb. 26 council repon. , The library (LAD begs to differ. “11w library board feels that the stafï¬ng study is necessary for maximum efï¬ciency and for future expansion planning to have an outside consultant look atlmthelibnrystaflisstmcmredandremmmend mebestwaytoprocaedhrhinngsinthemnueflhe board is also concerned about succession planning amlwantstokrmbestlwwto addmasthis.‘ Road project m _ denied grant ~ ’ " i Copies oflhe 249-page budget book an? available a! the town hall and library. . Final budget deliberations will he made April 9 swung at 9 an and if April 10. [Botï¬ "veering: are open to {he ipublic and will he held in council chambers WMW‘MM' The (1m! Big Cmm'h. which is a salun- m lwallhy and local eating, Ls in its sixth year. Due to a (shortage of ( )marm-gnywn apples. ('nmrh- vrs will alm be able to munch an other Im‘afly-gmwn (nux'hy fruits. as well as wgctabk-s. 'lhc purpose of the went is lu pmmuu'. u'k‘bmlv and mme Iwallhy marking and hiï¬hhgh! the uvuflahfl ity of erally-‘mmn pmduw year-round. Hm event alsu pmmmvs food litvrao’ lhmugh m'tivilim nn nulritinn. ( rnxx pdlinmmn. mnuxmmg and mud \Wlt'nlk, Students at Summlwicw Public School will take pan 'm a (lanadawide crunch March 7. Last you nearty 1501“) crinnchcn umk pan avrnx-s the cmmlry. 1th war. nrgan'men‘ want BUNK!) In par- tk‘ipatc. M'houls are cncuuragvd to rL-gistvr mth hxxiï¬hdrv lnnmm. which is a not for proï¬t with a n'sum nfgnnd. hmllln. tum! fur all. "mm MGM“ PAUL VAUGHAN ‘ unq lay Rot Immune o! lac-5m vs a Cmamm moment-d (haran organumlon ‘ 1593 £32 ‘ Rmom MONDAY MARCH 4th â€" 10:00 - 11:30 am. WEDNESDAY MARCH 6th - 10:00 â€" 11:30 am. 8. 7:00 - 8:30 pm. 0 CLASSES BEGIN THE FOLLOWING WEEK 0 MARKHAM-STOUFFVILLE LOCATION 124 Dickson Hill Road, Markham ON RenovateYour «as; ? \9 23' / Phone: 905-640-01 17 or visit or email markhamfltaoistorg for more information. Just northeast of 19th Ave. and Hwy. #48 mmemmmmm I MWWMM®7DO¢SMW mwfuyodewhostandsuptomem? lt‘snoiqtï¬teassmpleashmhgabunon onllne. Ywnuyhmgapshymncovuageuyompqlky mnotbeauudiotyoucmntorflnureneeds. Youneedsomeonewhoknovayouknowsthe industryandcanhelpyoumakeme'bestdecisions toptotenyourhamautomdbusiness Hutu)»: , nus-mama Mmdkmud ï¬whhmu bundle-dun: CHAMBEROFCOMMERCE mumsun withhecutiveblndor Edward Nelks Monday mornings at 11 on wsue 102.7â€! llama misty“. lethal-hubby! cases-6424227 wanna-Ia WWW 1199mm manna-nun Mil-“$10 . W8†“NINAâ€. W‘H Minn-u. WWO!†111W“!!! Wan-ca.â€" '~ w aunt...- REGISTRATION: (905) 6424221 MMhm's warmly“ 1K: IBM-11M. mm†W310 m.“ 6128M“ Listen to “MI