MS! WEEK: Sunday Kingston \wa puts 5 vs. StouMle Spun 0. Soul! recom: 11m.mwummm. ï¬ve shootout mus. one shootout loss. frve overtime losses. 30 tosses, 42 pomts. Fourth place In North Dwsvon. Omano Jumov Node] League. come U! baa]: vs. Aurora Tums at We Nana, 7:30 pm. (ï¬nal regal-r season ame). M NIB: me StoutMfle Spam an a book m the mm Sunday In the mm Voyageurs, the 5pm! saw me pocsed. vet eran team they were men they won Its ï¬ts! OJHL dwapï¬mshlp last yea. the younget. wounding 50m Much was ei‘mnated hum playoff 00012an last week. tost 50 to me was an the Sun:ch Arena. Currently nd mg a mne-game mnmng streak. me Wyageurs (33-20) M hash second :n'me Nam-Cast Cum behind me Tmmn Golden Hm The 1836 5pm outsbot the was 44-29. but ngstoo pane Com Maury was soud throughout and spectacuu cam m the arm, Richmond Hm pm Guelph-bound youngster has NHL, OHL, NCAA bloodlines JR. A NOTEBOOK: Spirit closes out season tonight at home Sunday Worship Sewice 11:00 am. Sunday Service “10:00 am mjnhmn til-“4174 10 on flu Pitt 19 MAW. Sham loud hour. m cum. inviting. relational, open 6528 Main St , Stouï¬vulle 905-640-2561 _ ST OUFFVILLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ludow Hams had an emptynet pal ar‘danasscstfolmewyapurs.“ wereup l Uanevonepenoaano50 throum up. Both teams were mm the“ head mamas. ngaon's Coin Burns and Stouflwue's Jeff Pemn, who were servung W. Pernn was tmown out 0‘ the Splm's shootout «an m Newmamet last Thursday 901 atgwng m an anew, um: Funnel Spun! camam Matt Neunadonepaland oneassstm helping the Remseiaev Mymchnml "smut: Engnnets debut 10man YaIe Universny 4 l m Tmy, NY. 88! urday. Neal atso had one better m RH’s 5-1 wm ave! Brown Unwelsny fnday. the sophome :5 bed mm Jason lahbene as the school's wading soon» with 25 poms (seven pets and 18 assists) RPI's recon! 514 11-5, Form Spurn mam-11c Chns Poncr had two assasts an hedpmg Amencan Manama! Couey caveat Sacred Heart 9-1 '1 Mxllord, CL Satutdq. 1M freshman has he pats and mne 83361593003127â€. Sotm Marc Mac 16. sum “MEWS-SE! “Mlm‘om Mach1$82mm7z30qn March2nd83rdat2130pm Tickets avauabte attheChurch WWZQ SeoondSmdaylnLem 8:00ana10200amEucharist ChuchSdndstay aHO:00am lOflOam Celebration Service Ed Fontaine 11:30am Sunday School for all ages Anng Church 0! Canada 254 Sunset Blvd . 905-640- I461 v. ww. sumï¬vilkanghcan ‘ca Sunday.Feb.24!h Stouflvillc Rd. at Kcnncdy Rd. 905-887~565 l‘wasmmdmms Wammmmm H Stevenswasaï¬M»m\dpuo¢me Storm (10200 mlnnme2012 0941mm Omeme $.mequ mmmmmmeww mmeStotmiocmmnamot “WWWMWVHCW onahnemStochemmabm., Micheameuobubmmalustmns aheshmaaneccyhmstCouepm Ene.Penn..mealmamate'olmnet Spmmoamomumeflheanac. LanyplapdfovSudwqandBelame tnu'teOHLThewmde,hhn5u.-vens. saanoadrmUwSmiey CupcnamplonLosmOesng-sMe washeadcoacnolmemadetoma Mshom2006â€"09, 0mm.awad8umw Damauanneiammmmey'u bememdec‘amsmnm upinmsmudanmemmeGuelph Smnno'meONanoHodeyum. abdmnovelmemmmkm wasmmmwbc um "Amy AMY MILK"! 03mm.atadaunowsam 'n‘swm'h‘m-MSWWH‘O' Mammmmmmm mmsyeac'rnsm, I Stoufl'villeSpiritrookicMarc Stevenswilljoin mï¬mmmmm mmmmmbgoflmzm WOWsGudphStormï¬dltimaï¬crtonight‘s muqu '5 WMWS‘OMMHE’SUIE Of a pod team, they «upland us and Machael Ham} Jim Mason NHL coach 10hr! Status. BLOWINGTON GOSPEL CHURCH Valentine luncheon hosted by Presbyterian Women 11:00 3.111. WELCOME TO ST. JAMES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Everyone Welcome! “32 Mail 51.. Stouffville Pic-c: 905.640.3151 Fridlthrdnl World Day of Prayer St. Mark Catholic Church Sundaysfebrmryu Service of Worship 13660 Ninth Linc N. ( 905) 642-4414 Rcv. Peter Pallant AWN chm» Sunday, Feb. 24 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 1 1:00 a.m. Worship Service 6:30 p.m. Evening Scrvicc 10:00 a.m. 2:00 pm. deservedwwmlttmkmeyhavea Wmmmnmmepmfls.‘ mmamangnsmmysmdnm mammmsmxsmcsm wmmammmpuw mW.matwflsmomnyear asMpinsomeexpen‘enceand Dammrsgumaanstmm Dumbon‘leadingkmnpa? 'We'repmgmplqmismlle mmmmmmmw tomuoommanm'msan. ‘We'remupndeandmot mumwilbemforspotson mteamnanyeatf mpmeOHLm.PeaMsaadhe desuvesmoopormnitytopb/atm Sunday School Kids Ages 2 - 12 years ofagc Lead Raster: kï¬' Laird Children '3 Panor: Lnn' Armrk Ynth Easter: Ian Harley ('muuelnr: Bonnie Barbary}! wwwspcfamilyxa Tuesday‘s @- 6z45pm - 8:15pm Jr. High - Grades 6 â€" 8 Wednesday's @ mm . 8:15pm Kids Club . SK _- Grade 5 Friday's (3‘ 7-mpm â€" 10pm SUNDAY WP 9:48AM Chinese/Erwsh/Chewren Service Stouffville Pentecole Church 6853 Main St..‘Slouffvillc 905.640.5696 (WIIIRSEIIK) 6 Oscar Peterson Public Senoot 850 Hoover Pm 0L. StoufMfle Sunday Service @ 10am cm OFFICE (m3) (647) 547-3618 17 mm Cros‘. StoufMIe stouflvmebmncmoq mstouflvubï¬coq Sr. High - Gradcsq â€" 12 Evayonc Welcome! A award: ma Bmunï¬dwunmfl’de ‘ Pastorhhhwkobbim Sunday Service I n-anm f AOmrdwinaBeauifdeouane Pastorflhlterflobbim Sunday Service 10:30am \ “MRI. - M1163 Smday,Feb.24th 7:308“ Men‘smaflmwekm GuestSpeaker‘GlobalMedx‘ 103MHWMI9 Everyonemkom NHappemdonaMonday Anofltherecodcmnon mmmmy 73mm SUMCOI’Kefl 860 Com: 8, Clamméï¬i 905â€"649-2812 Tuesday Feb. 26th ‘2'30pm SenmSoqaLunch infoestouflvitleucca hunchtofoflow OM MAGIS/ AMY DEIOCHE ï¬n-