1101101181 How to make our roads safer Country (Jose to the (Iity is the sometimes-mocked motto of the Town ofWhitchutch Problem is. when urban and rural get together. it can sometimes lead [0 trouble. Especially (m on: madways. Take the case of Marie Hymn. The 67-year-old Stouï¬vilk' msidt-m had her car llboned at Elgin Milk; and Reewr roads in northern Markham last month. Once wasn't enough. ITS THE YEAR OF THESNAKE, $0 I BROUGHT MY PET SNAKE CHARLIE FOR a. .A. ‘ ‘ ‘ , 1 I I ‘ -. U «3f ~ _..- ‘ he Sunhbme. ; punished mm _ “We! ‘WComumme ; WW0! zmsm .o'anIwcom. 4"? 113"}! ‘3‘; Bic-[slag gill-lg .3353! 3563.185; 5.. IE3: at III“? 5.5:... it's. 3-". 88" :9. El» .loooélnbol mulled-610w mcwmm.m- «Wm-am m.WEta. mm.m swam. mmm. mmm Malawi!†What In. ' mm.mm I'd-MW Yorklltpun Media (:mupwmlmmtv HI litIEIS POLICY “mama DISTRIBUTION WS-ZN-IZM 905-040-2612 a “15-64087â€! AlWERTIMNh 905 (’40- 261 2 El ’l H MIA! lbw-74150.“! 905540-8778 ()nm wasn't enough. It was the second time she hat) been involved in at the Intent-mun just a Whitchumh-Smuflviflc b0! The 67-year-old Stouï¬vilk- maiden! had her car llboned at Elgin Mills and Reesor roads in nonhem Markham last Supposedly. We doubt [as Vegas could give odds on the same person being hit under the same (mumstam‘t-s at lht' salm- intersection. when ooll'sions are a rar- ity. according 70 York Regional Police. It's mind-hogging ‘ So is the way we drive. especiqlly when muna'y meets city. Many ofour rural roads wen-n‘t built a commuter bywayx but that's what they have hemme. They are backmad detours around our provincial high way; and regional thoroughfares. ' 'lhe same Reesut Ruad. Whll‘h us still known as Tenth line as it winds through Whilchurch-Stoufh'illc. has a speed limit of 60 km/h between Stouffville and Markham. Yet. commut- ers and trucks regularly an that as they blow past school buses’ nd tractors goingtoandfmm‘l'oromo and southem York Region. aI the Imemeulon just south of [he Whitchumh-Stouï¬viflc border. The cast and westbound trafï¬c on Elgin Mills has to stop at the intersec- Police can't be everywhem In nah every Speeder and st0p~sign runner. just as they aren't catching every dis» traded driver out there. WhitchurchStouffviHe Mayor Wayne Emmcrson has suggested more roundaboutx His counterpart in Markham. Frank has staff investigating. Of course, we can all do a better job when we're behind the wheel We can also keep an vyr on other drivers Road Watch Ls an (mlin pm- gnm of York police that allows you In repon speeding unsafe Ianc changes. disobeying trafï¬c lights and stop Signs and cum offences. Police can follow up with which WIS. alerting them that had driving has been reported. It's not going tn changv Ihv wurkl. any more than a speeding ticket will. But it could make our wurki a Iitfll‘ mum civil and ssh-t. NI N W†PUBLISHER Ian Proud/oat Editorial (Jose to the (Zity is the rmcked motto of the Town inï¬veyears lacollision oulh oflhe [his option should be seriously considered for the Stouffville (K) Train line. as it would be much cheaper and quick: (0 build than laying down a second track for the entire distance. ’05}! UA TOSSAVAINEN MARA HAM Easy way to double up on StouffviIle GO line Watdiforyombilltopayofl Ontario'sdebt Congestion is costing Markham and the (:TA billions of dollars per year. It’s time for us to serioust Consider upgrading the Stouï¬ville GO Thin line to allâ€"day service. The main reason it hasn’t been done yet is because oflackoffunding, as pul- tingdtmnaseoondxrackafldwwaym Uncolnville would be expensive. lkmm'rr. there is a clieaper anoma- xivc that has not been considered. I‘h’e Ottawa 041nm manages to run two trains in opposite directions on a single track. This is accomplishw by having a short ‘passing track" at one of the stations. Ms Kelly quotes HUD-York Ream pmidcm David (‘chg in a memo to union slvwands as saying "if ()nnu- m's other nine million laxpayerx also chipped in $42!!!) each“. the Ontarin (k‘ht wnuld he paid off He may he nn m mum-thing. [he trains are timed so that they meet and pass each other at this sta- lion. According to Mr. (311m. the awragl' York Region (‘k'mt‘mary school teacher Will be contributing 540.500 in Min-- mom wauntk‘s and S l {.37 in lost wages Re. Could anther dispute be about money. after all? opinion mlumn by I m Kelly. km 26. Letters to the Editor When does the bill arrive at every other Omarian‘s door to help pay their in 2013-2014 from their pockets toward let's look at the legal issue of speed lug. Should I be allowed to thumb my nose at speed limit laws? On just high- ways Cl is it OK to speed in school mncs? ‘ What other laws can I ignore simpty because I disagree with them? (23h! steal a mndy bar? A flat screen? (Jan I bumpoï¬afcwblkswholminkama waste of oxygen? Why buth having any laws 3! all? Why tell our kids to laws when we break a speed limit on every day wr driw? Bring back photo radar l slmngh support photo radar with the cawal that it is a cash grab the! will h“ I“) pet u’nl directed to the rapiml budgets of rapid transit W3th All of thémnuc Gallant-d would lx- giwn tu tummunitirs that imple- mented photo radar but it could only he used to build new transit. bmdopuMdmbmu mummmmmm HAVE YOUR SAY, STOUFFVILLE NELSON DE CASTRO kn um m) mu GREG HANNAH ' MARKHAM 01m 0mm: (wanna/Rm Emu! Barry Black Alumnus [inno- Iu (Jinn [mm b“), Dim or 803mm Autumn-anon Icmn. Plenum»: ' Robe" lazurto Iohn Willem: [ache Smart The Stouffville Spirit season will ï¬nish with an unusualiy quiet whimper tonight. bioâ€"Ontario'lunior Hockey League playoï¬sformeï¬mï¬minSpiï¬tvflle since )ean (hmien was prime min- ster. N0 parking three blocks from the Stouffville Arena before staking out a spot to lay your blanket in the chilly, blue bleachers» In “fairness. it’s a lot tougher to makelhe post season in lbeZZ-team OIHL than it wasï¬wor 10 yearsago whenonlyaooupleofmcflsquads weren’t invited to the dance. But for loyal fans. it’s gotta be rough. Ten months ago. they were celgbrating the team's ï¬rst O’Hl. championship win before watchi it fall one win shy of a berth in the national tournament. No graduates committed to scholarships at big-time [1.8. cu!- legesflï¬o scoring kings. Only four players from that title team will be on the roster when the Spirit hosts the Aurora Ttgers in the season-endet tonight. (The “gem. second-mund play; of? victims of the Spirit last year. have gone in the opposite direction. After opening the vault to player acquisitions, they're on the cusp of clinching the North Division tide.) The silver lining for the Spirit? livery player is eligible to return next year from what team ofï¬cials call the youngest team in the nation. Some will graduate to higher levels. including Mart Stevens. who will be with Guelph in the Ontario Hockey Spirit general manager Kenny Burrows. reigning OHIL executive and Smuflville sports person of thc year. will reium. 'lhe arthila‘t u! past Spirit glory is also one of four franchise owners. “10 heat will be on m pruducc a bounct-«back and show fruit from the manv moves made this season. hm Mason. a former dzrwtor with {hr Srouffmlle Spirit Ir. .4 team. is pditor of The Sun- Thbum’. league. Some won't be invited back It's the nature of the beast. fieâ€"construction on in Spn’n'tville with Iim Mason Off The Top Thaw Parhmu Ikbm Wrap!